Global Panorama via Flickr


  1. Biden should be Impeached for the Traitor that he is. Hes been on Chinas payroll for decades. I’d also like every person that voted to throw our Constitution out the window, and allow illegals to stay to be Impeached as well. I dont know who these people represent, but it’s not Americans. Washington DC needs to go.

  2. My God, whats happening in America today, swalwell is still part of intelligence community, HOW, he can’t get a security clearance, plus he hooked up with chinese spy.
    How the hell are CONVICTED FELONS getting a stimulus check, I haven’t gotten mine, I am a disabled veteran, but a felon gets it first???
    Also, the new dhs director mayorkas, he’s as deluded as the rest of this AWFUL administration.
    There is a black guy, writes for NYT, he stated that whiteness is a pandemic, and white people need to be hunted down and KILLED. The fact that the times published that garbage is criminal, and HOW IS THIS MAN NOT IN CUSTODY FOR A WRITTEN PUBLISHED TERRORIST THREAT. HOW AMERICA, HOW???

    1. We are seeing Satan running America until the ppl stand up it’s gonna keep going that way. There isn’t much time before there will be no return

  3. Oh I just realized mayorkas is getting paid for the children coming from the south. I am sure the cartels pay him well

  4. I’m Biden are you my husband are you my wife are you my dog who the hell are you??? I’m writing from the old folks home! Please tell me, am I the president????

    but, but, but 80,000,000 + Americans voted for these frauds. (Biden and Kamala!) Where are they??? They seemed to have vanished into thin air or did they ever exist? Why don’t you see them all over the place like when they came out for President Trump? You be the judge! Hmmmmmm!!

  5. There is no way Biden could betray Donald Trump, Biden and DNC are already the enemy. Biden will betray America. He will reinstate all of Chinese spies, Chinese surveillance of Americans through their businesses. Countless people will be thrilled to get TicToc back, with no restrictions. He may as well authorize joint Military maneuvers because they will have access to all our activities anyway. We will return to full co-operation with commerce. Biden will be a Chinese patsy, maybe already is. We can kiss Taiwan goodbye, our support of Taiwan will be pulled. We will see more Socialistic influence in our already Socialist influenced Congress.

  6. I believe he wants to give Alaska to china so they can have the oil that is there, that’s why they had to come to Alaska to see it for themselves.

  7. We have a president (in name only) who has been BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY CHINA,RUSSIA,IRAN and God knows how many other countries! Do your own research, there is certainly enough facts about the above to fill a library! DISGUSTING TRAITORS only interested in padding their own bank accounts, off shore of course!

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