Martin Falbisoner via Wikimedia Commons

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)

Sen. Collins has been a longtime supporter of gun control measures, most recently co-sponsoring Sen. Rubio’s bill to enact an anti-Second Amendment “Red Flag” order. 

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America via Wikimedia Commons


    1. globalists and globalist puppet $oro$ know if they run a globalist puppet democrat criminal party vs a globalist puppet rino criminal party, globalists can’t lose .

  1. Republicans today are a party of weak little men and women don’t have what it takes to stand up to the democracts. These Republicans today truly are pathetic. Guess the money they are getting by China Russia is worth selling the country out. These Republicans need to face their justice as a traitor. If American people can’t protect themselves with the government shouldn’t either. You Republicans are weak

    1. Not many republicans run on the republican ticket so globalists and globalist puppet $oro$ run globalist puppet rino criminal party on the republican ticket so if the globalist puppet democrat criminal party wins or globalist puppet rino criminal party wins, globalists win .

    2. Politicians that take Lobby money surrender their power. They go to D.C. and lobby for their lobbyist to get more lobby money for reelection.

      1. It’s about the Benjamin’s. Money drives politics, so people with money can steer our governmental structures. A very good article about this topic is available to study: It’s entitled “The Liberal-Corporate Complex”. Fundamentally, this describes how Big Businesses cull their competition with government help.

    3. You’re wrong, because these people are NOT republicans. If we had such political influences within our Halls of Power, there would be no Publicly Funded Abortions, Hate Crime Laws, Illegal Alien Invasions, Proxy Wars, Affirmative Action, Climate Accords, Carbon Credits, the Offshoring of our Jobs and Globalist policies promulgated from Capitol Hill or the White House.

  2. Did that patch he is wearing for his eyes or to cover the leak of stupidity? Talk about a little man two is a two face he following the foot steps of a McCain

    1. Whatever comes I’m never going to comply. I’ve had it with commie assholes in the government. I don’t know if I believe in America anymore. I certainly don’t need the government to exist.

      1. We’re being conditioned to accept and comply with government edicts without objection. I was recently coerced to receive the vaccination prescribed by our government, even though I STILL believe the whole Covid 19(84..) issue was baloney. Remember the human microchip campaign? Odumbo was going to require our being chipped in order to comply with his Obamacare criteria. If there’s one thing you don’t want under your skin, it’s the U.S. Government.

  3. They’re welcome to come and try. I’ve no illusions about surviving said skirmish, but I’ll take as many as I can with me when I go.

  4. This is NOT what the people want! Take our guns and we will take your lucrative jobs!
    You will be voted out for siding with those socialistic scum!

    1. globalist puppet democrat criminal party and globalist puppet rino criminal party are voted out each election, globalist puppet barry soetoro and his husband big MIKE sold all our voting machines to globalist puppet $oro$ so that globalist puppet $oro$ can manipulate the voting machines to appoint globalist puppet democrat criminal party and globalist puppet rino criminal party .


  6. There are a bunch of corporations that just lost ALL my dollar’s, some of them are: Target, UBER!!! They are calling for election laws to be changed, THEY HAVE ZERO TO DO WITH POLITICS, UNLESS IT’S THE CROOKED commies in power now, you know biden and his SHIP OF FOOL’S!!!
    BLM is also screwing up, you’ve gone to far blm, you idiots are going to get CANCELLED!!! I so look forward to that happening!!!

  7. Marco is no surprise. He also supports amnesty for illegals. Lindsay Graham can’t be trusted. While he spoke like he supported Trump, when he is pushed he will cave. What’s happening in Florida? A bunch are from that state. We need to remove these anti-constitutional RINOs! The Constitution is clear (shall make NO law … restricting our 2nd amendment rights)

  8. These people coming after everyone’s guns could trip over a crack in the sidewalk, fall into a pot-hole, sink-hole, auto accident, drive through a Minneapolis riot, or decide facing angry Americans with The Right To Bare Arms isn’t worth the possible outcome? Think everyone better rethink what many are contemplating doing?

  9. I am tired of elected officials and bureaucrats who violate their oath of office and ignore their constituency. They walk all over the Constitution and people’s rights. They are drunk on power. They bow to the will of party leaders rather than choosing to do what is right. But they keep getting elected! Aren’t voters paying any attention?

  10. Congressional members refuse to stop the gun grab and the end result will most likely be all out civil war in which no one wins

  11. Please, let’s get to work and start calling their offices in WA. If they don’t pick up call their field offices. If that doesn’t work, please flood their E-mail boxes. Even if they’re not your reps or senators, just remember their votes affect all of us.
    I know it’s a little work, but they need to hear from all of us. I’m on it.

  12. Some are definitely NOT conservative — while, others are well meaning individuals who don’t believe that people should have “secret” guns.

  13. Please…bring it on!! Then we the people will show the government what happens when you ignore the constitution

  14. Anytime there is a shooting, Liberals always blame it on GUN VIOLENCE. There are possibly three factors to curb violence in any crime, for an equation to be solved,ALL FACTORS must be considered!, motive, weapon used, and last but not least is the HUMAN FACTOR which is never considered. There is the real problem!

  15. I have read the Constitution many times but I must have missed the clause that says “We the People” have the right to keep and bear arms unless a single judge deems you unfit.

  16. Sooty hate multi page articles. If you cannot put the article in one page, not worth the reading. Next…….

  17. Any member of Congress who supports any impediment to legal ownership of any gun is NO Republican. In FACT except those who Challenged that FARCE Democraps call an Election are the only REAL ACTUAL REPUBLICANS in DC. The rest are RINOS and FAKE Republicans. So if they support Pedo Joe’s IGNORANCE on guns they are NOT Republicans m. They are just like the MORON MEDIA they LACTATE on Democraps RECTUMS and will do what their MASTERS the Democraps say.

  18. In reading the 2nd Amendment it is clear that all gun laws are unconstitutional. I guess these people don’t know the meaning of the words “shall not be infringed”. It is pretty clear.

  19. Just take the guns away from the criminals and leave ours alone. We need them to fight the criminals you protect. The only people these outragous laws are going to affect are law abiding CITIZENS. The others don’t bother.

  20. Lets just look at it in a real way. think of this, what is all hell breakes loose in America and we end up in a new Revolution brought on from all of these Ant-2nd Amendment Politicians and then they are hunted down like the dogs they really are? What then? They all need to take a moment and think about the repercussions of their actions. Not me but there are crazy people out there that would do that.

  21. You could NEVER find 11 demwits who would “cross over” and support republicans on ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Just the way it is….
    demwits are like hoodrats they come out of the woodwork and onto the streets to protect their own….
    Meanwhile, when the crap hits the fan, republicans are running away as fast as they can screaming, “Run for your life, every man, woman and child are on their own!!!!”
    Just a bad case of white man syndrome….. won’t fight.

  22. Heck the list of gun grabbers are all CATHOLIC traitors. NO CATHOLIC is an American. Vote like it is.

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