Photo by Gage Skidmore

Enshrine Police Funding

The bill will counter the attacks from extremists to reduce or eliminate funding for law enforcement, allowing local elected officials to challenge those budget decisions, and giving the state power to approve or amend the local budget.

Photo by Gage Skidmore


      1. “Vlady” probably an arsonist, likes all the burning, looting and rioting …….
        Yes, let’s just sit back and watch ROME burn all over again ……..
        Would he like if his “behind” cut on fire ??

        1. The Democrat Party isn’t attractive to actual Catholics. Most practicing, church-going Catholics are conservatives. It is the pretend Catholics like Biden and Pelosi who use their claimed religion for political purposes and don’t subscribe to the Church’s teachings that are leftists.

    1. I’m not sure why you would bother posting here. You realize literally no one welcomes your comments?
      Why don’t you go to some angry degenerate leftist website, where you can plot your next act of civil disobedience??

      1. Jerry, Can you say Troll? That idiot comes here to see if he can get a reaction out of anybody. Never argue with a a fool. He’ll bring you down to his level, and beat you with experience!!

    2. Sounds more to me that you have your head up you own leftist ass! Go back to your hole and leave this stuff to us adults!

      1. He could be a Russian Stalinist. They were quite active in Infonews during the Russia-Ukraine war. They have been active more recently on The Conversation, by claiming that Alexey Nalvany is guilty of embezzlement, was not poisoned to any significant degree, and deserves the prison sentence that he has been hit with.

        The Conversation has had articles praising Nalvany as a courageous leader of opposition to violations of freedoms in Russia. But the authors are no match for this band of seasoned propagandists, as you can see from the following webpage:

        The comments section has me as the opening commenter, warning the author about “hardcore Stalinists and other Nalvany opponents ” but my words went unheeded: the author made no appearance in the comments section, and they stopped the comments at 5 as these hardcore opponents repeated the same allegations about Nalvany.

    3. Vlad’s mother forgot to flush after he was born. What a mindless buffoon. Vlad is upset because of the new law he can no longer window shop with a brick and a firebomb. The good guys are winning. Run Vlad run!

  1. About time someone started cracking down on these rioters . Dems and Libs don’t like it as they know the more chaos there is it is easier for them to enact their agenda .

    1. Lib, Dem and CATHOLIC are all the same. Goebbels, Germany, (C). Control the media and you control the nation….. Biden (C), Pelosi (C), SCOTUS (C) AOC (C), McConnell (C) are using the same tactic. The methods have not changed in a hundred years. Oh yeah, Bezos (C), Gates (C) control the cloud of the internet. They shut down the President of the USA! Look south of the USA to see what is coming your way. Vote for ANY (C) and you vote for proven failure.

      1. You are a real asswipe!!! I am a disabled veteran, wounded in the service of my country, and CATHOLIC!!! HOW DARE YOU SAY I AM NOT AMERICAN, NOT PATRIOTIC, you serve??? I seriously doubt it!!! You are NOTHING BUT A BIG MOUTH COWARD!!!

        1. Thank you for your service. All the Catholics he mentioned are Catholic in name only. It’s about time the Pope gets busy excommunicating all of these “Catholics” just like Biden does with all his executive orders!

        2. I am a traditional Catholic and Navy veteran. The Catholic Church is now part of the problem. The pontiff believes in “Liberation Theology” and is partnering with all of the radicals in the U.S. to overthrow capitalism and to install a one world socialist government.

          1. Don’t worry to much about the present Pope. The Church has survived bad Popes in the past, and it will survive this one too.

          2. ..CATHOLIC want the INVASION, CONQUEST, SUBJUGATION, THEN ELIMINATION TO CONTINUE. ….(BE CATHOLIC OR BE DEAD). This has been the plan for a thousand years….. Know who the real enemy is. … Vote for ANY “C” and you vote for a traitor. The invasion will never stop.

          3. It is a pity. Once a CATHOLIC TRAITOR always a CATHOLIC TRAITOR even though you know it is corrupt beyond redemption.

        3. Benedict Arnold was also a CATHOLIC TRAITOR……Biden is CATHOLIC. Pelosi is CATHOLIC. McCain is CATHOLIC. NO CATHOLIC “C” is an American…. ALL Catholics are traitors….My religion is the USA. My holy book is the Constitution….. There are two sides to a coin, heads, tails. There is The USA OR the Vatican…. The Constitution OR the bi-babble… the President of the USA OR the pooopie…. .. they are opposite and not compatible…..R and D mean nothing. .. ..The smoke screen continues and continues. Political correct will get us all killed. they are ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC “C” INVADERS. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor. The Vatican is a foreign hostile NATION which is at undeclared perpetual war with all other nations. Be Catholic or be dead. Catholics may be citizens, never AMERICANS.

