Office of Congressman Peter King via Wikimedia Commons

Congressman Peter King (R-NY) slammed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in an appearance on MSNBC, calling the most influential Republican — next to President Trump — the “Marie Antoinette” of the Senate.

King’s incendiary remarks came after McConnell suggested that states struggling financially due to the pandemic should file for bankruptcy.

Per Mediaite:

After tweeting on Wednesday that McConnell’s remarks were “shameful” and make him “the Marie Antoinette of the Senate,” King appeared on MSNBC, Thursday to further criticize the majority leader.

“What Senator McConnell said was absolutely disgraceful,” King proclaimed.

“These are the cops, the firefighters, the health care workers. They’re the ones in the front lines. They’re the ones who are dying. Even in transit, we had 71 transit workers I think have died in my county alone, Nassau County. We have over 1,100 deaths. We have more than the entire state of California and Kentucky combined. We have over 50,000 cases on Long Island,” King explained. “This has pushed our governments to the brink of bankruptcy, quite frankly.”

“So for Mitch McConnell to look upon this as a giveaway… You know it’s not a giveaway when there is a tornado, or a flood, or a hurricane in Kentucky or in the states adjacent to Mitch McConnell. We give the money. We voluntarily give it because we know that this is a national problem that has to be addressed,” the congressman continued. “And somehow for him to say, ‘Go into bankruptcy,’ rather than be able to pay your cops, your firefighters, and your health care workers when there’s a national pandemic… For him to say that somehow this is a giveaway, that we’re looking for free money? Mitch McConnell should be ashamed of himself. What he said is beyond disgraceful. ”

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  1. McConnell is correctly sane and Peter King has to go to the profane MSNBC to get support for his profaning sanity.

      “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).

      1. King will defend his Democrat friends (he is more like them anyway) and is angry that McConnell might not want to bail out the losers who have squandered their resources, and just like usual, wants SOMEONE to bail them out.
        So what happens when YOU spend more than you have??? You go bankrupt. And what does a Democrat do when they spend more than they have???? They spend more and try to shame or force the conservatives into enabling their abuse.
        God help us

        1. Maybe the democratic run states and cities should look at how the Republicans run theirs. The Democrats are financially irresponsible to say the least. It is not our job to bail out their bad fiscal policies. New York State has a very high tax. New York City also has a very high payroll tax. I believe they should start cutting services and payroll. These Democrats like they’re illegal alien so much maybe they should close the borders and things wouldn’t spread as fast!

        2. peter King is a fat-headed Yankee Republican. That means he votes with and for the Democrats and for gun control. The best thing we can do is pray that God will deal with him. See what his voting record is. 26%. That is TWO PERCENTAGE points below McConnells. So they are just alike. This is nothing but SHOW ti get Republicans to believe in McConnell again.

        3. Just looked up King’s voting record He is 26% conservative. There are Democrats who have better voting records. Looking forward to seeing him stand before God Almighty at judgement.

      2. King is not a Republican. He is a RINO in the worst possible meaning of the word. Look at his voting record.
        And when you stand before God and see King judged, you will see him condemned for his hypocrisy

    2. I also agree with McConnell,why should we bail-out these shit-hole states with tax payer money? The DemonRat Governors that run these states,pissed away money they didn’t have to support their liberal social justice programs! Now they want a bail-out,tell these slimy scumbags to pound rock salt!

        1. after 160+ years of occupation, we are going back to states rights ? You sheeople are idiots, you deserve the gov’t. you got ! Or rather, the gov’t. that’s GOT YOU !

          1. And you deserve the JUDGEMENT that God i about to give you. Just like the Christians in Germany were condemned for not opposing Hitler, you will GO DOWN with this nation for your refusal to act. “Do not be deceived. God is not mocked…..”

      1. Sorry. But this is just words to McConnell. He is for sure, a puppet of the elite. And he WILL bail them out with the intent of bankrupting us and destroying our dollar. Don’t be deceived. MCConnell is NOT a conservative. Look at his voting record. He is at 28% as compared to Rand Paul at 90%.

