Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Some of President Trump’s strongest allies are turning on Lin Wood after the pro-Trump attorney posted a death threat against Vice President Mike Pence the day after deadly riots at the U.S. Capitol building.

Wood told his followers on Parler, “Get the firing squads ready. Pence goes FIRST.” Wood also called for the arrest of Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

Mediaite’s Zachary Petrizzo reports:

Early Friday morning Wood also claimed that Ashli Babbitt, the woman shot dead by Capitol Police on Wednesday, is still “alive.”

Babbitt’s husband, Aaron Babbitt, confirmed to San Diego’s KUSI News on Wednesday night she was the woman who had been shot and killed during the Capitol riot.

It’s unclear whether Wood deleted the posts or Parler removed them. Neither a Parler communications representative nor CEO John Matze responded to multiple requests for comment on the matter.

Following Wood’s threat aimed at Pence both Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis and Nicholas Sandmann, one of his highest-profile clients, criticized him.


  1. The swamp is PANICKING! their throwing everything including the kitchen sink.
    Now we know all the traitors by name.

        1. what about N Korea….send them to N Korea along with Obama so N Korea can make a zombie out of them like the poor boy Obama left there to be tortured unbearable till death.

      1. Other option stand your ground, make this an even more divided America. Governing has no chance, politicians are now just figureheads, Capitol Building is just a building. Even DC is just a wasted city.

        1. I agree with you Lt. Polans. Biden is an illegitimate president,and there is absolutely no reason why we should pay any attention to his governance. I equate the present situation to the prohibition era. Prohibition was ignored by a vast number of citizens, and was soon overturned. The exact same outcome should be the norm for every socialist scheme that Biden and his administration present.

          1. I totally agree and won’t be paying any attention to this Senile OLD MAN. He’s not MY president.


          3. Time to get to a better place The drooling old fool is going to force a civil war they are already filling anti gun bills with the intent of disarming us so we can’t fight the government like every communist dictatorship around the world has done. We either win or America is no more

          4. Louisa, you sound like you don’t have the stomach for a fight. The good news is you don’t have to fight, just resist and stay grounded. Don’t let your emotions get the better of you and dictate your actions.
            Be wiser than the serpent.

          5. Come to Texas, Louisa. We will need every Conservative and Christian voter to stay red. We were a target for the Left too, but our state refused to use Dominion voting machines.
            The Democrats peddling fraud had to be on the ground. One such, Raquel Rodriguez, was arrested this week. She illegally harvested 10,000 ballots in San Antonio…and that’s just one person who was stopped before the end of the voting period.

        2. Yes, but we’ll build back a better USA with real citzens that love our country, and
          never to be overtaken by foreign entities or the deep state. Time for term limits!

      1. Well, Mr. JJ Turkleton: the Democrats (those corrupt democrats) should not have rigged the election!! That started the whole thing!! Everyone in America knows they stole the election; we all also know that is the only way these sleasy people can win anything of value.

        1. I’m not arguing that they stole the election. I’m saying they succeeded and republicans are now totally irrelevant. I’m not sure if you understand this, but they now control all three houses of government. I’m also asking what is anybody going to do about it?



          3. Barr is a turncoat he joined democrats in saying Trump incited what happened and in doing so violated his oath of office. But nobody says a word about Nancy trying a military coups

          4. I would be interested in knowing what they are. I suspect that you and I are of a like mind as to how to proceed. If you are able, message me Facebook, or another platform if you prefer. We will exchange ideas.

          5. Never been on Twitter, cancelled my Facebook account over three years ago and never been on Instagram. Advise all patriots to stay away from these prog-based, America-hating platforms. Watch your back with Google and Amazon as well.

          6. Stay tuned, do you think anyone is stupid enough to announce it?

          7. I don’t and I certainly hope not. Loose lips sink ships. I do believe this needs to be dealt with in no uncertain terms.

          8. Yes, I have a solution. We, the people, pay their bills around here. We should immediately stop paying taxes, mortgages, car payments, school taxes, everything. In the words of turncoat George Bush, “this suckers goin down”. We have no representation. Therefore, there should be no taxation. It will take 30, no more than 60 days, to “bring this sucker down”. No payments until election results are verified by military oversight. And all implicated traitos removed from office at ALL levels of government.

