Photo by Gage Skidmore

Twitchy Editor

Twitchy’s editor was also triggered by TPUSA kicking out Brandi Love, writing on Twitter, “WTAF?! @TPUSA kicked @brandi_love OUT of their conference. They kicked a literal conservative out … Porn stars are some of the most libertarian/conservative people out there because they do not want the government controlling their jobs, let alone their lives. What a mistake.” 


  1. God draws the line. Man tries to smear it. Those whose past lives were dissolute and evil can be forgiven, but should NEVER be allowed to lead, except as God intervenes.

  2. porn is smut pure and simple and doesn’t belong around our children…where are your morals?

    1. No, porn is just natural pleasant functions. War is smu. But you like that and want it on the news, in movies and everyday life, no problems? You have your values upside down. Why are some conservative afraid and hateful of sex harming nobody? So sad.

      1. Say that to the epidemic of HIV AND AIDS…Really dumb. Morality has been dumped for “Base pleasure on all counts…” BAR NONE.”

        1. Humanity is still around, if you noticed. Diseases come and go in all aspects of life, you just get exited about something you can bang your religious pots and pans about. Can you use covid in your sex-scare quest also?

  3. cast the first stones you so-called conservative sob’s, I’m ashamed to call myself conservative.
    We need all the people we can get and she is conservative, talk about eating your own.

  4. Wow, conseratives can be very hypocritical too. If the lady supports the constitution then she is in. Now sounds like you all don’t support that consitution because you are ready to throw stones. Oh and the comment that said jesus ministered to prostitutes but didn’t encourage them I didn’t realize that by letting in a conserative porn star you were encouraging porn. Guess that person needs some lessons on encouragement. Npw don’t get me wrong if you fporce people into porn, hurt these people in any way, which I do know happens and is totally wrong and those that hurt need to be delt with severely. But if it is a consul thing then none of my business.

  5. There is NOTHING redeeming nor respectable about the Porn industry. If you want votes at any
    cost, consider where that has taken the DNC, encouraging massive illegal entry to the USA in hopes of “winning” elections

    1. TPUSA’s focus is teenagers. i don’t know the full story, assuming she did not identify who she was, she should have been asked to leave. If she is no longer a porn star and had a platform that works for TPUSA and they did an about face at the last minute. Shame on them. I would like to know the full story and will hold my judgement until then. God however knows what is going on and He will judge.

  6. See, this is precisely why so many people hate conservatives, cuz you’re all a bunch of judgmental self centered religious zealots! I’m an Independent who loathes and detests leftist liberals with every fiber of my being, but when right wing whackjobs pull this kind of s**t, they make it difficult to defend the conservative movement. STOP BEHAVING LIKE LEFTIST LIBERAL DIRTBAGS FOR CHRISTS SAKE….damn …

  7. TPUSA did not judge her eternal soul, they judged that it was not appropriate for her to speak to a group of teens.

  8. Thats the problem today, especially amongst so called “Liberals “Pornography goes against Gods Biblical teachings. if we want our World to enjoy Peace and Prosperity, we need Gods blessings. [pornography is abhorrent to God. As is abortion and other “alternative to the 10 Commandments” norms of today. Let us follow the 10 Commandments and live in peace and harmony.

    1. Oh, did your god tell you on the phone this morning? Or are you the Wizard of Oz sitting behind the curtain wording as god yourself?

  9. So easy to trigger libturds, fake-news would cover this❗️Kirk wanted the publicity…all Love had to do was “show-up”.😎

  10. It is sad that many conservatives have a fear and hate against sex which is the foundation of all life, harming nobody when done in consent. The same people have no qualms about war, violence and murder every minute on TV, news, movies, everywhere. That is REALLY sick and they have their human values turned upside down.
    I’m the most hard core conservative and free marked and free speech advocate possible and therefore I loathe prudes because they are bigots, haters and anti-freedom. Conservatives must progress from middleage fire-and-brimstone hateful thinking.
    I can’t help laughing at the editors note “wildest comments” when they are actually modern humane, freedom, sensible views in a nice tone.

  11. This incident is why the conservative republican party will never win over enough voters to defeat the communists. You clowns have purposely made the tent too small. I could care less about porn, but will not waste my time with closed minded jerks.

  12. Morals? What Morals?….Half of this country has none…Hell has taken root in America…Only “blood” can wash it away….God is King and Christ God on Earth forgives sins….Civil War has begun years ago….It WILL ESCALATE in a heart Best and come and start out of no where with BULLETS….Look at So. AFRICA….LOL…CITIZENS KILLING CITIZENS….Sound familiar?

  13. Judgement time from humans to humans. Those ‘saved’ are righteous now and can do all the judging and quoting from their belief. They LUV to show other how wrong others are now! Proselytizing is given.

  14. Better bemore concerned about the state of the ununified union and the dems who are going against the wishes of the people – you cannot even reach any of our congress people for the most part, so how would they know about what America wants and needs? They only have their socialistinc agenda to get passed – piss on us.

  15. “Brandi Love” has the same right to “control her body” as anyone else. No one would say she doesn’t.

    But the reason she was ousted had nothing to do with her rights. It had to do with the FACT that the manner in which she is choosing to control her body, called “pornography”, is one of the single most destructive forces in our society. It has ruined millions of lives, ended marriages, led to all manner of crimes, and enslaved young women for generations–many of whom have committed suicide as a result of the hopeless and degenerative life that comes with the territory.

    Anyone who doesn’t realize that, or who dismisses it as some kind of puritanical interference with her “autonomy”, is justifying a very evil lifestyle. I’m sure she’s as “conservative” as anyone, but her chosen profession isn’t one that conservatives should be applauding. That’s not our brand.

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