According to multiple outlets, unusual activities by Pope Francis are sparking rumors he is getting ready to resign the papacy.

The Daily Caller reports:

Pope Francis postponed his July trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan and called for an extraordinary consistory to be held during the August Vatican recess, the Daily Mail reported Monday. Rumors that the pontiff would resign have sine escalated, according to the Daily Mail.

In recent weeks, the pope has heavily relied on a wheelchair to help with mobility and was forced to cancel or modify events at the Vatican after a persistent knee injury caused him severe pain.

The meeting of cardinals will be held Aug. 27, a time typically reserved for vacation, and will allow the pope to appoint 21 new cardinals, including 16 who will be eligible to elect his successor in the case of his death or resignation, the Daily Mail reported.

Journalist and former Fox News host, Megyn Kelly, said her Vatican guide explained this morning that the turn of events was “highly unusual.” Kelly was in Vatican City at the time.

The pontiff has not been in the best physical shape, with health issues mounting. He has been in a wheelchair at recent events.


  1. I have not been a great advocate of this pope. As a Catholic I find some of his decisions like allowing the Biden’s to receive communion when they are not in a state of Grace due to their belief in abortion to be highly against the standings of our church.
    I pray for him and his health and hope that he finds his way back.

      1. Not even those young men who died at Normandy, who wore crosses with Jesus on them? Jesus isn’t on a Protestant cross.

        1. Protestant Cross, there is no such thing. The cross He died on held no political division and He died for any who would be come to Him; believe on Him. There were no Catholics or Protestants at that time.

        1. Now that isn’t Catholic behavior! Even if anniedawn is wrong you don’t have to yell or name call. Jesus would’d like your behavior.

          1. Actually He probably would. Remember He took a whip to the money changers in the Temple!

      2. Are you Catholic? Are you an American? If not how the how would you know who was Catholic or not? Your ignorance is showing.

  2. I said from the beginning, HE IS NOT A POPE. HE is just another peon wanted publicity for a Pope. I don’t think the world will ever have another POPE as POPE JOHN. I never liked Frances, he is like the DEMS.

    1. There is an age old prophecy that the 135th Pope will be the last Pope. Guess who the 135th Pope is?

  3. Making way for the false prophet no doubt, come out of this false religion, before it is to late people.


      1. JESUS IS REAL/GOD IS REAL! BUT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS THE APOSTATE CHURCH OF THE BIBLE. 2Thessalonians 2; 1Timothy 4. Few of their teachings are even found in scripture. From the papacy of Peter to indulgences, praying to Mary, to priestly absolving of sins and on and on! It is based primarily on tradition. The people of God in the New Testament are neither Catholic or Protestant! Neither of them existed in the first century!

  4. The issue is that he will be stacking the deck by appointing new cardinals who will be inclined to elect another Marxist – Socialist (i.e., follower of the anti-Christ) as Pope.

  5. Me thinks God wants a little one on one with this lefty popetard. It’s gonna get real hot for pedophile Francis.

  6. Frankie the Fraud Friar. It is also speculated by numerous sources (including VERY accurate prophesy) that Frankie is the last Pope.

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