Phil Roeder from Des Moines, IA, USA via Wikimedia Commons

MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid, long known for her outlandish and borderline insane claims, upped the ante on Wednesday tweeted out a new claim about conservatives that even many liberals thought was beyond the pale.

In an unhinged tweet, Reid claimed that ‘people on the right would trade all the tax cuts for the ability to openly say the n-word.’

As Townhall reports:

She was responding to a tweet sent by MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson, where he went after writer Bari Weiss for talking about self-censoring.

That same day on her show, “ReidOut,” Reid said Republican state governors only care about vaccinating black people to “get their behinds into the factory and make me my steaks, make me my stuff.”




      1. [spoiler title=”Grow up, be an adult a word is a word clean and simple!”] [/spoiler]

    1. She probably makes a buttload of money! Uh oh! That would mean she is one of the affluent elite!

    2. Yeah, she better watch out. The demos want equaty which is redistribution of everyone’s money so everybody has the same amount. You think she is ready for that? What a lame n.

    3. All these people on the left are ” fanning the flames of racism” they are creating hate amongst the citizenry. They all workout of same playbook and the “SHEEP FOLLOW”

      1. Yes they continue to promote hate instead of peace/unity….she’s a disgrace to all and should b banned from pushing her trash via her privileged job to the world! Give her a muzzle:…until she can offer uplifting /positive ideas /solutions while collecting an obscene salary! What a lifestyle & privilege RACISM HAS given to her and MANY others, what has she/others given back???

    1. She is getting this from soros/o’bama…..OBVIOUSLY….then they sit back and LAUGH….LAUGH about their own STOOPIDITY…..

  2. How can this woman be allowed to shill her animosity towards white people? Is she MSNBC’s token black person? If so, she should be fired. Who is she jealous of? Probably white people who had no choice of skin color when they were born, like she didn’t.

  3. Joyless, what a moron! Get a real job and quit the insults. It is a sign that you don’t have anything worthwhile to say.

  4. Really? Boy is SHE off and lacking knowledge of history. GOP is STILL the abolitionist party. She needs to aim that racist rant at her overlords of the Jim Crowe Dem party. She should start with her overlord hillary and robert byrd former leader of the klan.

  5. Joy there is only one person of color that I would like to see gone from the public eye and that is you because you infect the world with hate and bigotry. The rest are all pleasant and easy to get along with and fun to be around.

  6. Hey Joy Reid; I never use the “N” word, because I was taught better than that; that racism is ignorant…you apparently missed that life’s lesson…..but I tell you what, you send me your Reperations check, and I promise I will never call you that!

    1. Saying the “N” isn’t being racist. Who told you that? Did you know that black leaders and black organizations want white people and jews off the face of the earth.

  7. LISTEN UP…JOY REID…I Hope You Know….BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT is GOING UP Under JOE BIDEN. ..along with theOther RACES including WHITES. DJ TRUMP= JOBS +PROSPERITY +GOD’S BLESSING. From SamuraiQueen. 😄😄😄

  8. What a deranged racist she is, stupid as well. Democrats are your N word oppressors and have always been so. How did she pass third grade let alone become a Communist commentator.

  9. Reid is just a snide condescending arrogant ugly racist bi_ _ h! Anything she says should just be ignored because what ever she says will be distorted obnoxious mis-information anyway! I would never even consider watching MSNBC (Mostly Socialist Nonsense Broadcasting Company) or CNN (Communist News Network), but l enjoy seeing clips of their mis-information b.s. spewing talking heads on FOX or Newsmax (‘can’t get OAN on Dish, who by the way are bandits just like Comcast or Direct TV).

  10. The blatant, over-the-top hostility, the racist attitude, deep seated hatred and distorted perceptions and pontifications of this person are, I’m sure, the reason she has her media exposure. Ratings! Not that I think it’s a put on. Venom drips from every word. It’s almost funny if it were not so vehement. If equivalent displays came from a white or Asian person, they would be mandated for serious counseling and medication. Pathetic!

  11. Such hate. Just plain stupid. I don’t use the “n” word but it’s just a word. …and I Mae my own “stuff”…

  12. It’s really funny! Why does someone like Joy Reid keep showing just how STUPID she is?
    I guess her Mom should have told her keep them GUESSING!

  13. Why this idiot is still on TV is amazing to me!!!
    She should have been gone long ago, but she keeps making these kind of statements just to keep the controversy going, fanning the flames of hate, which keeps the other idiots traveling down the same path with her!!
    MSNBC is using that dumb bi*ch for ratings, and nothing more, and she’s stupid enough to let them pimp her out to the viral Libetards that suck it up like its the air they breath!!

