Thayne Tuason, CC BY 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

The mayors of California’s thirteen largest cities banded together last week to request an astonishing $20 billion in funding to fight the state’s ongoing homelessness crisis.  

The Golden State has the highest population of homelessness in the U.S., recording nearly 250,000 people living on the streets in 2020, and amounting to 25% of the nation’s unhoused residents, or what Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti calls “the biggest crisis in California.”

“With the right resources and with the help of our state, we can solve the homelessness crisis in L.A. and other major cities,” he tweeted. “The @CABigCityMayors are calling on state leaders to provide $4 billion in investment per year for our most vulnerable neighbors + build on our progress.”

In 2020, a record number of 32,000 people received homelessness prevention assistance. 41% of those served were disabled, 22% were minors, and 17% experienced domestic abuse according to the state’s Homelessness Data Integration System.   

“We’re not coming in empty hats in hand, we’re coming with hard hats on and pockets already full of investments,” Garcetti continued. The twelve Democrats and lone Republican mayor know where the money will come from, the state budget reportedly has a $15-20 billion surplus, and $26 billion left over from the federal American Rescue Plan.

“This commitment would be bold,” said San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo. “Prior to this pandemic the state had never spent more than a billion dollars homelessness, in fact nothing even close to that. But we stand together to say ‘we need to treat homelessness like the crisis that it is.”

The lawmakers say the plan would increase the probability of ending homelessness by investing $4 billion a year, over a five-year period, into long-term planning for housing and the supportive services.  

“$20 billion is an appropriate large investment in California’s largest problem. It is something that we know our residents want, to see that we are actually going to bend the curve,” Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf commented. “It’s going to take that repeated commitment of state, federal and local leadership to get the job done,” said San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria.

The State Assembly and Senate have already put together budget plans that allocate $20 billion to battle the homelessness crisis, but with cities already unable to stop the continuously worsening issue, will the money be well spent? 

San Francisco had an $852 million dollar budget 2020-21 budget to deal with their 8,000 homeless and have managed little more than burning an average of $272 on nightly hotel rooms per person, and costing taxpayers $16.1 million to house 300 people in six “Safe Sleeping” tent villages.  

Garcetti promised to spend a billion dollars to get more than 66,000 people off the streets of L.A. county, but appealed a judge’s order to find shelter for all the women and children of homeless mecca Skid Row within 90 days and to put the billion dollars he allocated into an account.  

“Putting a billion dollars in escrow that doesn’t exist doesn’t seem possible,” Garcetti said in response to the ruling.  


  1. Calif mayors created these problems with their “woke” anti-police and sanctuary policies, so it’s their bill to pay, not the rest of the country. Keep their grubby mitts out of our cookie jar!

        1. The woke think it is less than twenty percent scumbags, about the same as the general population.

    1. Nancy Pelosi got more than 28 millions dollars, why does she help them? Oh no, she need her money to get her hair done.

        1. Why should ANYONE give their money away, and who do you think you are to imply others should give money away?….answer:NOBODY. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON FOR ANY AMERICAN TO BE HOMELESS-IT IS 100% THEIR CHOICE TO BE HOMELESS….just because people make pass poor choices in life does NOT mean that others should pay for them…

          1. Lance thinks that Pelosi should give her money away, do you?

            Homeless is not a choice. Think a 7month pregnant woman whose impregnator starts beating her because she is fat. What choice does she have?

            If you had ever volunteered in a homeless shelter you would know that they are not their by choice. My small city’s homeless shelter usually has about 20% honorably discharged Veterans, do you really think that they are there by choice? If so firmly latch your lips onto Trump’s butthole, you are his kind of boy.

            I don’t use National Parks, why should I have to pay for them.

            Are you what they call a Compassionate Conservative?

