Derek Gauci via Wikimedia Commons

Detroit Police Chief James Craig has never shied away from fighting groupthink.

Now, Motor City’s top cop has dropped another hydrogen truth bomb on rioters threatening to tear his city apart, Democrats who enable them, and the mainstream media who routinely justify, excuse, and condone their actions.

Like Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, and other intellectual giants, Craig said the nationwide violence has less to do with race relations than a radical transformation of American society.

SEE ALSO: Meet the Black Leaders Condemning BLM

Per Townhall:

“I can tell you that this group that’s marching, like so many across the country, the anarchist factions of these groups are promoting violence and attacks on police officers. They don’t speak for Detroit,” he told Townhall. “And I recognize that it’s not all of the protestors it’s the core, that little small group, that really tries to create violence.”

According to Craig, Detroiters have helped prevent groups like Black Lives Matter from causing chaos and destruction in the city .

“I can tell you: Detroiters don’t like it. They support this chief. They support this police department. They do not support defunding [the police],” he explained. “They know what defunding looks like.”

When Craig was appointed seven-and-a-half years ago, “police officers lost 10 percent of their pay as the city was rapidly approaching municipal bankruptcy, which ultimately happened.”



    1. They should all be shot for all the crimes they commit! They are murdering people, looting, burning & trying to destroy every thing.The only good rioter is a dead one

          1. Hungary would love to get him and string him up! I don’t understand why we don’t arrest him and fly him back? Don’t land, just “Drop him OFF”!

          2. They will take him in shackles, then try and convict him for the crimes he has perpetrated there. They have already shut down his orgs there. Which should be done here!

      1. And I thought I was the only person that knew who funded “Open Borders” and “Open Society” foundations? Search on “European Union”? That should show you “What’s really been going on” since 1972. Soros owns the Clintons! Don’t believe it? Well, Chelsea married? Soros nephew. Where? In Soros NY home. Where did Bill and Hillary spend that weekend? At Soros NY home. Who paid for the wedding” The Clinton Foundation! Check it out yourself???

  1. All thats needed is to do your job. If that means arresting people then do it. If it means shooting people to protect yourself or someone else then do it. Screw those idiot mayors and governors.

    1. They have forgotten the Veterans even the Vietnam Veterans knows. How to squeeze a trigger god help the USA if a civil war breaks out

    2. Thanks to all the vets! It makes an ole lady feel better knowing someone is there to protect us! Also don’t know about you all, BUT the constant threats are below EVIL! Think like them or we will pay hell for not! The threat to have our Pres pulled out of office or worse if the biden wins or loses? This not OUR country the demonrats are trying to change everything to their way! Please ALL stand tall and strong! Everything I read from them is a threat, and many will be scared to vote. IN CA, its going to be a joke, MAIL IN ONLY! The fix and fraud are already in!

  2. There are 2 components to these riots. First, the sponsors like Soros are trying to create anarchy. Second, the rioters are simply evil and are trying to cause malicious damage to people who believe in earning their way to upward mobility.

  3. Blah, Blah, Blah ….. I hear lots and lots of lip service coming from Black Police Chiefs, White Police Chiefs and everyone in Washington….. but, is anything being done !! No, If the Police chiefs can’t ban together with many, many other cities and state police departments and form a huge police presence and arrest, fight and disburse the thugs . Talk, talk, talk !

    1. the police and others with jobs still try to obey, if you have been watching the libras put good in jail and let the devils tare up the country. so you are correct. we need to all band together on one of the worse states and clean it up. then move to next one. they will have to live with the damage that has been done.

    2. Are you deaf and dumb. In Portland, the cops arrest. And the DA who was put in office by Soros, lets them go, WITHOUT FILING A SINGLE CHARGE. This goes on day after day. The mayor is Soros’ puppet too. And the nedia refuses to TELL US WHAT IS GOING ON.

  4. These liberal mayors and governors who are allowing this destruction should have their paychecks frozen and donated to all business and residents who have lost so much. Hit them in their pocket books and throw these violent protesters in jail for years.

    1. Line the mayors & deputy mayors up against a wall, with city counsel forced to be present. Shoot the losers. Turn to the counsels and say “Clean it up and do your job, or you’ll be the next against the wall.” Marshall Law – looters/arsonist/rioters are shot without warning, during Marshall Law.

  5. All hostiles should be all tried and hung like the old western outlaws. Simple. Even the ones financing the rioters.


  7. they have declared war. So when is it time that we throw off the restraints of “Rules of Engagement” that Obama put on our military in order to get our soldiers, WHO HE HATED, killed.
    It is time. They riot!!!!!! The police, National Guard, and patriotic citizens respond with lethal force. I can GUARANTEE YOU that at the first sound of gun fire, these criminals will RUN LIKE RABBITS.
    IF we don’t go to war, they will win. They will steal this election and then start the dictatorship that will include gun confiscation (where they have a gun registry) and lockdowns at any excuse. Forget getting groceries or going to school. A dictator like Kamala Harris could care less what happens to Americans. She hates us worse than Michele Obama does.

    1. I recall the videos of Rittenhouse falling to the street and the attackers right on top of him. UNTIL he started firing at them. Then they turned in an instant and RAN.
      SEE. We know what it takes to stop a riot. We have proof.

  8. Someone finally telling the truth without fear of losing their job!! Good job
    Mr Police Chief!!! Detroit won’t regret having you!!!

  9. The fact being that this police chief is just not looking at the whole picture and voicing his opinion, not facts ,nearly every law enforcement agency has said that the protests have been hijacked by radical groups the ,majority being White Supremists, which even the National Security members have voiced the same thing, that the White Supremists movement is the most dangerous thing in this USA. Now the protests are not destroying cities when in fact the protests and destruction is held to a very small part of on e area of the city, like in Portland which covers 27 Square miles and the protesters are just about 4 to 5 city blocks on one street.

  10. AG Barr with FBI, and Federal Marshals after completing Investigations on BLM ANTIFA needs to begin charging individuals in the Media, Politicians, and the Money Sources and what money is used for to get 100 AG’s & DA’s,Mayors, City Council, Members of Congress, and mainly People like Soros who fund, and organize the destruction of our Dem Run Cities, and over throw of the United Statesof America!

  11. I spent 6 months working in Detroit and Port Huron, and absolutely Love Detroit, and couldn’t agree more with the Police Chief.

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