          9. All that will do is get your car repossessed. To really make it work we would need to stop working and stop buying things

          10. What do mortgages and ca payments have to do with it? They are contacts you made with someone else. If you don’t pay them they SHOULD reposesss your home and your car.

          11. Think of how that will play out… there won’t be some big large battlefield like in wars past. More likely it will be treated like domestic disturbances and handled on an individual basis with plenty of firepower. Also, they have the means of communication and control over all tech. They can shut down electronic infrastructure and basicaslly starve you out.

          12. Ignore them en mass. There will be nothing that they can do if we stand resolute together, and either ignore or refute their agenda.

          13. You need to have a communications infrastructure that they cannot shut down or control.

          14. Wait for the next election and vote the Republicans back in!! by that time most people will have gotten vaccinated so they’ll get the machines back and then there will BE no more ways to cheat!
            In the meantime do what we did when Obama was in, Just ignore anything that peabrain says!! Just pretend he;s not there, every word goes in one ear and out the other!

          15. That is not going to work as they have declared war on us. This time we will have to fight as they are done trying to slow walking us to communism. The very first thing they are going to do is disarming us. Get ready it is going to blow open very soon.

          16. Louisa, after witnessing what we just saw, what makes you think that they will allow any nationalist candidates to be elected? That’s what was really going on here; Trump is a nationalist and the globalists, both D & R, cannot and will not allow their agenda to be thwarted ever again.
            That’s why Trump got so much flak from day one.

          17. It’s not wishful thinking at all. Based upon what I’ve witnessed the republican party is controlled by the progressives. You’re going to see far fewer Matt Goetzes and Louis Gomerts and more romneys and bushes.

        2. WE ALL saw all the fraud and illegal ballots, plus all the signed legal papers from people who were there and saw it! Its very sad that our so called judges and supremes would not take the case because of all the disruption it might cause. WELL LOOK AT WHAT WE HAVE NOW! Hope you are all happy when the courts are packed and you have no say!

        1. Is it? Have you tried posting on Youtube, Twitter or Facebook lately? Or any forum at all, including this one?

      2. How do you prove the election was not rigged in the 3 battleground states that are Republican? So, all the videos, and eyewitness reports, voter machine forensic analysis are delusional ?

        1. Not to mention at 1:00 AM when they decided to call it a night the odds that Biden would overcome the deficit was one in Fifty three MILLION! He had better odds of hitting the power ball

        2. I agree that there were many people bought out! In every way form and fashion. Why else unless they threatening his life? Didn’t Pence send the electoral votes back to the states? That clearly didn’t fallow their own legislation & constitutional process. They could have asked them to clarify those results. With forensic evidence? I understand that a couple of the states, they did ask for them to be returned? I’m not positive, i did here that they requested that they be returned. What the heck happened? This is a coup to take the United States from the People. I don’t trust any of it. I’m sure I’m not alone in this either.

          1. Yes 3 states Pennsylvania Georgia and Arizona asked by letter from the states legislatures and he ignored them all to join democrats tyranny

        3. There’s a “General Affidavit” from Prof Alfio D’Urso, Advocate/Lawyer. Arturo D’Elia, former head of the IT Department of leonaedoSpA, has been charged by the public prosecutor of Naples and in sworn testimony states on 4 November 2020, under instructions and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy in Rome, undertook the operation to switch data from theUS Elections of 3 November 2020 from the significant margin of victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals. This person says he has back up data and is willing to testify in court. Asking for protection for self and family.
          This is only a part of the Affidavit.

          1. This person needs to be found and testify here in court before January 20, 2020 He needs to get in touch with President Trump or Trump’s Lawyers.

        4. It was absolutely rigged 100%
          It was also ignored 100% by the very people that were supposed to provide justice.

      3. It is you who is delusional if you think that patriotic constitution supporting Americans are just going to let the abuses that the democrats have perpetrated go unchallenged. They have exposed themselves as lying hypocrits who are not deserving of any consideration.

        1. David, I’m not delusional and I hope you’re right. My point is that we are in disarray after this, and if we havent already organized we’ll always be ten steps behind. I watched for four years as people gloated and projected republicans the winners for the next two generations and I constantly reminded them not to count their chickens before they hatch… and now this.
          I’ve seen this coming for decades and now it’s here.