        1. King is a phony. He doesn’t say a word about the high taxes on Long island. Doesn’t tell his supporters that he is against second amendment. As long as long is getting piece of the pie he doesn’t care.

    3. King is a stupid jerk. However Fauci talks alot but he doesn’t say anything. He should shut his yap. Open the country back up. If you’re sick and/or immune compromised stay in. Others that have to work, wear your PPE. I worked through April 15th in a Walmart! The problem is this the flue. It manifests differently in people. It can be dearly, but also have mild symptoms. This is a conspiracy, another hoax.

    4. What king forgot to say to his followers he too is against second amendment. He is saving face he’s no different than the democracts in New York. He doesn’t complain when businesses are closing down or fighting to lower taxes

    5. PETER KING has been a corrupt dirt bag since he got in politics. His end will not be pleasant. STAY TUNED , he knows its coming and is very scared. A lot of people want this trash crucified.

    6. You have no problem with us blue states supporting McConnell and Kentucky for years. Kentucky get 37 billion federal dollars more then they pay. NY gets 69 billion dollars less back then they pay. So it’s ok for the Feds to support the red states but screw the blue states and people want to blame the D’s while the R’s are the real welfare recipients.

  2. McConnell is correct. the states have TAXED the people to deth. CUT the governers pay the people do not have the wright to control their pay they give their selves out ragis pay increases. their pay or any politician should be no more than private sector wow how do they all becom millionaires it is amazing how the money just flows in to their pockets.

    1. I say sue the crooked DIMs and Gates and his WHO assassin’s that worked with China. Someone did this. It’s the flue that manifests itself mildly, or deadly. We cannot allow the leftist’s get away with it. They hate Americans. Isn’t that sad. Open up!

      1. America was to prosperous and they had to put us in our place. Why else would China ban travel inside China from Wuhan province? Yet they let them go everywhere else in the world to spread this deadly disease. Shut down the border. Build the wall and deport them all! Anyone that buys anything made in China is a moron.

        1. I am afraid the dems were in cahoots with the chinese on this to destroy trump and America. They hate both. I used to poo poo conspiracy nuts. Now i am one.

  3. Why in HELL should taxpayers of all the states that kept THEIR legislators from spending money through the nose for their Unions shell out money to keep those states afloat?
    That’s why so many people have left tax hell-holes like NY, NJ, IL, and the like!
    There’s a BIG difference to assisting (which through all the COVID-10 money already put out there- some 4 TRILLION already!- and bailing out States that over-spent and now find themselves in an even BIGGER hole than they were in to begin with!
    NO WAY in HELL will I give them any of MY money! We’ve been doing without while they’ve been playing around. Now let THEM “pay the piper”!

    1. How can States be needing bailouts after only a month of shutdown, they must have mismanaged and want we, the people, to bail them out, should be no more bailouts, the weak shall fail!

      1. They saw this shutdown as an opportunity to take advantage of this situation to rectify their incompetence over the past year’s of tax and spend!! All of these DemonRat Governor’s who created these problems should be indicted and sent to jail!!

        1. Agree with McConnell, those states were bankrupt way before the shut down, now they want to blame all of their mismanagement on the Virus! Just like they’re blaming every death on the virus!

      2. have faith & hope in the waste & fraud. Amerika has been stealing and lying to the slaves since 1865. news flash! YOU AIN’T FREE ! morons

        1. you idiots don’t even know about the housing scandal that you had to bailout. Who was arrested ? The Pentagon “lost” $10 trillion, made the announcement on Sept. 10 2001. Day before the blew up the WTC….Amerika is EVIL, corrupt, rigged and you have a 2nd amendment ? why ?

      1. Nice talk Chris, NY and NJ have been sent whatever they needed for the virus because they didn’t buy the ventilators and supplies that should have been in their warehouses before. If you’re gonna be dumb you better be tough, but not nasty. If you start your day with good thoughts it helps keep the devil away. Just saying.