    Absolutely hateful person that continues to breed hate!!

  14. I’ll say it. Nigritude. Spellcheck says its not a word but it’s in the OAD. Is that the N word she was talking about? And I didn’t have to trade anything for it.

      1. It needs to be pushed!!
        If its not, our entire way of verbal communication will be striped away and we’ll have to go back to grunts and snorts just to be sure we don’t say anything that will offend the idiots!!

  15. Joy’s had her head up her a$$ for so long that the methane gas has obliterated what was undoubtedly her last few remaining brain cells. She’s the best example of a racist and student of victimology that you can find on TV.

  16. As far as anyone who is not disabled, if they are not willing to work, then perhaps death is the reasonable alternative. Even most disabled people work. Only those who want a handout avoid the reality of needing to work to support ones self. Reid dies not work. She obfuscates, pontificates, and stirs up trouble. She is a burden on society, not a social contributor.

  17. You have a lot of nerve, you don’t know how everybody feels. Your statement makes you look like an Idiot, and very Racist.

  18. There are no words to describe the utter ignorance of this woman. You are beyond rediculous. A complete and idiotic person. I PITY YOU for your hate of people you don’t know. MSNBC you are worse for allowing this. But judging by the rest of your crew I’d say birds of a feather flock together. At least you will be easy to spot.

  19. There is no written law that says you can’t say that N-word. By being criticized for saying it on;y drives a wedge between Whites and Blacks.
    It’s now getting to the point where whites don’t want anything to do with them because of their continued complaints about slavery, struggles etc. etc.. and laws made for them such as affirmative action, civil rights etc. etc..

  20. You will never control the white people or any other people! You need to be controlled big time!! You need your mouth glued shut!! What a racist you are. You should be ashamed of yourself!’ God is so dissatisfied with you!!!!

  21. That must be some good SHIT your smoking and getting in the Chinese Bribe box that your traitor money comes in. Where do you people keep dreaming up this stuff. I could care less about the “N” word. I hear blacks call each other that all the time in school. Not much in public, but on the streets sometimes. It doesn’t offend me so why does it offend you so much? Guess you have to keep it going because you don’t have anything constructive to say so you keep recycling the “N” word to keep the pot boiling. To me “N***ERS” are NOT BLACK PEOPLE, BUT THUGS, Criminals, Pimps. etc. I feel sorry for the GOOD Black PEOPLE and Black Police who get thrown in with the thugs. I don’t care what you call each other as long as you don’t blame ME for it. I am NOT PC and don’t give a SHIT. You have MORE IMPORTANT STUFF to deal with in Washington than this CRAP. Quite playing the race card and get to the real work you were elected to do. Keep stirring the pot and it might boil over! GOD BLESS and PRAY for America and Israel.

  22. She spends too much time in the bars drinking and talking to dumb heads. She must not have much to do at work because no one could ever thought that sentence up if they were working . What a stupid , dumb ignoramus thing to say .

  23. I NEVER had an interest in using this word, but black people LOVE, LOVE using it….so, NOOOOOOO, I would never give up LOWER Taxes for something so DEMEANING and USELESS…I LIKE “Civility”…..But then, I wonder how MUCH $$$$ the soros CABAL is PAYING her to come up with this OUTRAGES stuff, backed-up by o’bama…..!!!!

  24. She is nothing but a racist. Their culture uses the N word all the time and she’s going to bring that up now. She is a trouble maker. It’s time to cancel her and all like her.

  25. I guess it’s ok for her to call the kettle black and make racist statements that shows only that she is a raving lunatic and a hater of white people

  26. Not to worry, she is referring to her OWN Race, they LOVE that word…..And I myself would NEVER LOWER myself to HER/THEIR standard…..!!!

  27. Does she really believe that the Black community would not do the same thing given the chance? Oh please. I guess because she is black she thinks she can make racist remarks and not be called out for it. People like her are not helping bring this country together. She just further divides it.

  28. Joy Reed is mentally ill and the most hateful, bigoted, racist I have ever seen. It’s people like her the GOP can’t stand, not because of the pigment of her skin, but because of the hate that comes from her disgusting mouth.

  29. Oh for pity’s sake. This woman is just a shill for the leftist propaganda machine media. Anything she says is for attention and ratings. Why would anyone with a brain really care what any media hack says?