          2. Pelosi wants to force all Americans to foot the bill for them-and has made MILLIONS$ from the government…thats why the commenter said what he did. HOMELESSNESS IS A CHOICE!! EVERY able bodied person CAN work and have money to pay for ALL life’s necessities-disabled people have AMPLE government help…people now a days budget their money foolishly and refuse to grow their own food…the government has spoiled people so much they refuse to be self-responsible-veterens or not. Pregnant women CAN work, also-I know this for a fact…I literally worked up to hrs before I went into labor for my kids.. TRASH like YOU are the reason America is in severe decline-you want to force government to pay for everything instead of making people hit rock bottom to learn to be responsible for themselves….anyone you disagree with, you start calling names and put down. As far as National Parks, the government should start selling the land after they are forced to budget tax payer money-this is a whole different topic that there is not enough room here to tell about, as I have watched my community ruined by recent land purchases by the federal government. And, lastly, I believe in helping people NOT BY GIVING THEM MONEY but by making them realize their actions are what is the BEST help they can ever get, thus making them responsible for their own actions.

          3. Aww, you poor ignorant nitwit. You and the other losers like you are the problem.

        1. Pelosi had no shame about bragging about her expensive freezers full of expensive ice creams. Never saw her say a word about sharing them with the homeless she and her party created.


    1. Can’t you see though that what the democrats have used for decades gets repeated over and over again. It doesn’t work, but there they go again instead of the heart of the problem they want to raise taxes AGAIN,
      A jobs creation is the right direction instead of a soup kitchen that will keep them from working.

  3. When you are the primary cause of the “crisis” there should be a significant punishment involved, not bailouts for bad policy and rewards, these people need to be removed from office and responsible politicians accountable to the taxpayers of the nation installed.

  4. D,ems crea ted the cris is they ask the f eds for tax payers money and will never fix the prob lem be cause they are em be zzling the taxpayers $$$$. 

  5. The problem is not that they are ‘homeless’. The problem is that they are drug addicted or schizophrenics. Liberal never approach the real problem.

    1. Tom, what is the Conservative approach to the drug/mental health problems in our country?
      Just say no?

      1. It seems clear that the liberal response is “just say yes” (I reference Oregon’s decriminalization of street drugs).

        1. We have been locking up drug users for decades. They cost around forty thousand a year. Just say no does not work.

          I remember when America was great, we locked up thousands and thousands of weed dealers, now they are vaunted entrapanural tax revenue generators.

          We tried to criminalize alcohol, we failed.
          We tried to criminalize nicotine,we failed.
          We tried to criminalize, weed, we failed.
          Criminalizing drugs at the consumption level will always be a failure. History Always repeats itself.

  6. When I lived in Calif. they built houses for the welfare people and they destroyed the places. I hope the homeless take better care than the welfare people did. If the state would bring down the cost of housing then maybe the homeless could afford a place to live. If the feds would help the homeless VETS that would help.

        1. Housing prices keep going up. The only houses that sit for years are the one’s priced 20% above market.

          Six Trump states have higher per capita debt than CA. And much lower per capita income.

  7. That’s your problem, I didn’t vote any stupid Democrats, they all low class educated.

  8. They are so concerned about the homeless, which they should be, but what about the unborn babies they are so in favor of murdering?

    1. The definition of baby is born. What percentage of unwanted pregnancies brought to term end up homeless?

  9. The biggest crisis in Kalifornia is not the homeless but Garcetti and the other birdbrains running the show.

  10. I’d venture to guess that the vast majority of the homeless are drug addicts who go through life stoned an unable to hold a job or even maintain themselves as functioning individuals. What we need to provide are facilities to treat mental illness and drug addiction, including inpatient facilities to get these people off of the street and on the road to recovery. Spending tax dollars to house the homeless in hotels, etc without addressing and fixing the cause of homelessness is a waste

      1. Is helping the homeless a waste of money?
        Making homelessness a captial crime will cure the problem. It is how we cured the murder problem.

  11. Just another way to scam the taxpayers out of their money and put it in their own or family and friends pockets .
    They shouldn’t be rewarded for being poor leaders and not handling this problem before it got this bad.