    2. I wholeheartedly agree with you 100%. They dug the hole. They have to deal with it! That is why I am leaving Illinois. Taxed to death! The unions run Illinois not the people. They get what they deserve.

    3. You’re not giving them your money. You’re giving back their money. NY pays 69 billion more into the federal system then they get back. Without the money from the blue states half the red states would be in the toilet or as Moscow Mitch suggests filing for bankruptcy.

  4. I don’t live in a financially failing state. Why should my tax dollars bail out liberal Democrat insanity and fiscal ignorance? I didn’t make the mess, didn’t benefit from these states failed policies, …….. I shouldn’t be penalized by their stupidity.

    1. RIGHT ON BRO!!! Have you noticed that the worst of the virus seems to be in the democrat controlled hell holes. We don’t OWE the democrats any more of our money, since they refuse to run a tight financial ship. THEY spent their areas of the country into bankruptcy and now want us to bail them out. NO NO NO.

      1. I’ve certainly noticed, Joe! And those “hell holes” are the ones where the governors and mayors are implementing measures that give them total control and power over the people and economies, and will be the last ones to let go of it — if they ever do! Exactly the way the Democrat party wishes to govern our country, should they ever get back into the White House! Dear God, please don’t let that ever happen!!

        1. It will not happen unless they cheat big time this next election, and if they do there will be a CW that will destroy them once and forever! Besides i am sure Trumps DOJ is fixing to charge all these traitors in politics with high crimes and they will spend a long time in prison and some will be charged with High Treason which will get them the DP!!!

          1. We can only hope. But, the FBI just raided a clinic for offering free vitamin C/B12 and zinc IVs to help people fight off the virus. The DOJ cannot be trusted yet. Still needs work.

  5. McConnell is absolutely Correct. COVID-19 DID NOT cause His and Other Dem States to have money woes. Bad Investments, Bad Budgeting, Overspending, Mis Management is the Culprit.
    Perhaps they should ask AOC for Economic Advice. I believe that is what her degree is in

  6. McConnell has the right perspective. Let the states that have over promised with employee health and retirement plans tax their own state constituents, or decide how else they can escape the financial crisis they created by buying votes and giving away money to illegal immigrants and foreign sources. As a taxpayer as far as I am concerned they can take their corrupt fiscal schemes and stick them where the sun doesn’t shine. I have no empathy or compassion for corrupt inept politicians, Cuomo, Newsome and the rest.

  7. Peter King is an Asz Hol. Hes a disgrace to NY. A Rino that is worthless. Cuomo has wasted money and was in deep trouble estimated between 6 and 19 billion in debt. His progressive policies , union loving, Green insanity, anti constitution antics are making people flee the state worse than any pandemic. He hates business and strangles them any way he can. I hope the rest of the country is seeing what an incompetent buffoon narcissist sociopath this guy is. This moron ordered the covid 19 nursing home patients be sent back to the nursing homes to infect everyone. Then says he didn’t know and the media accepts his lies as if it truth. Both of these guys are the bottom of the barrel..

    1. Peter king while you are out there preaching and attacking McConnell you should tell your followers that you are a fan of gun control which few of your followers have them. Pete King you are no conservative you are a phony as the democracts on Long island, you just want to keep your seat so you pretend you care when you don’t. I don’t see much from you to take care of long island you and democracts raise taxes look at the stores going out of business cause of taxes being raised like your paycheck

    2. How can Peter King be a disgrace to NY?
      NY is a disgrace to the whole country all by itself. They elected Cuomo and deblasio for God’s sake. You cannot get more disgraceful than that.

