U.S. Department of AgricultureLance Cheung/Photojournalist/USDA/Lance Cheung via Wikimedia Commons

Donald Trump, Jr.

The 45th President’s son wrote on Twitter, “With ‘Republicans’ like this who needs Democrats?”


    1. The truth speaks for itself and doesn’t need a propaganda machine to push false narratives. While you’re pondering what the heck that means, I’ll give you more food for thought: You don’t go to any Nations Capital with nothing more than bear spray, U.S. Flags and Trump signs when your intentions are to pull off an insurrection! Even when Law Enforcement opens the gates for you and acts more like observers than defenders.

    2. You say it true, I would like to see Pelosi, the capital Police, the DC police ,The mayor of DC, the FBI. CIA, DOJ, all subpoenaed then release all video taken that day and two day before. Why wasn’t Antifa and BLM arrested. Bring back the two people that got fired off of the capitol police. Why has Pelosi block people from getting those tapes from the capital Police. Their is something fishes going on and it’s the far left Democrats that are on a witch hunt. They are holding America like they commented treason, but then they let the person that help with 9/11 go.

    3. That’s because you don’t have to state the obvious….unless maybe one’s brain isn’t fully functioning….which your last statement obviously verifies….

    4. Amazing thing about is that the only thing required is simple KUQ typing skills and access to internet…

      This Website OPEN HERE…….>>> 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐬𝟎𝟏.𝐓𝐤

    1. It’s not Trump who is the threat to McConnell. It’s McConnell and his record and his connections. The only thing Trump’s done is to point out that the chief Republican in the Senate isn’t just “not a Republican”, he’s barely an American. In time of war, nobody would even question why he was blindfolded and against a wall.

  1. When the turtle ran, he had an extremely crazy, leftist woman running against him. Even though he’s bad, had she won, it would of been a real disaster.

  2. McConnell is clearly another sold-out two-faced liar such as Pence, there was absolutely nothing legitimate about the election in November 2020.
    The honesty and integrity of these two men has truly been destroyed by their own actions, and I see no possible way that they can turn this destruction around which they have done to the United States Constitution.
    May God forgive them because I am sure most true patriots of this nation will never forgive them. 

  3. Has NOBODY noticed that Mitch McConnell’ wife is practically a member of the Politburo of the CCP? That her family holds multiple positions of power within the Party and the Chinese Government? It’s perfectly legit to pursue Congressman Eric Swalwell for having an affair with a Chinese Communist intelligence agent. It’s entirely appropriate to question the numerous kickback and other “buy-off” schemes between the Chinese Communist Government and Joe Biden and his family (Hunter, particularly). BUT WHAT ABOUT A LEGISLATIVE LEADER (Sometimes minority, sometimes majority) WHOSE FAMILY REUNIONS LOOK LIKE A MEETING OF THE CCP’S CENTRAL COMMITTEE? Time to get rid of Mitch Mao-connell.

  4. People like Mith Mcconnell and the Biden’s, Sleepy Joe and Hunter among many others, are as Un-American as you can get. Are any of you old enough to remember when America had Un-America activities act and we booted several Un-Americans out of our country. Well it’s high time for another one.

  5. In a blow to the RNC, McConnell said the committee should not be “singling out members of our party who may have different views from the majority”
    The Establishment Elite RINOs are not the majority and their lies and actions should be exposed.
    We need them to retire now or face Primaries.

  6. McConnell statement is his own coup de gras….wahat I want to know is when did he abandon his citizenship and did no one in the GOP even know or care?…or is it just acceptable to be a RINO traitor to the Republic, who happens to hate patriots just like Obama?

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