        1. Brilliant response. No wonder we’re in the shape we’re in. I’ll bet you were one of those proclaiming “No democrat will ever sit in the white house again!”
          Notice I didn’t say “elected” because biden definitely wasn’t elected.

      1. There are two Americas now, the patriots and the traitors. I’ll assume you are a patriot the authority is yours. It goes President Trump, Gen. Flynn, to yourself.

    1. oh my are you dreaming now biden is in there will be no indictments, or military tribunals, they all walk free

      1. On the contrary Brenda , there will be indictments and military tribunals . Sleepy Joe will start arresting any and all who oppose him .
        So therefore ” BUCK FIDEN !”

        1. I don’t think so, Wyatt. He is crooked, but not stupid. He knows there are nowhere enough LEOs OR military to pull that off.

      2. Yeah and hunter will be wearing a crown! Wonder where and how deep all the PROOF of the dirty evil deeds will be buried?

    2. Military Trials have been ongoing for YEARS. Tho guilty hare already been TRIED, SENTENCED! Arrests started the first day in Office of Donald J Trump, Our President.

  2. Well, I certainly understand Lin’s frustration, and frankly treason is punishable by death and usually with firing squad, so that’s certainly on the table, but I think Pence (if he was even found guilty of treason, would be way behind many others so it’s far too soon to be talking about that). A shame the liberal democrats seem to be able to incite violence and lie with virtually every word out of their mouth, but as soon as a non liberal does it, it makes the national news. Lets talk about the months of government employed liberals who incited violence that ACTUALLY ended in FIRES, DEAD, and CITIES and COURTS up in smoke, and the media called them “peaceful protests” for months, shall we?

    1. You stated it so well, much better than myself. I’m too upset to think or speak at the top of my game. God bless President Trump. God bless America.

    2. You hit the nail on the head. That the bullshit MSM, who throws gas on the fire, should be at the top of the list.


      1. What proof of Pence’s child trafficking is there? I dislike Pence as much as you do. Words can be spoken of that, but is there any proof. I also think Pence is a traitor to our Nation. I hope President Trump and attorney Lin Wood have a plan in the works to take down the liberals.

        1. I think he does but me might have to wait for about 10 days until he;s out of office and then no one can stop him.

      1. Me Too bin looking forward to it, after 4 years of Trump abuse, and being treated wurs than a animal, some one needs to hang, and it better be a white asshole starting with Pelosie I’m so sick of all these low live DEM DEVILS. And I’m old and white.

    4. I agree and have stated this same thing. It’s been going on for 12 years now. They do a coup and blame it on Trump supporters. They make the news headlines. Most of the people who done harm to the Capital, I would bet. They were not even Trump supporters. I saw a clip of them being let in by someone waving them in? Who and what was that about? We have to ask these types of questions. Do our homework!

    5. Much of that can be attributed to the mainstream media and big tech companies, all of whom have either neglected or glossed over the facts. They are almost all owned by liberal socialist supporters, so what would one expect?

  3. This is strange. No one took down Hollywood’s accounts when they horribly conducted a simulation of, as I understand it, the President’s beheading which was egregious. Democrats called for harassment of Trump and his supporters. They lied on line about many things. No one suppressed their voices. They were not banned from media. This is unconstitutional. Where are the lawyers to sue these media outlets? I may not agree with what has been said, but unless it is actionable, there is a right of free speech. Of course communists suppress all free speech.

    1. But , But , they were stars in Hollyweird 💩 . They are so much more informed don’t you know .
      NOT ! 😾

  4. If Trump doesn’t invoke the insurrection Act then it’s over. Already twitter banned Trump. Google, Amazon and Apple are taking down Parlar. CNN openly said they what to shutdown FOX. CNN called all the ISP to shutdown FOX.

    This is only 1 day after the electoral ballots were counted. This is why Pelosi and all the Communist’s want to impeach Trump right now. They are afraid he’s going to invoke the insurrection Act. Then they will be toast.

