La Citta Vita via Flickr

OPINION – Kudos to Retired Lt. Gen. Gary Volesky for calling out the Democrats’ insanity on gender identification. Volesky, a former top spokesman for the Army and commander of the Army’s 101st Airborne Division, sarcastically mocked First lady Jill Biden over her tweet regarding women’s rights and abortion.

Saying what most Americans feel, the former three-star general hit directly at the issue of Democrats insisting men can now somehow be women, compete against women in sports, and use women’s bathrooms while hypocritically claiming to be the party of “women’s rights.”

When Jill Biden tweeted about women’s rights and abortion, the general, who was awarded the Silver Star in Iraq – the third-highest military decoration for valor in combat – simply tweeted back (now deleted):

“Glad to see you finally know what a woman is.”

As The Blaze notes:

The tweet was a reference to Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson not being able to provide a definition of what a woman is since she is “not a biologist” during her nomination hearing in March.

Many liberals and Democrats have supported the idea that biological male transgender individuals can be women, thus have had difficulty answering the question: “What is a woman?”

However, as soon as the Supreme Court draft of its decision to overturn Roe v Wade was leaked, Democrats and the Left suddenly rediscovered that only women can have babies, and only women can kill their babies.

This has caused the woke warriors a severe case of cognitive dissonance.

If only women could get pregnant and have babies, how can men become women?

By asking that obvious question via his sarcastic reply to Jill Biden, Volesky has since been suspended from his civilian position working as a “highly qualified expert” and “senior mentor” at the Army’s Combined Arms Center.

General Volesky will remain suspended from his $92 per hour contractor gig while an “inquiry” occurs.

More retired generals and admirals should speak up against this leftist insanity imposed on American society, much of it infecting and subverting our military, even if it impacts their pocketbooks, corporate board seats, or invites to dinner parties. ADN 


    1. Does not matter, because she is the president’s wife, and we all know what that entails. Once again, politics is proven to be a dirty game.

  1. I agree with the General and others need to get on the same Boat with him. I never believed in same sex marriage and the morons who want to be something else instead of being a man.

  2. Suspend??? Really? Promote him to four stars! He knows what a woman is which is one up on Jill anyway. When Trump gets back in he should get a Medal of Freedom too.

  3. The Biden household is blessed with two morons. Before some terminally ignorant fool brings up the “Dr.” in front of Mrs. Biden’s name, remember she’s not an MD but has a PhD which may qualify her to be a grade school principal.

  4. If I don’t know what a woman was/is/will be how the hell do I know who to marry if I want kids?
    I’ve been married a long time and I do know who I’ve been sleeping with! Ain’t no doughy! Glad I know what a woman is!!!

  5. it’s important to remember that the 1st amendment protects delusion and the articulation thereof.

  6. My wish is that every Democrat in Washington ,except two, were aborted by there mother. No Pelosi, AOC, Biden, Kamela Harris, Schummer and the rest to put up with their BS. Our Country is falling apart. My Retirement is losing thousands. All because these baffons we have trying to run a Country they have no idea how to. Start drilling oil, open the pipeline, stop pushing Electric Cars which we don’t need for the unforeseeable future. All this can be done by pushing out these leftist socialist and baby killers.

  7. This is ludicrous! He has a right to his opinions even though many think only their opinions matter. Shame on the Bidens for they could stop this stupidity. I have a question. If you knew your husband was struggling with his memory and other cognitive abilities would you not do something to stop him from running for the Presidency???

  8. So the military has now lost its proverbial marbles! Retired General Volesky is obviously a very clever man catching out “Dr. Jill” like that. Her knowledge and education are lacking in the one area you would have thought she might have some common sense. She is a woman, but one without common sense! As for the military brass, OMG no brain power, no common sense a d utterly devoid of “chutspa”. How high do you people jump?

  9. All the things that Hunter said about his stepmother are right on the money. In the Netherlands the farmers are protesting over losing their farms over some mythical nitrogen emergency. Really? The official response: They are just a small !minority so we are going to ignore them. The lqbtqxyz numbers are also a small minority yet we bend over for them (pun intended) and expect everyone to go along with. I say no fu##ing way!

    1. Yeah, like cow farts are a real problem . . . did you know that a gas lawn mower puts out more exhaust than the average automobile? Why have the lefties not gone after that problem . . . a farting cow, eating gas, would be a much better for the environment.

  10. This whole Roe thing is absurd, to say the least. What the Roe decisin does is simply hand it to the STATES to perform the buty required when you HAVE A REPUBLIC. Everybody screams and accuses when they haven;t the faintest idea what the Roe decision is all about. Instead of federal law, each state gets to do what states are supposed to do.

  11. I just do not understand the why Jill Biden is always addressed as “Doctor”. How many educators, social scientists, musicians, etc. holding a PhD expect to be addressed as “Doctor” . . . I have a degree in music, my son has a Doctorate in Sociology and has taught at several respected universities . . . obviously, we both have many associates/friends holding Doctorates and neither one of us could think of more than a handful of this group that expect to be addressed as “Doctor”. And those that did, were usually among the least qualified, least competent but most arrogant people we have ever known. . . . oh, I almost forgot, most of them also seem to have a very low self-esteem.

  12. Remember, she is a doctor(?) of education, and has no medical experience. Bozo Joe always like to say that he is married to a “doctor”. Wonder how many students are forced to take one of her classes? Unless a man can grow a vagina and start having periods, which are needed in order to become pregnant, he can call himself a woman, but it would be in name only.

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