  8. Right on Rep. Pete King! You are absolutely right! Sen. McConnell is a scum-bag, and he and his Chinese wife (Elaine Chao, former Sec. of Labor under President Bush, and current Sec. of Transportation under President Trump) are probably the among the richest couple in Washington, DC. Now the states of NY, CT, and NJ send a lot more in taxes to the Feds than they receive back; while for Kentucky it is just the opposite. In effect, these “Blue States” are financing McConnell and his “Red States”! And McConnell wants these states to go bankrupt! And lay-off all their police, firemen, doctors, nurses, EMTs, National Guard, etc?!?!? And the book “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends” details how Sen. McConnell and his wife softened their approaches to China over the years due to Chinese business interests. The book claims McConnell and his wife grew rich selling political power. Radio talk-show host Mark Levin called the allegations “stunning” and “absolutely shocking and disgusting.” and called for McConnell to resign!

    1. You don’t know nothing about Pete King he is a bigger fake as the democracts on Long island. While he’s smoking smoke out of his ass he should tell his fans he’s is a fan of gun control. Pete King is a phony he made a promise to a bunch of his supporters and does the opposite once he got back in office. Pete King is no conservative he is no different than a democract he’s saving face and his seat nothing else. When comes to raising taxes on Long island he’s nowhere to be found until election time

    2. Just me
      DIMoRATs are liars. You should be on one side. The side that doesn’t murder babies. That doesn’t raise taxes, that doesn’t conduct constant withhunts wasting our money, that doesn’t work for Nazis, pediphiles, rapists and murderers. I voted against the lying bag.

  9. I’m surprised neither McConnell or King got around to mentioning that the USSC has already ruled that states can NOT file bankruptcy. Is it just ignorance in our elected ‘leaders’ ?

  10. A state well run financially is the responsibility of the governor and not the president. If a state has financial difficulties it is the people of that state to rectify any problems. You elected that official and knew what his agenda would cost.. States go to the people and investors with bonds to finance their agendas. Very few times will a state involve the federal government. When a project involves several states or so large that the feds partner with the state; the feds own half of the project. No where does it dictates a bailout of a state by the feds. States are financially independent of the fed. Chrysler’s bailout was a corporation bailed by the fed and the fed received shares of the corp until they were able to buy back shares. States should do the same if they are bailed out. Business is business and we got a president who understands business.

    1. They don’t want to work with the Feds when it comes to immigration, drug laws or other federal interactions. When they can’t manage their finances they want to cry for help. It seems there should be someone on their knees when asking for this help. No more sanctuary cities, full cooperation with federal authorities, and fiscal management including cuts to programs not related to Cops, nurses, fire which are part of the scare tactic to get a bailout.

  11. I, for one, do not want to pay one red cent to bail out any state. They tax us to death, then overspend their budgets and expect their constituency to bail them out when they make these very dumb moves. Not me!! Let ’em file for bankruptcy and mess with their cities bond rating. No more money for you!! Balance your budget like I do at home!!!

  12. The PPP money should go to the citizens and not bail out the states mismanagement of funds.
    Democrats have their priorities.

    1. Think all of Congress shout have their pay frozen since they don’t do a thing and give that to the American people and businesses.

      1. how about not stealing from US in the first place…giving it to the lazy and illegals. Wasting and kickbacks from other countries ? Is that legal ?

  13. When I read the first conspiracy theory, I actually thought the commentary was the results of over reacting. But as I hear comments from Democrats recently,I’m beginning to think it’s not quite a theory, and more like a trail of evidence.
    Every adult thinker should remember the last three years, and the media coverage of the “so called” investigation of Trump regarding Russian ties, then whistle blower accusations. When those actions didn’t seem to accomplish the Democratic Socialist agenda, they (Democrats) seem to turn to their concerns that they “helped” Trump rather than hurt him.
    Remembering that for those same three years when Trump issues an Executive Order Pelosi and her gang of Socialist Judges Sprung into action. Trump issued Executive Orders to a Travel Ban from travels between China, the Middle East, and South America, Pelosi issued orders to her Obama Judges, and obstruct. Trump issued Executive Orders for the Wall, Pelosi issued orders to her Obama Judges, and obstructs. Trump moves to put America first, then Pelosi and her gang obstructed. This obstructing has cost America dearly, with loss of lives, and an Economic disaster that will last for decades. I think it more than a coincidence that all those disasters might help Pelosi, her gang of Socialist Judges that were ALL appointed by then President Obama, and Pelosi’s Socialist mobs.