    Please President Trump save our Republic. It’s your Constitutional Right and Duty to protect America from enemies both foreign and domestic. By invoking the IA you keep the Courts out of it. It’s you and only you who can save our Republic.
    They are insane and want to kill us. Believe it. This is reality not a video game. They are the most vicious enemies of the USA. They will topple Lady Liberty just like they took down other statues of great American Citizens. If they topple Lady Liberty then our Republic is dead and will never rise again. That’s a fact. The world will never be the same if America falls.

    This is worth having a Civil War over. Do we not take up the mantle that so many soldiers have given the ultimate sacrifice have done in defending freedom. Why should we be exempt from this duty? If good and moral men don’t do anything when they see Tyranny NOW, Not it might come it is here NOW, then we will become like the Citizens of all the other mass murdering Dictators in the past.
    If we don’t have the courage to defend our own Country and lives then we deserve what we get and the greatest Country on earth shall only lived 350 years.

      1. NOT SICK, just know how far down our country will go with commie/lefty lying evil people who care not for America, or WE THE TRUE CITIZENS OF AMERICA! And the FRAUD was for the whole world to see!

      2. I suppose you think that accepting “defeat” includes forgetting that the election was a fraudulent farce, and that far more valid votes were cast for the “loser” than for the deceitful crook who stole it? That’s not going to happen, and the resulting backlash is going to be a nightmare for Biden that he can’t even begin to fathom…..yet!

  5. Donald Trump’s immediate family can perhaps now gain some peace, & move freely again as private citizens. I’m asking Nancy Pelosi & Senator Biden to let this family leave peacefully on their own terms. Please don’t waste taxpayer money on another impeachment, as its in no one’s best interest. Focus on issuing the stimulus checks, vaccine immunization shots, lowering college tuition costs for the young voters, bringing back the economy. Things voters will remember & appreciate.

    1. Well Said, Ginger !!! ………….WE do not need or want open borders either !!! Can’t take care of our own citizens let alone a couple more gazillion . Our citizens have been neglected far too much……sad to see foreign countries living off our hard earn tax payer money paid into the government, should be there for out people and then help other countries . To neglect our people HOW did they get to that point ? Our people provide the money to help those countries and for some of the most insane reasons!! Has any of Congress ever wondered how to feed crying children cause they are cold and hungry wondering how long they will have roof over their heads ? Do not think so, still time to work on that and make things right……but that is only if you care abut what kind of legacy you want to leave and how peaceful you want our country to be… much good you can do……….sigh, wat a freaking mess !!!

    2. I say bring it on! People need to see what is happening to the greatest country to ever exist. If only people would listen to those who have fled here for liberty and have been warning us of what was coming. My own thirty year old daughter can’t stand me because I wholeheartedly support President Trump. This week has been devastating.

    3. They can’t. They hate and fear Donald Trump and his supporters more than they love America. Hate is toxic, we must make sure we do not fall into that same hate snare. Please everyone stay sane and reasonable to win the long game.

        1. Oh Charles, you are so mistaken. It is FAR from over. Biden is going to understand the same discomfort, angst, and frustraton that his democrat cohorts heaped on President Trump for four years, and if he shouyld fold under the pressure, it will be redoubled for Harris.

    4. Pelosi still wants revenge Her deranged mind still can’t get past Trump’s victory in 2016 . This delayed her power grab with the rest of the left . Now her future is questionable and he legacy in doubt . Now it seems she will only be recalled as the “Wicked _itch of the West”
      _fill in the blank as you wish)

    5. Ginger your comments indicate that you believe that Pelosi and Biden are honorable people who will focus on legislative policies that will benefit the populace. You are either very kind hearted or deceived. In either case you are wrong.

