U.S. Customs and Border Protection via Flickr

The U.S. is now facing not one, but two, illegal migrant surges at the border. Adding to the already worrisome border and humanitarian crisis created by President Bidens’ radical immigration policies and migrant-friendly statements, we now have a surge of single, male illegal migrants using military tactics to avoid the U.S. Border Patrol and ‘invade’ the U.S. along the border in Arizona.

In the Tucson Arizona area, the Border Patrol is seeing a dramatic rise in these attempted crossings.

Encounters are up more than 150% this year from the same period last year, while Border Patrol’s drone sightings of illegal migrants have tripled in the same time period.

But as CNN reports, unlike in Texas, where many turn themselves in as families to try to claim asylum, these illegal migrants in Arizona are single men, and they don’t want to be caught:

They’re not giving themselves up to get into the legal system in the US. They’re trying to cross on their own and avoid the Border Patrol at all costs. So, when they’re spotted, they don’t give themselves up. They run…

And they are using military-style tactics to avoid detection and evade the Border Patrol:

Migrants come north dressed like soldiers, wearing camouflage. They wear boots made from sections of carpet to obscure their footsteps. Crucially, they come across in multiple groups as small as one or two people, dropped along the border and told to enter at different times to outwit and overwhelm Border Patrol agents.

CNN adds:

“What they’re doing is what we call swarming,” Sabri Dikman, acting deputy chief patrol agent of the Tucson Sector, told CNN. “So instead of in years gone by where we’d have a group of 20, a group of 30 crossing the border, currently we see 10 groups of two, so what happens is they split up, they cross the border, and it takes two agents or one agent to address each one of those individual groups so we become task-saturated.”

Significantly, says the Border Patrol, these are not families or unaccompanied children crossing in Arizona. Instead, 85% of the illegal migrants they encounter there are single adults, some of whom have criminal records.

CNN continues:

Why are they coming now? Many believe that US law and Border Patrol operations changed with the new administration. And smugglers are taking advantage of that perception, lying to migrants about how they will be received at the border.

“We interview almost everyone that we arrest,” Dikman said. “What we’ve found is some of them do have a perception that there’s been a change in immigration laws — a perception that there’s a gap in enforcement on the US border.”

CNN concludes:

This is the new reality: not one, but TWO [emphasis added] surges on the southern border. In Texas, it is largely families and children, who often turn themselves in to authorities. Here in Arizona, it is single adults, directed like soldiers, doing all they can to avoid capture and come north.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AmericanActionNews.com


  1. CATHOLICS are proof positive that imbeciles are irresponsible!
    R and D mean nothing…
    Throughout history, all military and all other means of defense have been used to defend a nation. The reason for no defense is that a third of all elected are CATHOLIC “C” TRAITORS and keeping the borders open. Half call themselves r, half d.
    Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and you vote for a traitor.
    Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” TRAITOR and the borders will never be secured.

    1. Your anti-Catholicism shows you’re not a follower of Jesus Christ. You need to repent and find the Savior of the New Testament.

      A Pentecostal Protestant conservativce constitutionalist.

      1. Bigot: a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people. Note the word UNFAIRLY.
        Observation of proven failure forever is not ‘bigotry’. This would be observation, not bigotry.
        Observe and then decide if you are voting for a destruction of the USA.
        Questions to ask yourself:
        How many successful CATHOLIC “C” nations are there? Proven failure is a factor in future projections.
        Save the USA! Vote wisely, not by knee jerk dogma and propaganda.
        Give me a nice long list of a successful CATHOLIC “C” nation … Hey, you have a hundred to choose from all just south of the USA.. A hundred nations, a thousand years and exactly 100% failure! . I am waiting.

      1. If any item is not correct, great apologies will be made. However, a one liner picked up from the local pervert in the black sack does not amount to a rebuttal of any statement made. (sidestep one liners are not really a response at all.)
        If facts are presented, the bigot card is worthless.
        Please go back to the pervert in the black sack, get facts to rebut, and come back. Until then, vote for ANY “C” and you vote for a traitor.

    2. If we open a dictionary and go to stupid racist bigot idiot does your picture show up? You know that old saying “you can’t fix stupid”. you just proved it right.

    3. Just an added thought to what I posted below. You are a prime example as to why abortions are sometimes needed


      1. The Catholik sidesteppers are out in force today. Most Catholiks keep the ‘argument’ to a one line negative sidestep. By a few word negative sidestep the false ‘global change’ thing is mouthed out and you get the lemming effect. Be a lemming, be like me, follow the path to the ocean.

    5. You have a vendetta against Catholics. Did a priest molest you? Or are you a priest that got caught molesting boys?

    6. Jesus Christ predicted this when He said to St. Peter, “I will build my Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.” Truly the Jews are a massive fortification of the “gates of hell,” desperately attempting to prevail against Christ’s Holy Church.

