Photo by Gage Skidmore

The Biden Administration is now calling on Congress to once again extend the eviction moratorium put in place soon after the coronavirus swept over America in the Spring of 2020.

The moratorium prevents individuals behind on their rent from being evicted, resulting in economic disaster for many small landlords.

As The Wall Street Journal reports:

The Biden administration won’t move to extend a federal moratorium on the evictions of tenants who have fallen behind on their rent during the Covid-19 pandemic but is asking Congress to authorize such an extension.

President Biden would have “strongly supported” a move to further extend the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s moratorium, scheduled to expire on Saturday, but that option is no longer legally viable after a recent Supreme Court ruling, the administration said in a statement by press secretary Jen Psaki.

State and local governments have struggled to distribute $47 billion in federal money aimed at helping tenants who can’t pay rent because of the pandemic-triggered downturn, leaving many people at risk of being forced out of their homes when the moratorium expires.

Ms. Psaki said CDC moratorium was ending at a time of heightened vulnerability for tenants as the Covid-19 Delta variant continued to spread in many parts of the country, but she said congressional action was the only path forward.

Most observers believe it is unlikely that the moratorium will once again be extended before the Saturday deadline.



  1. That’s right, Numb Nuts! Keep ’em in their homes until the mid terms, THEN put ’em on the streets.

  2. The “eviction moratorium,” is only a temporary “emergency” measure. Providing rent free ( at the homeowner’s expense) is against the “Taking Clause of the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution. The Biden Administration is “giving away taxpayer money” to the defaulting renters to pay their just debts; however, the landlords are going with compensation, have to pay the expenses of their rental, and have to listen to Babbling Joe about how he’s going to make them whole (or is it hole?).
    A side note is that while Babbling Joe is printing all of this Monopoly Money, the cost of everything is skyrocketing and Biden makes sure that no good deed goes unpunished because taxes are not indexed for inflation.

  3. Create a economic crises by shutting down everything with lockouts, put millions out of work by doing so, bankrupt untold numbers of landlords in the process by banning eviction, then create another crisis by putting 1.3 million renters on the street when evictions are finally allowed.
    Another case of perfect stupidity with fully predictable “unintended” consequences.

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