      Ginger, communists do not back off from a victim’s throat, they always go for the jugular. Pelosi et al is currently talking impeachment, soon it will be imprisonment for Trump, then for his family, then for his supporters.
      I suggest you go to YouTube and look up the Project Veritas videos of Bernie Sanders’s state campaign leaders discussing their future policies and plans when they take power. The videos are quite enlightening and sobering. They mention re-education concentration camps and allude to firing squads for those individuals who don’t accept their policies. The Bernie Sanders and Biden groups have basically merged. The leftist have for months been suggesting that lists of Trump supporters must be made and “these people” be dealt with.
      Their plan will be to:
      •Control the narrative by controlling all media & social media.
      •Gun confiscation.
      •Shame and silence all verbal opposition and further control free speech.
      •Control all judges, DAs, prosecutors, police chiefs, sheriff’s via blackmail, bribes and intimidation.
      •Control all the court systems.
      •Control the heads of the military and Pentagon, all branches of the armed forces including the National Guard.
      •Gun confiscation.
      •Control all access to all types of financial assets and employment.
      •Control access to healthcare.
      •Control movements, travel, and assembly.
      •Further tighten control of government schools, eliminate all private schools, charter schools, and home schools.
      •Gun confiscation.
      •Control or eliminate all religious groups.
      •Establish re-education camps.
      •Purge dissidents.

      Note I have listed Gun confiscation multiple times as I am not exactly sure when that will occur.

      Note: many of these steps have been in place and in process for decades, they are just escalating at an accelerated pace.

      Good book to read: The Naked Communist by Cleon Skousen. It explains the infiltration.

  6. Did I read this right? this dude is demanding blood? Are they all out crazed nutscases ? That is worst then the WH breakin !!!! To want an American citizen dead, not your place to call that shot !!!! God and the courts in spite of what they currently are………Shame on you, you ever heard of Patience ? Elementary, you wait and evaluate then act but not to demand blood. Not your job to demand a damn thing……I do not care who you are !! BTW WHO are you ?

  7. I think that the first thing patroits need to do is support (through paid subscriptions and advertising) news media outlets that are willing to genuinely report rather than fabricate news stories. Next, there must be an inextinguishable effort to vet the claims of voter fraud, especially the claims that involve forensic computer specialists analyses of negative incremental data generated by voting machines. If voter fraud claims are deemed undeniable, then take those issues to court with microscopic transparency focused on the court’s decisions by the trusted media outlets.

  8. Military Intelligence said Trump is using the Insurgency Act. Bad part is they sometimes issue disinformation.

    1. I’m not sure that he is up for that. I think he is exhaused and is willing to let Biden suffer the same pressure and derision that he has had to put up with for four years. The difference is that the pressure will be coming from the people rather than deranged politicians, and it may not happen until his failed political agenda collapses under the yoke of socialist agitators.

  9. Lin Wood is far more intelligent than that. His account was hacked by leftists, and this false statement was posted. But, the truth will never be revealed because it would damage the Swamp Creatures.
    Death would be letting Pence and McConnell off too easily. Better for them to be placed in solitary confinement for life, with no contact with the world outside their cells, to ponder their betrayals.

  10. I hope that Schumer and Pelosi really understand what they have now..both of them for the last 4 years have done NOTHING but attack that he’ll be gone, neither of them have anything to talk about…we know Biden is 1/2 senile, and nobody likes Kamala Harris, especially her childhood finctional stories…….so exactly what can the Democrats do, since it is OBVIOUS THEY REALLY HAVEN’T ACCOMPLISHED ANYTHING FOR FOUR YEARS EXCEPT WASTE TAX PAYER MONEY……so watch for it folks, they will start making excuses before Biden is even sworn in.

  11. Calling for Pence’s execution is over the top. Although he did abandon his principles and turned his back on his responsibility, I suspect he did so either because he misinterpreted the constitution, or he did so out of fear. If it was the former, it was a gross miscalculation on his part, and if it was the latter, he need not have worried because there are a hundred and fifty million armed patriots who would have had his back. As it is, his actions will quickly eliminate any chance of his gaining future political support.

  12. This is bologna and these people should get a grip. Stop the threats on people’s lives. I do believe Pence missed his chance to do something amazing. That would have been to send the electoral votes back to the states legislatures. Let them know that they were unexceptionable. Given them the opportunity to do the right thing. Re certified the voting after a proper investigation. It wouldn’t have taken long. Everyone could have hopefully had peace of mind. That didn’t happen though? I’m not sure! I did here that a couple of states asked the Vice President to do that. He could have done so especially when they requested that. However we have what we have now to live with it. Stop the insane comments.

  13. I think Durham should pay all the money he has made to bring all this crap to light, back. He has done nothing and if he would have could have saved this election. What a nasty person. I want all that money back. Sick of paying for nothing. Oh ya then theres Barrs paycheck. What a joke he turned out to be.