      1. I guess you are heavy into fairy tales. Use Mother goose instead of the bi-babble. Mother goose has nice, short stories that are easy to understand, have a happy ending and have a moral to tell. the bi-babble is nothing but murder, mayhem, and un-understandable garbage.

    7. Dear old Eppie Lederer (aka Ann Landers) used to say: ‘Churches are not museums for saints. They are hospitals for sinners.’ So please don’t come down self-righteously on ANY church. Okay? Don’t criticize the mote in your brother’s eye and ignore the beam that blocks your own vision.

  2. Illegal border crossing…that is all we need to know….stop it from happening….that is why we have laws….use border patrol and if insufficient us national guard and active duty military if necessary. Stop the crossings. There is a legal way to enter the USA. Make them comply.

  3. I’ve said it all along – this isn’t an immigration problem – it’s an INVASION! It should be treated that way. You do not have this many people crossing the border and not consider it an invasion. You definitely do not have young males in military uniforms cross the border and not consider it an invasion! We are being invaded by enemies of our country while Biden and Harris do nothing. They should be impeached immediately and tried for treason!

  4. The Democraps HATE Americans and America so they will do EVERYTHING they can to HURT Americans and America. These ILLEGALS are Democraps way of staying in power. That is why Pedo Joe told those who are the very ILLEGALS swarming the border now to come during the Debates. It was part of the Democraps plan for post election actions. These ILLEGALS and those already here are the source of all the ILLEGAL VOTES cast for Democraps. During the Alabama special Election a Democrapic operative admitted he was driving a bus load of ILLEGALS and HOMELESS people to different polling places to vote for the Democrap in that race.

  5. We thank you! We thank you, Joe Biden! We Americans are SO pleased that you destroyed the working border situation that President Trump had going at so much cost and effort. Of course we know that you were COMPLETELY aware that we did not want a controlled southern border with Mexico, and that we delighted in the idea that illegal alien families and criminal adults would come flood into our country to get all the welfare and free health care you promised them in your campaign slogans.

    And now that we’ve seen what you can do when you really put your mind (your mind?) to it, why don’t you just reverse everything you’ve done so we won’t have to worry about being murdered in our beds tonight! Could you just please do that Biden? Actually, we absolutely DEMAND that you do that, or we will destroy your loathsome Democrat Party from the ground up – and you with it. My God you are the sorriest piece of moral trash in the entire country. How can you possibly be regarded as an American?

  6. You might like to capitalize ‘CONSERVATIVE CONSTITUTIONALIST’. When America goes wrong is when the the US Constitution is ignored. This did not happen overnight.

  7. LISTEN UP…AS Long as BIDEN is PREZ….AMERICA/AMERICANS Will Be LAST. Fro m SamuraiQueen. 😄😄😄

  8. Biden’s handling of the border is criminal. It’s treasonous to the American people. We have laws that are being broken that affect WE THE POPLE. Biden won’t do anything about it. I feel mad at the administration and heart broken for the kids being injured on their way here. Biden invited them and for that reason alone he is responsible for what happens to them especially once they’re processed at one of our border camps. Where’s Harris anyway? What could she possibly think is more important that the crisis at our border? I hope our military steps in to protect the migrants and in the process they will hopefully protect Americans from those who come here to cause harm.

  9. It is time to take back our countr,y from the comunists, and from the illegal aliens whom the communists are encouraging to come here in the hopes that they will support the communists’ agenda, and it is time to do so by whatever means are necessary.

  10. You cannot categorize all Catholics in the same boat. The Popes and Priests are doubtful as we have learnt of their Pedophilia which is abhorrent. But in Europe Catholics are the main religion and used to be in French Canada too (Quebec). My family originated from Malta and Italy and France and we were born Catholic. I am now totally Jesus Christ follower and having a relationship with Jesus is the ultimate. But looking back at my family, they were all devout Christians and wouldn’t hurt a fly! The critism I had as a child is a) A priest cant give advice on marriage or raising children, b) the Catholic Church expects you to pay allegiance to the Pope, and learn the Catechism and most Catholics are ignorant of true Bible teachings because we learnt what the Catholic Church taught us (Educated in a Convent) But that doesnt make Catholics bad, rather indoctrinated Read Leon Uris book “Trinity” about how the Priests in Ireland dominated the Community

  11. The only difference between Muslim and CATHOLIC “C” is the continent they destroy…….Sanctuary is CATHOLIC. This is defiance and insurrection and treason. Look to history to find that dissent is the means of destroying a nation. The issue is NOT R and D! Being “C” is treason. NO “C” is an American. Remember the phrase of the Catholics – “god before country”. The translation is “ VATICAN before the USA”. Vote for ANY “C” and you vote for a traitor and failure forever.

  12. Groups of two strike me as an easier snip target.
    Post a weapon every 1/4 mile or so. Flop the corpse back over the wall
    The word will get out.

  13. Biden and the Democrats have made a total mess of all the hard work that Trump did. And he has managed to set a new record in how to screw up everything in the shortest amount of time possible. You Democrats are to blame as you continue to support Biden.

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