    1. three years ? How about the coup of Nov. 22 1963 ? Then a fake war called Vietnam ? Gassing & burning 86 citizens in Waco Texas ? Blowing up a building in Oklahoma City ? WTC #1 ? WTC #2 ? I won’t mention 660 000 killed by a tyrant or destroying the republic, enslaving ALL men to the Den of Corruption in 1865. He died for what he believed…..these commies must too !

  14. Well of course he would since he lives in a Democrat controlled state tht has squandered tens of billions supporting and losing progressive programs, supporting illegal aliens with tax money for education, welfare, medical, and housing. hey like NJ has spent themselves into insolvency with unsustainable salaries and benefits. New York has a 6.1 billion budget deficit an more than 60 billion dollars in unfunded future retirement benefits. With an example one 52-year-old Nassau officer retired with a $221,086 annual package — after ending his career with a base salary of $122,514.

    NJ Has a 42 billion dollar unfunded retirement pension mostly generated by politicians seeking endorsement and campaign money from public unions.

    All in all the states have a total of 5.9 trillion dollars. Is it any wonder why they are screaming at declaring bankruptcy and being thrown out of office and demanding the federal government bail them out?

    1. Pete King is one of the biggest phony conservatives he doesn’t support 2nd amendment and he lies to get the votes once in he changes seems Republicans like Pete King uses the conservatives pretending he cares when he is no different than democracts on Long island. He is nowhere to be seen when it comes to raising taxes and watching business closing down due to high taxes

  15. The World according to Rep.King is all that matters to him is that civil servants have their exotic benefits left in tact .Typical New York response . These New York types all feel that wretched place is the “center of the universe ” The remainder of the U.S only exsists at the pleasure of New York city.Jim

  16. I stand with Mitch McConnell. I’m sick of these States spending billions on illegals and freebies while ignoring the majority of American Citizens. No Citizen with an IQ above 65 believes that these States can support their “dreams and wishes” without high taxes, which would jepardize their reelectiion. So, to save their jobs, they continue to waste taxpayer money and then cry like babies when they run out of money. They do not deserve Federal money when they are such horrible financial managers. Exactly where do they think the Federal Government is going to get the money to bail them out when America is now $25,000,000,000,000,000 in debt?

    1. Deblasio wants to close the city down until August but at the same breath wants 8 billion dollars. It seems that people like Pete King and democracts are being controlled like puppets and do or saying anything to get the votes. He too is against 2nd amendment, he goes around he protect you after he gets in it’s something different

  17. McConnell said bankruptcy could & should be used by states that were ALREADY in fnancial trouble BEFORE Covid19 … he did NOT say “DUE” to Covid … why should national taxpayers bail out socialistic spending & union ass kissing by certain states …. ?

  18. McConnell said bankruptcy could & should be used by states that were ALREADY in fnancial trouble BEFORE Covid19 … he did NOT say “DUE” to Covid … why should national taxpayers bail out socialistic spending & union ass kissing by certain states …. ???

  19. State like California and New York are extremely generous to illegals and irresponsible with their budgets. And, now these same states want the rest of the country to bail them out! I say, “No Way congressman King! You can kiss our responsible behinds on the way out”!

  20. I see that King has his usual liberal New York hand out, wanting the rest of the Country to bail New York out. New York didn’t suffer a unique disaster that calls for help from the rest of the Country. New York also wants infrastructure funding for projects that serve only the New York metro area.

  21. McConnell is certainly correct. It is not the federal government job to bail out failed states In fact it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to take the money of people in well managed states to pay for the waste and greed and failure of those who are not fically responsible.

  22. I am from Nassau County. Peter King has always been considered a conservative Republican around here. He was a good Congressman for many years and is now retiring. Leave him be.

  23. Peter King is a New Yorker first and a American last. Only sees through his bubble. Typical!!! AOC is a good example of short sighted vision for America which includes 50 states. New York secede and take care of yourself.

