blmiers2 via Flickr

On the eve of Thanksgiving, the Senate race in Alaska was called.  This race pitted Senator Lisa Murkowski against fellow Republican Tshibaka, who was backed by former President Trump, and Democrat Pat Chesbro due to the state’s ranked choice voting system.  After the November 8 elections, more than three weeks later, the Associated Press has projected that Senator Lisa Murkowski has won re-election to her Senate seat. The GOP currently has 49 Senators with one race undecided.  The Georgia runoff race is scheduled for December 6.  It is rare that the party out of power doesn’t pick up seats in the senate. Since 1934, on average, the party of the sitting President loses four senate seats and 28 house seats. Murkowski winning re-election swings the pendulum in favor of the GOP.


  1. One day Murkowski will be true to herself and just put the big “D” by her name and run like the left wing liberal that she really is and quit pretending to be something she is not just so she can get re-elected. She voted so much with Obama and now with Biden. She is a disgraceful RINO Repub who is a Progressive Dem at heart and actions.

  2. Well, I guess Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, got his money’s worth in getting Rino Murkowski re-elected again since he spent so much on this race. Rather than spend money on races where a Republican was running against a Democrat (Arizona, Nevada, NH, PA) and Mitch’s party could gain a seat or two in the Senate and Republicans could actually have a majority, he chose to send millions to Rino Murkowski to run against fellow Republican, Kelly Tshibaka, who would actually support the Republican platform. Unfortunately, we are in the minority again, but it looks like Mitch will have his way and he can be Minority Leader which is the way he likes it. So nothing again will further be done in the Senate to stand against our so called President, named Biden. You know, the President that is a moderate and will bring us all together, but has the socialist agenda with the mind trust behind the Wizard of Oz curtain that he has to ask permission from so he knows what to do or he gets in trouble. Yea, that one.

    Hey Mitch, I hope you fail in your efforts to make us into the country we will hate being citizens of because you and Joe play your socialist politics, but you continue to grow richer with your Chinese wife’s family’s Communist shipping conglomerate. Yep, this is what happens when we elect career, ideological bastard politicians. We become a country of the elect and not of “we the people”.

  3. Ranked choice is rigged. No way Murkowski would have won in a head-to-head race. The people of Alaska were duped into believing ranked choice was the way to go.

    I want my vote to remain with the candidate I chose instead of having it distributed to someone else.

  4. Why did it take so long to declare who was the winner, what kind of problems did they have??? Can we trust the results.??? I don’t think any elections should be drawn out like this.

  5. Reid supported her completely with money. Another RINO.
    He pulled money from Adam Laxalt and Blake Masters.

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