Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds pledged on April 7 that the state will oppose vaccine passports legislatively or on an executive level as she believes the tech violates personal choice, privacy, and HIPAA.
Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte issued an executive order on April 13 banning the use of vaccine passports, he announced on Twitter.
I strongly encourage Montanans to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Receiving one is entirely voluntary and won’t be mandated by the state.
That’s why today I issued an executive order prohibiting “vaccine passports," and I’ll continue protecting individual liberty and personal privacy.
— Governor Greg Gianforte (@GovGianforte) April 13, 2021
the passport nonsense can never be enforced, major law suits if they try..
globalists and globalist puppet $oro$ and globalist puppet, democrat criminal party love to waste hard working American taxpayer money on law suits and even after they are found guilty they still continue to commit the crimes .
The states are totally poerless against private businesses or International travel. You will never be allowed in Canada again without one and most crowd oriented entertainment is in favour of them. You can complain all you want, but your governors are absolutely powerless.
you wish–if it happens TRUMP will recind it anyway.😊😊😊
Who the hell wants to go to Canada?
Missouri also just passed this no passport
Man is crazy, he doesn’t know what he’s doing
globalist puppet, chester the molester biden knows what he is doing, obeying and preaching the globalist agendas .
It is pleasant that 12 states tell globalists and globalist puppet $oro$ to stick their bribes where the sun don’t shine .
My medical status is my business regardless and no they can ask all they want, don’t have to show 💩💩
Well great this shows 10 republican controlled and one democrat controlled state. with the addition of missouri after this was printed. Now 13 states are against it. As this would be a violation against the US constitution. It proves that any American wanting this is a liberal democrat and wants to be marked and branded and prove that they are against the constitution but in all reality perhaps the states should all agree to this and the choice be given to opt out of this idea by the individual. Then since the the Democrats want this. Then it should used to implement a federal id for voting in the United States???? HaHaHaHeHe suckers stabbed there own back by pushing for it in certain states???
Sure democraps are all in line for “show me your papers or I burn you with my cigarette”!
Chose freedom and Remove all these communist, marxist, socialist, progressive, stalinists, leninists, pedophile protector democrats from office! Period.
Watch out for the Nuremberg trials No mandatory experimental vaccines should ever be forced on humanity , or passports We are human beings, not commodities owned by a bankrupt Corporation. All who were complicit will be tried in Nuremberg, including the thugs that locked up the 2 Canadian Pastors and the one Pastors brother. That is pure evil to be held for worshipping God Almighty at Easter, our most sacred season
And we move another step closer to civil war. I welcome the chance to throw off the yoke of tyranny.
Maybe the states that require one will put up a wall to keep the rest of us out.
Okay…let’s see if I have this correct….does this mean that all these illegal aliens are banned from some states because they have not been vaccinated? They are allowed in our country but not in some states which are probably the very states that allowed them in the country….oh what a tangled web we weave….and mess….
I correct my one statement….probably not the states that allowed them in the country….just the government….