Wikimedia Commons, By EmyLechuga24

Mexican government officials are deeply concerned by President Joe Biden’s radical immigration policies. As I have written, these Biden policies that overturned President Trump’s far stricter rules have already provoked a massive surge in illegal migration to the United States. 100,000 illegal migrants were detained on the border in February alone by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the highest number in 15 years.

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said of Biden: “They see him as the migrant president, and so many feel they’re going to reach the United States.”

Not only are Biden’s policies creating another severe border crisis that Biden refuses to acknowledge, Reuters reported this week that Mexico is “worried the new U.S. administration’s asylum policies are stoking illegal immigration and creating business for organized crime.”

Specifically, according to reports, Mexican intelligence has found that the cartels are “diversifying methods of smuggling and winning clients as they eye Biden’s measures that will ‘incentivize migration.’”

The Daily Wire noted from the Reuters report that:

The Mexican cartels changed their modus operandi “from the day Biden took office” and are now showing “unprecedented” levels of sophistication in their criminal activity, which includes “briefing clients on the latest immigration rules, using technology to outfox authorities, and disguising smuggling operations as travel agencies.” The smugglers communicate with the migrants on numerous social media channels to update them on “impending checkpoints, when freight trains they can jump on pass, where to stay and how to navigate immigration laws.”

Those trying to enter the U.S. are now traveling in smaller groups and are taking less traveled routes to avoid detection, routes the report said were even more dangerous than the other ones.

The smugglers are telling the migrants to go to their local authorities and make complaints that they have been the victims of crime that way they can apply for asylum in the U.S. and the migrants are being told to bring children so it is easier for them to apply for asylum.

To ease their passage, smugglers advise Central American clients to register complaints with authorities saying they have been victims of extortion or, for young men, that they have faced death threats from street gangs, the assessments show.

As global coronavirus travel restrictions lessen, Mexican officials are also concerned that “there could be a significant influx in migrants from outside the region – the Caribbean, Asia, Africa and the Middle East,” adding to the already dangerous and volatile mix.

And ironically, or hypocritically, notes Reuters, even “as Mexicans hail Biden’s cancellation of work on Trump’s border wall,” some Mexican officials say it is time Mexico builds its own “wall” along its southern border with Guatemala. Though, rather than calling it a wall, they euphemistically refer to it as “improving the infrastructure” on their border.


    1. Nasty nancy = CATHOLIC. Biden = CATHOLIC. SCOTUS = CATHOLIC. Kerry = CATHOLIC. Corruption through and through. , Vote for ANY CATHOLI and you vote for corruption, and FAILURE.

  1. Sometimes I really wonder? Has anyone checked to see if Joe Biden, et al, has any arrangement with any of the drug cartels for a “piece of the action” in their profits? It really wouldn’t surprise me, consideering that his son is a hard-over drug addict, and needs to have a continuing supply of mind altering drugs, if he is to survive. Joe may want to assure that there is always a good supply of illegal drugs for his family to use. And what about Joe? Is he REALLY brain damaged, or just quasi-high on coke or heroin? Someone should check this.

    1. What can be expected from “greedy” joe tracing back to the good old days in Ukraine. I’m guessing he has ties with the drug cartels. Ya think!

    2. Good point , Jamey . The Biden crime family is known for corrupt and criminal dealings with Ukraine and China involving hundreds of millions of dollars and it would not surprise anyone if they are involved with the drug cartels as well . Joe appears to be high on most occasions ; is probably a coke head .

    3. …and we are paying for this illegal influx with our taxes. Biden and his ilk need to be put in jail for crimes against America!!!

    4. bidum, pelosi, harris, schumer, swalwell, aoc, and ALL these communist leaders have the same Dr. as A. Hitler, Dr. Morell was his name, and he kept Hitler doped up and I am quite sure all these commies have a similar Dr.

  2. When the headline spoke of the world’s most evil gang, I thought the article would be about Democrats. Imagine my disappointment.

  3. Let’s start with a vote of no confidence, not just for Brainless Biden, but the entire administration, especially Conniving Kamala.

  4. such a shamed that American paid officials conduct themselves as Anti American paid by Americans taxes & act as organized crime members, Christopher Wray has to take immediate action Americans must clean out the deep state from all states from A through Z.

    1. chris wray doesn’t have the balls to do the American people ANY good, along with the rest of bidum appointees

  5. this is why we need to keep our 2 amendent rights we are going to need to protect our country as well as our selfs

  6. How the hell can bidum order NO PRESS AT THE BORDERS. This ladies and gentlemen is COMMUNISM. This ENTIRE administration is stepping on the constitution, they are taking away our rights, and it’s happening extremely fast. On a DAILY basis this administration pushes our rights away, we have to do something, I won’t keep writing all their names, but we know the communist parties names. THEY LIE EVERY DAY, bidum refuses to answer questions, I was looking forward to the 25ths press conference, but I am sure it will be SCRIPTED, so it will be a political joke. THIS MAN AND ALL HIS CRONIES DO NOT CARE ABOUT AMERICA, can all you people that voted these IDIOTS in, finally see the consequences we are suffering, if you people don’t see it, well then you all need to move to a COMMUNIST COUNTRY, we are not there yet but we are so close. THESE PEOPLE HAVE TO BE STOPPED, AMERICA IS STILL A FREE COUNTRY BUT NOT FOR LONG, THIS ADMINISTRATION IS STEPPING ON EVERY SOLDIER THAT GAVE THEIR LIVES TO PROTECT THIS COUNTRY AND OUR FREEDOMS (I am one) and to see this piece of EXCREMENT smile as he lies to us all, ANGERS ME. We need to treat this as we treated the king of England back during the REVOLUTIONARY WAR!!!

  7. Biden is not capable of leading this nation and that is quite obvious. The hate for former President Trump runs so deep, that no forethought is given to the consequences of arbitrarily undoing policies of the former administration. The southern border is a prime example. Innocent people have been led to believe that Biden will welcome them if they can reach the border. These poor people have been subjected to all sorts of horrendous crime by ruthless people. Their children are suffering greatly. People have been killed trying to reach this country. None of this would have happened had Biden kept in place the safeguards implemented by the Trump administration. At the end of the day, Biden will not only have destroyed a nation that is suffering from COVID fallout economically and psychologically, he will also have blood on his hands as a result of his reckless decisions. His policies are NOT sustainable.

  8. …NO CATHOLIC is an American.. NO Muslim is an American, they are Muslim failures. /Catholic traitors have the bi-babble not the Constitution. Catholic traitors have the poopiem, not the President of the USA. Catholic traitors have the Vatican, not the USA. .Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and the invasion by the ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC INVADERS will never stop.

  9. We have Communist China, Iran who’s planning an attack on US soil specifically in DC that’s a report from our intelligence dept and the Southern Border Crisis that neither Biden nor Harris will address WHY do these two continue to be in office, they need to be impeached along with the dumboRats in the house and senate, their sending our country into destruction! We need to put our country under Military rule until we find someone who will bring order once again to Americans, biden doesn’t care if he turns over our country to destroyers!

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