During a Sunday interview, former Director of National Intelligence, John Radcliffe, gave a harsh rebuke of Joe Biden’s performance during his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin

The Daily Wire reports:

“Vladimir Putin got exactly what he wanted,” Ratcliffe told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo. “I could make an argument that the first five months of the Biden administration have been the best of Vladimir Putin’s political life.”

“Just from an economic standpoint, folks know that Vladimir Putin was 3-0 when it comes to pipelines,” Ratcliffe said. “Joe Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline. That was a win for Putin. Criminal networks in Russia shut down one of our major pipelines, the Colonial Pipeline. That was a win for Putin. And, of course, Joe Biden responded by giving Vladimir Putin the one thing that he wanted most, which was the Nord Stream II pipeline, the ability to finish that, and, by doing so, to control the flow of energy into Western Europe.”

“So it had already been a great year for Vladimir Putin before he ever got to Geneva,” Ratcliffe continued. “But then Joe Biden gave him a political win. He invited the Russian dictator who governs a country with an economy — a small, dwindling economy the size of the state of Texas, to sit down with him. And, as a result of that, Vladimir Putin was on the world stage with equal billing with the leader of the free world, and he made no concessions. He made no concessions about cyberattacks. He made no concessions about political dissidents. He made no concessions about Russian interference in Ukraine or Belarus. And that’s a political win for Vladimir Putin back home that he could not possibly have dreamed about.”

Ratcliffe said that the United States “got nothing” from the summit under Biden’s weak leadership.



  1. Putin chewed him up and spat him out. I hate to say that about a so called American president. But it’s true.

  2. Being woke is one thing. Turning on the light is another. Maybe more of the woke will start seeing the light as these things continue to happen.

  3. Ole putin don’t need covert operations against the USA, he has joe! Joe will give him everything he needs to destroy this country!

  4. Thanks to Joe Blow, we are rapidly losing our status as a world player, which status Mr. Trump had so ingeniously restored and enhanced with the acumen of a businessman. Trump helped us recover from many of the disastrous excesses of Obamunism. And NOW… will we ever recover?

  5. The tragic performance of Biden seems to indicate that Biden, and his supporters, are puppets of the Devil, set on destroying One Nation Under God, as demons, now rule the China, Iran, and Russia, already.
    Will a nuclear attack by the murders of Tiananmen Square on major US cities, cleanout the filth that currently encourages tribal warfare on the streets?
    China is developing bioweapons to use as part of their planned nuclear war with the US, the only way that China can dominate all of Asia, and later the world.
    Putin is the enemy of the Russian people, as he is ceding Siberia to the Chinese, by failing to united with the US against China.
    Xi will try to restore and expand the original scope of the Mongol empire to be replaced by the Han Chinese empire that will nuke its enemies and rule the survivors with total savagery, as we saw at Tiananmen Square.
    There is no need to occupy nations, when you can simply nuke them, if the fail to obey.
    Communism is simply the elites, using a powerful bureaucracy to control the people, who become slaves of the state.
    Once they take power, resistance is crushed.
    The elites that hold power in the “free world”, see collusion with the Chinese as key to their personal power and safety. The elites will eave it to China, to exterminate any opposition, just as the Democrats use BLM and Antifa, as militias to terrorize us into giving up our civil rights.

  6. Pretender Biden gave Russia’s Leader Putin a list of areas that he wanted to protect from Cyber Attacks! How Novel, giving someone you suspect of Cyber Attacks a list of Targets to attack!
    Someone on the Presidential staff should advise Our “Supposed Leader” that some things are better left “UNSAID” I suppose Pretender Biden missed Class of ”Presidential Instruction 101″

  7. I don’t hate to say it. Biden’s sucked at Foreign Policy his entire career. He’s always been wrong. The he puts the same dipshits that Obama had back into positions. The end result, Biden’s State Department and FP personnel all suck.

    81,000,000 alleged and unproven voters, our fellow Americans, are MORONS!

  8. The ghost met with Putin. Good luck! Its so time to remove the clown/puppet/ghost of a bankrupted Corporation and reinstate the true Commander in Chief

  9. John Radcliffe is spot on. What a shame that American foreign and domestic policy is rapidly being ceded to Russia and China. American sovereignty is our most important consideration, and the Biden/Harris Administration is squandering it in just six months in office. Read Hoover Institute Fellow Peter Schweitzer’s books and educate yourself regarding the very real threat that this poses to our nation.

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