via Wikimedia Commons

Russian political activist Garry Kasparov slammed NBC News for its pathetic interview with Russian President Vladamir Putin ahead of the Geneva summit with President Biden. Kasparov called out NBC for the softball interview saying the network played right into Putin’s hands and gave him exactly what he wanted

According to Fox News:

“This interview was just a shame, because if you have this chance, talking to [a] Russian dictator, you have to ask some tough questions, and it seems that everything had been agreed upon,” Kasparov said after host Brian Kilmeade stated that Putin “loved” the way he came off in the interview.

“It’s also a humiliation for an American network to present itself as a platform for [a] dictator, and we all could see Putin now just beaming with joy because he got what he wanted,” Kasparov said, referring to Putin’s appearance at the Geneva summit. “He is at the top diplomatic table. He has now been elevated, even above other NATO countries.”

Kasparov argued that the Soviet Union was actually a super power while Putin’s Russia was not. He added that the Soviet Union “tried to play by certain rules,” but that Putin doesn’t.

“I have bad news: he will never cease attacking America and American interests because that’s a part of his global campaign. He is at war, it’s a hybrid war, and I’m afraid that this meeting in Geneva just emboldens him because it tells him that if he pushes hard, he will get what he wants,” he said.

Clearly, the mainstream media is;t only just going easy on Biden anymore.


  1. It’s a sad day when the leader of a foreign country can comment on the things the American media and their marxist cohorts won’t talk about. Putin didn’t seem ” that bad” when the clintons and obama were doing their deals with him, though, eh?

  2. This comment should be put on facebook to show just how weak USA looks to the rest of the world. Biden will go down in history as the worst president. We have now lost everything we have gained.

    1. the problem is it’s not Biden, he’s simply too far gone to know or care about what is happening..the real issue is who is pulling the puppets strings, and who is writing the speeches he pretends to read….who is pushing and promoting the Socialism of America?..Obama?..Jarret?…Pelosi?………..that is where the root cause of this mess belongs……the only solution is to take back the House and Senate in 2022 and shut this nonsense down.

  3. Biden is incompetent even a chief liar and thief, he should have just left the family torch burning with his very over indulgent drug head son. What an upstanding first family 🤮

  4. People act surprised, rhwn was the last time ANY of our main stream media even acted American? I’m waiting
    Not really, there will be no answer and it has been years since we turned our TV on. There is a limit to the lies and garbage we allow into our life and main stream media exceeded it.

  5. We don’t like our traitors but we like other countries’ traitors. If the Russian political leadership is as self serving as the US’, and I have no doubts it is, you need a steel grip to keep that country alive. Otherwise, it’s going to be an empty shelf within a generation; look at all these British soccer clubs own by former Russian oligarchs. And facing the G7, its population and GDP, Putin has to go hybrid. I like him. He’s societal alternative. I like alternatives and I don’t like socialism, even if styled by the US.

  6. Biden is mentally impaired. His presence on the national stage is an embarrassment to America and it’s people. This administration’s weakness is emboldening our enemies. We have lost respect around the world and we will suffer for it.

  7. The American lickspittle media are serving as Putin’s Pravda and Izvestia. This old KGB man will feel right at home.

  8. NBC is a disgrace. But then again, so are CBS, ABC, MSNBC and most of the other phony media stations.

  9. Trip, Stumble, and fall goes an old Mommas and Poppas song. the theme song of NBC has been this for about five years folks!

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