Peter Meijer
Peter Meijer is running for Congress in Michigan’s 3rd District. He’s served in Irag as a non-commissioned officer and has remained extremely active in the veterans’ community. Meijer has always gone the extra mile to help and protect others. He has lead humanitarian efforts in South Sudan and he helped deliver assistance to aid workers in Afghanistan after kidnappings and targeted killings. His desire to serve and represent his community propelled him to run for Congress.
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Help President Trump Stop Joe Biden [ACT NOW]
Obama was a puppet President because he was black and Democrats needed a win! People felt they had to vote for him! Of course, it proved to be a desperate move! He was a total loss and the deep swamp are in a p@nic now! Biden too is a desperate move again!
Proud of this young man, he deserves to go to Congress, a true American!
The only P’s we need in Congress or any other part of Local, state and federal is Patriots not politicians. Politicians care about their wealth as Patriots care about our Country. AMEN