The Lab Director at the Wuhan Institute of Virology Worried the Virus Came From Her Lab

Shi Zhengli is known as the “bat woman” for her discovery that bats were likely responsible for the 2002 SARS outbreak, and her work with RaTG13, a bat disease that killed three workers who had been shoveling bat excrement at a Chinese mine in 2012. When Zhengli’s boss told her about an outbreak of a new disease in the city, which resembled RaTG13 closely, she wondered if it had come out of her lab. She checked her records and was relieved to find no matches, but rather than informing officials and conducting a public investigation, the Institute buried it.
This will never be put out in the main stream media.
It’s being published to the internet and this will be continued to be shared until we get answers.
How about Xiao’s paper and Chi-tai’s lecture dropped or wiped from the internet? Sounds very similar to what twitter and facebook are doing, doesn’t it?
Cover the truth at all costs, even at the cost of millions of lives… The CCP way, and soon to be the Democratic way.
Hello! This is what President Trump said from the start!!
Wonder how many time the ControlUs Virus is going to “mutate”……?
The Wuhan virus was created in China, in a lab, on purpose, as a way to punish the American people, take us out, or whatever, and we can be pretty sure Barack Obama was in cahoots with the Chinese to come up with this plan. Obama has always wanted to take out the older people in this country because he thought that would whittle down the problem of one world order, and he would have a better chance of making that happen. He naively thought he would be in charge of the One World Order. But he had not reasoned with the evilness of the Chinese. They were just using him him so they could step up to the plate to be the infamous LEADER of this One World Order. In fact, I am sure they had (or have) a plan to wipe him and his henchmen immediately that this OWO happens!!! He is very naive in his processes along this line of thinking. He is so proud of himself (of what I might add!!!), that he thinks everyone (all over the world!!) is looking for him to be a one world leader!!! ha ha ha. He would be the very first they would take out!!!
Never forget the investment the USA had in this lab. Fauci visited the damned place fgs.
Dr Fauci sent 3.7 million dollars in NIH grants to the lab in Wuhan to do Covid Research on Bats in 2015. Newsweek did an article on it. He was told to stop but sent another 3.7 in 2019. Moderna has nothing to its name but has been researching Covid for a decade, partially funded by Fauci organization NIAID. So no wonder they have a 95% cure rate they have been researching a disease that supposed has only been around for a little over a year for a decade. Why have war zone when evil people like Fauci can bring the war right to your door step and just like in war your fighting for your survival. Fauci should be in prison and all the people who aided and helped this disease be released upon the general public should be there with him. But we can’t even prosecute people who cheat in elections, so if you not going to do anything to them, they are emboldened to keep doing it.
Everyone should close tweeter, FB, Instagram accounts, dump their stock if own any before they are worthless, stop buying from Amazon, buy direct from the seller/merchant don’t wait.
Yeah, so lets build an anti-matter bomb and blow it up to see what happens…
For anyone who in the beginning paid close attention, this virus had all of the characteristics of an engineered virus. The real question is was it an accidental release or a purposeful release. A purposeful release would be biological warfare which is an aggressive act of war. That is a crime against humanity.
I read an article about 20 years or so ago about a country that did just what is happening now, they released a virus and killed off 2/3 of the world population but with them already having the cure for the virus and had secretly inoculated their military; once it had reached their set goal they invaded the weakened countries and conquered them post hast. What better way than unleashing nuclear war, nothing destroyed and areas conquered are not waste lands but just large graveyards. What few left are no more than slaves now with spineless followers pretending to be leaders. Just an old man saying ; what say you ?
Some wonder if the virus was not an accident of containment and even posited that China released it on purpose to punish Trump’s America for their economic sanctions. The other nations deaths, even their own Chinese citizens, would be just “collateral damage” in the effort to bring down America’s economy.
The Commie chinese created that virus to destroy America.
Why don’t we sue china for doing this and killing so many people world wide
Biden is buddy buddy with china so it will be bried with everyone that died from the chinese virus
Sue hell nuke their ass to hell and back but wait we don’ have anyone up there with BALLS just some old fart that can’t even read notes.
The US is not innocent in this Moderna has been researching the cure for this disease for a decade which is odd for a disease that supposedly didn’t exist until last year. Then there is Dr Fauci using two 3.7 million NIH grants to fund the P4 lab in Wuhan and in case you haven’t guessed it by now, to do research on Covid diseases in bats. Men who play with diseases that could wipe out the human race shouldn’t be allowed to, to them it is all research and padding their massive egos they don’t think or care about lives lost and ruined.
Of course it was. Don’t be so naive.
Excuse ME!!! We knew that a year ago.
LISTEN UP….GOD was RIGHT..I RELAY a MESSAGE on FACEBOOK Before..The VIRUS Came from the WUHAN LAB..transferred to the WETMARKET. The CHINESE GOVT….the WHO and DR FAUCI are to BLAME for COVID DEATHS. GOD also told Me….the ELECTION was STOLEN from PREZ TRUMP. TRUMP got 105 MILLION LEGAL VOTES. GOD is NOT a LIAR. From SamuraiQueen. 😄😄😄
O yes, drug dealer oboma proclaimed himself the president of the world and everyone was silent, china has already said they will unleash more virus that they have already made their people immune from to further this one world government.
We are being told, but we are being too quiet about it. the commie democRATS have been accepting their payment from china thinking that they will be included in this one world government, but they are going to find out that the commie Chinese don’t need them when all is done.