Unknown author via Wikimedia Commons

As borders between Central American countries begin to reopen amidst the coronavirus pandemic approximately 2,000 Honduran migrants have entered Guatemala with the goal of entering the United States. The President of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, has vowed to detain the migrants and return them to Honduras, publicly disparaging the caravan and calling it a health concern due to the pandemic.

According to the Daily Wire:

“The order has been given to detain all those who entered illegally, and return them to the border of their country,” Giammattei said, according to the AP. “We will not allow any foreigner who has used illegal means to enter the country, to think that they have the right to come and infect us and put us at serious risk.”

The migrants were supposed to be registered as they crossed into Guatemala, but the caravan pushed their way past the limited number of Guatemalan police and soldiers and entered the country. The AP reported that a 15-year-old who traveled with his three friends and neighbors was looking to live the “American dream” and hoping to support his 6-month-old son who was back in Honduras.

As The Daily Wire previously reported, migrant caravans were fairly prominent in 2018 and 2019 until the coronavirus pandemic hit earlier this year. In January 2019, The Daily Wire’s Emily Zanotti reported that a caravan of nearly 1,000 departed Honduras to reach the U.S. It was just the latest in numerous caravans that had traveled to the U.S. in 2018. Another caravan formed in March 2015. In October 2018, a migrant caravan refused to accept an offer from the Mexican government to stay and work in that country. In November 2018, a migrant caravan was reportedly planning a “human stampede” to get President Donald Trump’s attention.

“Some 6,000 migrants have gathered in Tijuana, Mexico, across from San Diego, Calif., in the last couple of weeks. The Trump administration says as many as 10,000 could arrive in the next weeks or months. Most are sleeping in the streets or camped out in makeshift tents,” The Daily Wire’s Joseph Curl reported at the time.

If the caravan somehow manages to get through Guatemala and Mexico they will face daunting obstacles at the U.S.-Mexico border.

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  1. Race to the US border and receive a prize
    A one way ticket home.
    We don’t need any Welfare seekers from foreign countries.

  2. That damn 15-year old punk father better turn his ass around. NO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. NO MORE WELFARE. NO MORE TERRORISTS. NO MORE COVID-19.

  3. Been too long now waiting on other countries to get their act together. Do not enable them to keep looking to us. In the end it hurts America.

  4. Their own countries can’t care for their own people, so the people want to flood our country with their deficiencies and COV19 to spread everywhere!. Democrats could care less! Anything and anyone for a vote!


  6. And once again they are going to great risk, trials, struggle to break INTO OUR COUNTRY to get away from Socialism! Not going away from the US but INTO THE US!

    1. To get away from socialism? But they bring their socialist views and attitudes with them. They would expect to receive all sorts of welfare and financial support from our federal and local government.

    1. Kill a few! If the situation were REVERSED, and we were breaking into Their Nations, they’d Kill us!! No Hesitation!

  7. End any thought of “caravans” and let the self-deportations begin! E-Verify with enforcements, as you promised Mr. President. When there are NO consequences for illegal entry and stay, a wall is false security.
    Locks help as few break or go around locks, because of the consequences, there are few. A far greater number break or go around locks when there are NO consequences involved.

  8. Democrats created this mess with easy amnesty after illegal entry law they created. They did it on purpose to get more poor people so they could rule forever under the hammer and sickle. I do not blame these poor folks, their also pawns of the democratic communist party.

  9. heh. hah. I want to make a stark contrast here, do they know what would happen if they tried to enter China illegally?

    hint, there is a 0 tolerance measure in place at the border of china for illegal entrants.

    full answer: you would be asked to stop and turn around. if you refuse peacefully and stop to talk you would be detained, charged with a crime of illegal entry and serve a prison sentence before being escorted out of the country. If you did not stop and continued you would be shot. dead. There are no burials in china any more so your body would be incinerated. If they bothered to find out who you were via identification your family will receive the ashes. If no identification; you will become fertilizer on a farm. then you get to stay forever.

    If you were escorted out after serving a prison sentence for illegal entry and tried again, you would be identified and executed. No prison sentence the second time around.

    They don’t call you illegal migrants, they call you trespassers and invaders.

  10. When will the organizers of these caravans begin to be arrested and charged with criminal activities for launching this chaos against our border? Who is funding these caravans?

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