The prominent television talk show, “The View”, has recently been in the spotlight following an intense interaction between the show’s co-host Sunny Hostin and Republican presidential candidate, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina. The incident raised questions about the potential racially prejudiced attitudes harbored by the show’s panel, as Hostin suggested that Scott’s accomplishments were exceptions rather than the norm for African Americans, a perspective Scott found deeply troubling. Further exacerbating the situation, Hostin seemed to disregard Scott’s recounting of the significant strides made by African Americans in society, including his own efforts to increase funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
This episode, coming on the heels of previous accusations of racism leveled at Scott and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas by another co-host, Joy Behar, deepens the controversy surrounding the show’s approach towards black Republicans. Scott, in response, expressed his dissatisfaction, highlighting the importance of acknowledging systemic progress while striving for an even more equitable future. Behar’s criticism of Scott’s abortion stance added another layer of complexity to the situation. This escalating series of confrontations spotlights the brewing debate about race, political ideology, and respectful dialogue on “The View”.
The controversy started when Hostin asserted that Scott’s success was a rare instance, an idea which Scott vehemently contested, finding the notion of thriving African Americans being an anomaly as “revolting”.
Scott countered:
“Look around, we’ve witnessed an African American president, vice president, not to mention, two African American secretaries of state. In my hometown, the police chief, who happens to be African American, is even vying for the mayoral position.”
As Hostin attempted to interject, Scott firmly reminded her to maintain “courtesy” and allow him to complete his thoughts, saying:
“The advancement in America is tangible and can be observed across generations. My grandfather was born in 1921 in Sally, South Carolina. He had to make way and avoid eye contact whenever a white person approached while he was on a sidewalk,”
“Despite the challenges, he had faith in America’s potential, and that his belief in God, self-resilience, and optimism for his children’s future would open doors to unimaginable opportunities. The evidence of progress is visible to any kid today – simply switch the channels. ABC, NBC, CBS, ESPN, CNN, Fox News, all these feature African American and Hispanic hosts. I’m implying that what used to be the exception is now the norm.”
Hostin interjected:
“So, America has fulfilled its promise?”
Scott retorted:
“No, America’s essence is striving towards a more perfect union. Certainly, the struggles we confronted half a century or more ago should not be identical to the ones we encounter presently.”
To demonstrate his point, Scott referred to the increasing graduation rates among black students, which Hostin dismissed as a statistic relevant only to HBCUs.
Scott retorted:
“Well, that’s noteworthy, given that I propelled the funding for HBCUs to an unprecedented level in our nation’s history.”
This confrontation followed a few weeks after Joy Behar accused Scott and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of failing to comprehend the nature of racism. Scott, who declared his presidential candidacy on May 22, has since released a campaign video condemning the victimhood mentality. Behar also targeted Scott’s affirmative stance and his opinions on abortion rights.
In response to Behar’s criticism, Scott stated:
“He’s not exactly pro-choice, he did state that he would support any proposition presented by the Republicans. Thus, he is not pro-choice,” Behar had commented. “He aligns with individuals like Clarence Thomas, black Republicans who advocate for self-reliance, failing to recognize the systemic racism that African Americans and other minorities confront in this country. He simply doesn’t grasp it, nor does Clarence.”
In retaliation, Scott described Behar’s allegations as:
“Insulting, repugnant, and perilous for a separate cause.”
So Behar made all those accusations, and then was absent when Scott came on the show. Coward!
Senator Scott refuses to be a house you know what
TWO black women on The View. Black two term president, black VP, and I cant watch a single TV commercial without seeing a black face. Ditto the music industry. Ditto any major professional sport team except ice hockey. These folks are exceptions? Really?? So tired of the bogus whine.
The view’s hosts are ignorant and wrong about so much. I don’t know how they manage to stay on the air. They stoke the fires of hate in their audiences in the studio, and wherever their program is watched. This promotes division in families, neighborhoods, cities, states and nation wide.