  30. How rude many of these comments sound. I feel the less ugly remarks posted the better ordinary people respond to the words.

  31. Joy is anything but. She is a huge racist jerk and should be silenced like conservatives are. Msnbc is a communist bunch of non-essential mouthpieces.

  32. You think THAT’S bad, look at Twitter…more people there AGREE with her!! It;’s terrifying! They say that no white Republican has black friends (AND I DO!!! I AM NOT LIEING, I DO!!) and every Republican secretly does wanna say that word (again, I was taught that word is evil!! And I was never ever ever to say it no matter what!)
    I don;t know where THEY live,. but here in New Jersey I have never heard ANY white person say that word. Black people, on the other hand say it left and right here….

  33. This idiot has made soooooooo many ignorant comments, why is she still employed????? Talk about race baiting, again, why is she still employed????

  34. I have a question for Joy Ann Reid, if those protesting the use of the “n” word can use it to address others of their race, why is it objectionable to those outside the preferred race to use the same term?

  35. We Really need to address the mental Health Issues in our country so people like Ms. Reid can get the help she so separately NEEDS. Obviously her Health insurance won’t cover it or she would have gotten help by now. So Sad.

  36. God no wonder USA is in state like this. The complaint nuts are on national TV. she needs to resign YESTERDAY IS ALREADY TO LATE. Where th his Morons coming from?

  37. Has this species of a human Calamity Reid ever have anything smart, intelligent and sensitive about anything Black and White in America??

  38. This woman is a RACIST, stone cold RACIST.
    She is so driven by “White Hate” that she talks exactly like Southern Democrats talked in the 1950’s when they talked about blacks. Same words, same meaning, same racist intent.

    I rebuke her, and all who act and talk like her. She seeks to make herself better that “them white folks” by talking down about them. By making others believe those “white folks” are all bad, because they are white. Exactly what the KKK Democrats did from 1864 until 1966 when the WHITE REPUBLICANS ALL VOTED IN THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, and EVERY Democrat in Congress voted AGAINST it.

    Clean your mouth woman, clean your heart.
    “Hate is when you take poison yourself because you believe it will kill someone else.”

  39. What Joy should also address is people of color using the N word in their bantering back and forth in hostile and comedic conversation/dialog. I once owned a convenience and had a great relationship with my customers who often patronized such stores as mine where we would offer a little credit to them for things they needed until they got to pay day. Many of the patrons were more like friends than customers and, as the years pass by, you event got to know their families, saw some of them get married, and then have kids and you would meet them. That being said I did get into it with some for using the N word and told them not in my store. They laughed and said forget it because it’s the way we deal with each other and we can say N because of who we are while you can’t because you’re a whitie. That’s where Joy Reid should open her mouth and also disagree with what is being said and done in situations I’ve just mentioned. On the other hand I was told by a gay customer some in his community refer to him as a “queer” and although he didn’t like it that was acceptable in the minds of their community activists even though people who don’t understand their lingo see it as demeaning.

  40. Joy Reid – the name alone makes one scratch their head in confusion – because a) Joy…she is so far from ever bring joy to anyone. And b) Reid likely does very little “reading.” She is a hot mess and is nothing but a manure-slewing race-baiting shrew who is the very lowest of the low on anyone’s totem pole. Quite frankly, I think the old cow needs to get laid.

    She’s getting paid a boatload of money to carry the leftist narrative to her own people, deceiving them to the point of utter cruelty. The black dems only play for their own dinner. Keeping the poor, under-served blacks down and out and dependent on government is their goal. They could care less about the people that need help or guidance to get them out of poverty. The systemic racism isn’t courtesy of the white conservatives, but rather the black leftists who are merely opportunists. The truth is, if the majority of blacks managed to be fortunate to get the education and support they need to be successful, it would put the likes of Joy Reid, Al Sharpton, Don Lemon, et al, totally out of business.

    That’s all.

  41. reid proves once again what a true racist she is!!!
    Where is biden? You know when one LIES as he and his whole herd does, they have to stay away from the news, THEY CAN’T REMEMBER WHAT LIE THEY TOLD LAST!!!
    We MUST do something & FAST!!! They want to change everything we’ve enjoyed in living a truly free life, they’re taking things away one by one, letting ILLEGAL’S vote? No ID?? Prisoners to vote??? He’s letting INFECTED ILLEGAL’S IN TEXAS AND ELSEWHERE, he should host them ALL. These people dementiacrats, they won’t stop till they OWN YOU!!!!

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