  12. First, for homelessness, aren’t there still barracks, BOQ’s, and BNCOQ’s at the closed Fort Ord, near Monterey? Could house a lot of homeless there. And another closed installation, George AFB, might have room, too. Newsome, Biden, and their liberal friends ought to jump at the idea.

      1. Anything is possible when you have the compassion to help where it’s needed, and if they are willing to help themselves.

        1. Are you one of those wishy washy RINO Compassionate Conservatives? You are the ruin of the America!

        2. Help to come from those who want and can afford to do so, not by forcing taxpayers to pay for them.

  13. It’s not like they didn’t know this before but the illegals and migrants getting everything before the American’s . Maybe the start giving the American’s stuff before. Check out if they are drug addicted or have mental health.

      1. Trumps gets on your nerves doesn’t he, and you can’t stand the fact that he could fix california, and send the democrats home.

        1. The fact is that Trump was in charge for four long years. He could not fix CA.
          He did not send the Democrats home.
          The Democrats evicted Trump from the only home he wants.
          MAGAot Gates will be getting a new home, it will be furnished with big black bucks who know how to treat a privileged white boy who drugs kids for sex. Should it be livestreamed?

          1. Lol. Get educated and informed. It’s not any presidents job to ‘fix’ CA. That’s the job of their elected party leaders. They failed all in CA by making their state an illegal sanctuary state, forcing taxpayers to support their illegals, giving them hc benefits, their children a free education, along with all sorts of government aid. All paid fir by their own taxpayers.

            Send them back home, save taxpayers multiple BILLIONS spent on the Dems illegals.

  14. If they spent the amount of money on the American citizen homeless that they spend on illegals, there would be no one homeless.

    1. What percentage of homeless funding goes to illegals?
      I live in a small city whose immigrant population has exceeded thirty percent for over 350 years. Our health department recently did a survey of the homeless population. 136 total, 131 citizens, 26 Veterans.

      The problem is not those people, it is US.

      1. Wrong. There’s a couple of sites online that have analyzed just how much it costs each state, and our nation as a whole, to support the Dems illegals.

    2. Agree. With CA becoming a sanctuary STATE, their governor proves once again, the dem party takes better care of their illegals than they do American citizens.

      1. I do not do beer, like MAGAot Matt I do hard drugs, it makes seventeen yearoldtwat taste sooooooo gooooood.

  15. Move the homeless to Pelosi’s palace, Newsome’s mansion and Beverly Hills. Don’t use taxpayers money for these moronic schemes. Also, I believe if they bussed all illegals to D.C. the border would be fixed immediately.

      1. Because this crisis has been caused BY the dem leadership, not Pres Trump.

        Get rid of all CA’s illegals and pay for your own fiscal irresponsibilities.

  16. Biggest crisis is California is a new synonym for gargantuan considering all the other enormous problems they have! Let’s see is homelessness bigger than the inability to keep the electricity flowing in the summer? How about the state that burns every year because you don’t manage your forests? How about your lack of water? How about the traffic? How about the crime that is now not being punished by your liberal DA’s? How about the pipeline of opioids streaming across the porous southern border, hey maybe that has something to do with all the homelessness? How about the outrageous taxes already in place that are driving people out of the state?

    1. Agree.

      People should be paying attention to how poorly CA’s green energy agenda has not working as their citizens were promised. Lol.

      Spending billions on solar and windmills has given them the gift of rolling blackouts. What a reward, not.

  17. Surprise! Spending $20B on homelessness will be an invitation for MORE HOMELESSNESS! The homeless population needs to be divided into the chronically mentally ill, the drug and alcohol addicted and people who really are having a temporary setback. You may also subdivide these groups if they are veterans with a general or honorable discharge for special care. Dishonorable discharges count for NOTHING.

