Help President Trump Stop Joe Biden [ACT NOW]

The Wisconsin Republican Party has revealed that hackers have stolen $2.3 million from a fund dedicated to President Trump’s re-election.

Chairman Andrew Hitt informed reporters that Wisconsin Republican Party (RPW) officials first noticed suspicious activity on October 22. The FBI is now investigating.

President Trump prevailed in Wisconsin in 2016 by the narrowest of margins, 0.77%.

The Independent further reports:

“There’s no doubt RPW is now at a disadvantage with that money being gone,” Mr Hitt said, explaining that the party and campaign needs money late in the race to make quick decisions.

The Associated Press reports that Hitt said the hackers manipulated invoices from four vendors who were being paid to send out direct mail for the Trump campaign.

They were also providing pro-Trump material such as hats to hand out to supporters.

Hackers altered the invoices to direct payments to themselves and not the vendors. Mr Hitt said that it appears the attack began as a phishing scam.

Both President Trump and Democrat nominee Joe Biden are slated to campaign in the Badger State on Friday.

This story is developing. Stay with American Action News for the latest updates.

Help President Trump Stop Joe Biden [ACT NOW]


    1. As former James Comey says (with a smile) when asked why they did all the illegal things they did when he was director under Obama, ….”because I could”. How about that for an answer.

  1. Remember this people. The Democrats will stop at nothing, no matter how illegal it may be, to illegally get the person elected. What a bunch of evil losers. Please do not vote BLUE. Vote RED. Our future as a country greatly depends on it.

      1. In this case Red is ANTI-COMMUNIST and Blue is VERY PRO_COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST besides being the worst any ORGANIZED crime group!!

  2. Good maybe he go broke .loose his job .live on street like me .and wait .and wait and wait .and wait and wait for just slittle bit of help

  3. Such criminals! With so much corruption in the FBI in the past and no retribution/jail time for any of them I have very little respect for the the organization. Undoubtedly, It will take a long time to clean -up after decades of abusive power.

  4. Simple Answer China Take Over Or Freedom In American. Like day’s of Founding our Country. “We The People” Need To Go To the Poll’s and Bring a Friend. We Need to speak to other and explain how it is to live Free. Not In Fear but in a Resolve Thought of what it is to be American.
    Biden is the Swamp Thing that will cause us to pay $4 dollar Gas Plus, over $400 Plus in Electricity. Education only in Public Failing Schools, No Churches, No Rights, Regulations, Regulations.
    DemoRats is the name of the Party that wants your money to give there friends that can’t work for it. But Steal and Cheat your Vote.

    Great Day For America “Growth Domestic Product”( GDP) 33% Great Day For Trump Camp.

    1. That really is great news. See all the democrats leadership celebrating the positive news? (sigh, neither did I.). 🤨

  5. America wake up we need to pound these Democrat crooks into the ground there nothing but Godless anti American corrupt slime that need to smashes back into the holes they come from everyone get out and vote help Capt America him self Donald Trump save America!
    Trump 2020 and Republicans across the board get out and vote

  6. I live in Wisconsin. By now you should know who you’re voting for. Trump supporters will vote for him $$ or no $$…..we don’t give a rat’s behind about caps or any more flyers…WE NEED TRUMP TO WIN or we’re down the socialist NWO toilet…get out there and make it a TIDAL WAVE OF RED ON TUESDAY. KAG ~~ Bless God America! ~~ ‘SconsinPatriot

  7. What I have been saying for years we are seeing now. The Dems/Liberals/Communists must lie, cheat and steal to win and hopefully we can prevent this!!

  8. Demorat’s don’t know how to play fair, they are as corrupt a party as any mafia ring in the 30’s. The fact that they all lie to the 10th power and their leadership being in the swamp for decades are the epitome of corruption and greed. Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer are the worst and to hear them speak and obfuscate any topic before them is enough to make any conservative want to throw up. Hopefully God will prevail and give Donald J. Trump another four years, he’s worked tirelessly to make America Great Again and we who support him will love to give him four more years.

  9. I would vote for a hit squad to identify and implement a “come to Jesus ” moment for these law-breakers !!!

  10. Their voters steal/riot/cheat/ and they learned it from the “thugs” at the top.
    The political group that says my way or the high way. We know best after all we are
    the elite from the Ivy league and Berkley ?

  11. There should be so many safeguards in place to prevent this from happening! Totally unacceptable! There should also be plenty of IT people employed by the party to investigate this, and track down and prosecute the guilty parties immediately!

    1. Someone needs to ck WIN RED…make deposit to Candace 50.$.they changed to 100/// deposited 2 Senators & 2 Congress 2 weeks ago…my acct comprimised..some moron charged 329$ to my bank card within a few hours!

    1. Hunter, his brother and old joe are all being protected by the dem party and their liberal msm. No longer a free press, now a compromised arm of the DNC.

  12. And the government wants to go to all digital money instead of paper. Thats all I need is to be hacked. Forced to have an account (direct deposit)or they won’t send my retirement check.

  13. Believing for a miracle from above this Election Day bigger and greater than 2016 , that all will stand aww and wonder and the name of Jesus will be glorified on that day! Mr. and mrs. Trump I believe you have heard and I too believe you were born for such a time as this! Go in faith praying constantly in the spirit Thy Will be done!

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