  14. you list your name as American that’s also bullshit your just more greedy communist like Facebook and twitter

    1. They don’t need to. There’s enough leftards that are sympathetic to their cause that it would be unnecessary for them yo own it.

  15. Are we being forced to take back our country through a violent uprising? What’s the alternative? The Constitution is in shambles, our voice is quickly being silenced, & they’ll soon be coming to confiscate our arms & ammunition. This leaves us little choice. Don’t they get this? We aren’t a clueless bunch of Chinese or Russian peasants!

  16. Our entire government is corrupt. Every agency, every bureau, every department, every service etc. The number of senators and congressman that are not tainted is obvious by their unwillingness to stand for anything the least bit moral and fair. That means they stand for nothing except reelection. They are unfit to hold any office and have betrayed the publics trust and should be held to account. If there was really any justice in America the majority of the politicians would already be incarcerated. Kickbacks, deals and bribes are ignored or punished with a slap on the hand. Us common folks are punished with jail time, fines or both. Bank fraud and corruption is very, very rarely paid with jail time and the fines are paid with the funds from the corruption. Chase Bank has made a career of precious metals price fixing and has made many billions of dollars thru spoofing and manipulation. Want to stop it, just make the fines ten times the amount of the illicitly acquired funds and hold those responsible who either are doing this ought to know it is being done.

  17. I hate Pence as much as you do, Wood, but I do agree that was going too far!
    I hate Biden and I despise the day when he’s gonna be coming in, but I don;t want him to die (especially not now!) and I never wished death of Obama or Clinton either! That would make us worse then them!

    All do respect, I can;t be Pro-Life and wish murder on someone, that would be hippocritical.

  18. The “dead” woman is an Antifa member, and probably IS alive, they did a Hollywood production, they let Antifa into the Capitol and then they shot at them.

    1. marina, be careful what conspiracy theories you buy into; most of them are wrong. I agree that things often aren’t what they seem and the media spins the truth into a lie so it fits their narrative, but wait and see how this plays out.

  19. As a citizen and as a Veteran, I first want to ask that no one post an open invitation to promote civil war. First, you make yourself a target from the government and open yourself up as a target from radical entities. If you’re not concerned about yourself, then understand that you also put your friends and family at risk. Our enemies will explore any sign of weakness to destroy our country. They will use any method to destroy us by exploiting any avenue to fan the fire. God Bless America!!! We will overcome.

  20. These creeps in government can’t get a bill fully passed into law – if it is challenged in a court of law. If you lose you appeal that decision. There are several other courts to appeal to. Meanwhile the law is held up until the final court makes its ruling. The democrats and civilian traitors took President Trump to court every time he tried to get one of his bills passed into law. The scum forced him to pass 90% of his agenda through executive order which will be easy for Biden to counter it with his own executive order.

  21. Mike Pence is a traitor to the President, along with a whole list of JUDAS’S ! They will get their coming up’s, I guarantee they will be shocked to see what the ramifications will be . Loeffler was one that the President rallied for and she bailed to save her own “ Face” . It doesn’t matter to her she is worth 800 MILLION ! Mike Pence is part of the Deep State, even got a coin from the Freemasons ! I guess he has aspersions of moving on to other things !

  22. Hey, Parler and CEO Joh Matze, you may disagree with what Wood said, but he has a right to say it. .

    Does Wood have less rights than democrats like Maxine Waters who called for mob politics and violence against Trump people? She wasn’t referring to legal sentencing penalties such as execution, as Wood was.

    Did you media bozos and democrat clowns condemn the man who tried to kill as many GOP congressmen as he could at the baseball field in Alexandria, Va., or did you and your democRAT buddies believe he was standing up for good causes?

    The communist style American media than horsh#t laying in the road.

    1. Last sentence should read “the communist style America media has less credibility than horsh#t laying in the road.

    2. I’m not sure what the Parler CEO says about it but I believe the real issue is that Parler will not be hosted on AWS (Amazon Web Servers) because Jeff Bezos is a Trump hater.

  23. I think ignore all the misinformation and disinformation. Lin Wood has all info, he knows what he is talking about, Just wish it was true the Lady is alive God be with her family at this time

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