    Put the mentality ill into treatment and put the drug and alcohol addicted in a special facility located far away from these “big cities” in large open spaces where they don’t have an incentive to panhandle at traffic lights for their drug or alcohol money. These open spaces have cheaper real estate prices and funding would be cheaper. It would satisfy the NIBMY groups to not worry about their neighborhoods being burdened with homeless ghettos.

    If they complete drug/alcohol treatment, send them to a step up program where they learn a skill, get education, and job placement. Incentivize treatment and progress instead of rewarding them for choosing a life of homelessness.

  18. That’s $106,500. for each of the homeless in San Francisco if it were just paid out directly to them. It’s a huge industry. No one involved wants it to stop.

    1. Everyone wants homelessness to stop. Most of the people who work with the homeless could make more money doing something else.

  19. California is the MOST OUT OF CONTROL STATE in the country. The liberal Democrat Politicians have ruined this state and now want the rest of us to “bale them out”.


    1. That’s what the Recall election is for. Gavin Newsom is Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, after all, and they both have done a lousy job. Pelosi’s father and brother were mayors of Baltimore, Maryland. Their incompetence is bi-coastal.

  20. The people who are most upset by CA politics are people who do not live there, people who live in states that consume more federal tax dollars than they produce.

    1. Because CA often comes to the federal taxpayers to pay for their expenses that they should be paying for themselves. Gawd knows CA forces their own citizens to pay the highest taxes in the nation, as does NY.

      The bailout funds are/will also be paid from taxpayers money, not just those living in CA. CA had one of the worst long term debt in the nation too.

      Stop forcing CA taxpayers to support all their illegals they’re protecting in their sanctuary STATE. Massive billions spent to support them alone.

      No wonder so many sane taxpayers are leaving CA, their democrats take better care of their illegals than they do their own citizens. 👎👎

  21. Pure stupidity. Anyone not wanting to exploit this problem knows you must have a carrot AND stick approach. 1st time your arrested for vagrancy your offered programs to help you. 2nd time the court mandates programs. 3rd time you go away for a three year incarceration where you lose your rights, your drugs and alcohol and must be on a path to becoming a responsible job holding citizen before your let back out. O, and if your illegally here your immediately deported. Problem solved

  22. California can go pound sand. These sorry assholes spend spend spend other people’s money. And now want to spend all taxpayers money. Need to be taught a lesson. Don’t give them shit!!! Well on the other hand. Shit would be okay😂😂😂

      1. CA taxpayers could live much more comfortably if the progressives weren’t forcing them to spend so much to provide the Dems illegals with so much – like American health care. Our LAWS require illegals be deported, not to be supported by more and more taxpayer benefits.

  23. Why should voters in any other state have to pay for the continuous malfeasance of democrat mayors and elected officials in California. Demo/Communists have mismanaged billions of taxpayer dollars while improving their own wealth at the expense of the American Taxpayer. I feel sorry for homeless individuals for the most part, but many homeless individuals have made that choice through drug usage, alcoholism, freeloading on government benefits, or just too lazy to change their livers. This is not meant to degrade homeless individuals, an not meant to say all homeless individuals should remain homeless. Politicians, mostly in predominantly democrat controlled cities and states, are responsible for homelessness and other major problems, in their cities. I suggest the liberal and wealthy mayors and other demo/communists, in California donate their salaries to the homeless and apologize to the homeless for misusing federal and state dollars, instead of solving problems in their locals. But, as we see with this idiot we now have for a president, Democrats never solve problems, they create them and then blame others for their inability to effectively govern, without screwing over taxpayers. God Bless America and the hell with bailing out demo/’communist cities and states.

    1. CA produces more in federal taxes than it consumes. It is the world’s sixth largest economy. Breaking away from the US will make Californians richer and the US poorer.

      1. Not by much. CA gets back approximately 98% of what they send the Feds, plus the extra funding they turn to the Feds to pay for other huge expenses like their dam repair/etc.

    *******CUT THE HEADS(multiple) OF THE SNAKE and its PAWN LEECHES!!*******


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