  24. These Congressmen and Senators from New York, New Jersey, California, Connecticut, Illinois MADE their States what they are by increasing taxes on anything and everything simply to pay their voters to vote for them. Their States in some cases have been a bailed out of bankruptcy by Soros, China, etc. They already ARE bankrupt and THAT is why they couldn’t even take the tax cut bill last year and can’t handle the bail out money today. McConnell is correct. Instead of buying your vote with extravagant retirements, back pocket money, outrageous salaries which now you can’t afford DO WHAT is right. File bankruptcy and start over again. This time get rid of the political parties that got you there. Put Conservatives in office.

  25. Mr respect for Peter King just went through the floor. McConnell is correct and King is pandering to his NY constituents.

  26. Congrats to King for growing a pair! Like a true RINO. Mitch is so far up his leaders butt the lack of oxygen is making him dotty.

    1. Yeah – maybe King should use his new found courage to sit down with Cuomo and DeBlasio and discuss why New York can’t balance its books. Wouldn’t happen to be because of:
      – all the freebies NY gives to ILLEGALS, would it?
      – all the working citizens (especially the richer ones) left NY because the income and NY states taxes became too high?

  27. I am creating an honest regular payment from home $1200-$2500/week , that is wonderful, beneath a year past i used to be idle in a very frightful economy. I give thanks God daily i used to be endowed these directions and currently it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with everybody, Here………….

  28. Riddle me this; Why should someone in say Ohio or Michigan or Texas be responsible for the fowl ups of the likes of New York or California or Illinois? It’s bad enough we have to support illegal aliens through our tax dollars but supporting big spending states that are always in debt, I don’t think so!

  29. Mitch McConnell – STICK TO IT!! Let Rep. King sit with Cuomo and the others and figure why they can’t fund the first responders in New York:
    – free college for illegals – CHECK
    – free welfare for illegals – CHECK
    – Sanctuary City for illegals – CHECK
    – impossible state govt pension promises – CHECK
    – driving away working tax payers via high state taxes – CHECK

    Maybe focusing on your citizens instead of a bunch of illegals will be a fiscal start in the right direction.

  30. The state governments that recklessly spent like drunken sailors – actually, that’s an insult to drunken sailors – SHOULD face the consequence of bankruptcy.

    If they have no incentive to mend their ways, because the federal government keeps bailing them out, their destructive spending habits will only get worse.

  31. I’m surprised that American Action News (AAN) went out of its way to report King’s opinion of and attack on McConnell. Judging from the other comments in this thread, it seems they agree with McConnell and think that King is the one speaking out of turn. Maybe AAN should take heed of its readers’ views. Personally, and overall, I like Pete King and think he’s pretty solid but he’s just wrong with his view to bail-out financially irresponsible states and have the chutzvah to attack McConnell for taking what would seem to be a pretty party-line position.

  32. Personally, these Democratic run states have gotten themselves in this debt quagmire and why should they be bailed out of it with our Federal Government coffers. If major Corporations can declare bankruptcy, why cant States and municipalities do the same? I believe that Senator McConnell is right and Pete King wrong! I give Mitch a big hoorah and stick to his guns on using the Bankruptcy legislation to solve these irresponsible states!

  33. Blue State Democrats are going to use this crises to make Red State Republicans pay for their irresponsible spending and Republican lawmakers should not let them.

  34. I guess if I was from New York or California, I’d have my hand out too. But instead of grandstanding and photo oping, maybe Peter King R. NY, should be taking a hard look at how his state spends it’s money, instead of jumping all over others who can see through the issue. And if he was a fiscally responsible republican he’d be agreeing with Mitch McConnell not opposing him. Get on board King, or step away from the platform.

  35. let the states that have there hands out for help get rid of all the illagels that they are supporting and then they might have the money they need to heck with what peter king thinks or say acts just like a rino

  36. No more bailouts. We may have the virus hit again. We will need some help then. America has a very little help left.

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