          1. Who every you are. You are a very Ignorant person. You most have come out lost, you still stink of S@@@.

        1. Nah, not going away, I am an AMERICAN and fighting for AMERICANS. Catholic traitors need not apply.

  2. Insurrection is not to be allowed! Catholics, ALL Catholics have a perfect record! A thousand years, a hundred nations and exactly 100% FAILURE. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you can look south of the USA to see what they bring: chaos, criminals, dogma, corruption, thievery, rape, murder to just start off!.

    1. It’s not Catholics you idiot!!! It’s the Democrats/Liberals controlled by the Globalists!!! (And OBAMA!!!)

      1. Al has an emotional age of 4. He’s desperate for attention. If you’re a regular reader, you know he makes the same obnoxious rant everyday. Ignore him, eventually he’ll go away.

        1. Annna you sidestep like a real brain dead CATHOLIC traitor. No answers, no rebuttals, just the normal CATHOLIC SIDESTEP

      1. I read a lot!. Try it sometime, especially history. I do not ‘hate Catholics’. I do hate failure.
        .. CATHOLICS have learned nothing in a hundred nations and a thousand years of exactly 100% failure.
        I also hate corruption. Find a CATHOLIC “C” nation and corruption is in the very blood of the nation. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor.

        1. You are ignoring the five conservative Catholic justices on the Supreme Court. Sotomayor is a traitor to Catholicism, and I have major doubts about Roberts as a Catholic, but the five conservatives, especially Clarence Thomas, are generally true to what Catholicism really stands for. True, Gorsuch did strike a very sour note recently, but the other four are solid.

        1. Biden, Cuomo, and Pelosi are traitors to what true Catholicism stands for, and they are far more powerful you or I are. You should heed Ben Franklin’s words: “We must hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

          That happened to all too many of the “traitors to Britain,” including Nathan Hale and some of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

    2. You will see everything about what criminals who care nothing for God bring, but nothing about what Catholics bring.

      1. Catholics bring corruption, murder, rape, incompetence, failure ignorance and various diseases to start with.

      1. I do not ‘hate Catholics’. I do hate failure.
        .. CATHOLICS have learned nothing in a hundred nations and a thousand years of exactly 100% failure.
        I also hate corruption. Find a CATHOLIC “C” nation and corruption is in the very blood of the nation. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor.

  3. Hooray for Ron Desantis .. Finally got a Governor with some balls to stand up against these liberal left wing assholes.. Start arresting them for spitting on sidewalk.. Bunch of no good law breaking POS.

  4. Thank you Governor DeSantis….a glimmer of hope in an otherwise dismal situation….some one with guts and grit….now, how about taking Mad Max down for her rehtoric toward inciting a riot….

  5. This bill should be passed by every state ….there is no excuse for a riot….a peaceful protest is fine but this violence and property damage has to be stopped by whatever means necessary…Great Job, Governor !!!! I wish I lived in Florida !!!

  6. Awesome! What a great Governor. Our governor has her head too far up the woke crowd ass to help anyone here.

  7. Now, if only all the other Republican governors would follow suit, we might could get something going on the way to taking back our country!

  8. You are a good governor, and I applaud you for your determination to protect the people & businesses of Florida!!

  9. About time! A grown up Governor who has seen enough bull shit going on in government and on the streets and has done something about it. There needs to be more people like him willing to step down from the private sector into the cesspool of American government a clean it up‼️

  10. Yes these thugs need to go to jail and their supporter,(communist controlled democrats, maxine waters) needs to go with them! period.
    Remove all communist controlled democrats from office! period.

  11. Good for De Santis’! And good for Florida! We need more governors willing to step forward to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and defend the blessings of liberty.

  12. Bless you Ron for enforcing the law and calling out these “woke Progressives” and their stupid Orwellian agendas. I’ve been hoping that they will get called down for their lawlessness and unethical conduct. I was thinking they should be made to own up for their actions before and not after they have to pay the boatman to cross over to the other side of the river.

  13. This is the greatest thing I’ve heard to combat riots by illegals, stupid , uninformed kids, paid by Soros rioters, and other nuts in our streets looking for publicity. And Vladilyich, How would you like your business and life’s work destroyed by these idiots? You are the one with your head. up Biden’s ass.

  14. I think this is way overdue and I love this new Bill!
    Finally someone has tge guts to do what most of us have wanted for far too long!!

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