Nebraska U.S. Senator Ben Sasse revealed Sunday he is considering leaving the Republican Party over record-breaking spending and government growth.

“I think I’ve been saying for three years that I conceive of myself as an independent conservative who caucuses with the Republicans,” Sasse tells CNN’s “State of the Union.” “But frankly, neither of these parties have a long-term vision for the future of the country.

Sasse tells CNN he is considering switching parties from Republican to “unaffiliated.”

“There’s massive stuff happening in America, and these parties are really pretty content to do 24-hour news cycle screaming at each other,” said Sasse. “The main thing that the Democrats are for is being anti-Republican and anti-Trump, and the main thing Republicans are for is being anti-Democrat and anti-CNN.”

“Neither of these things are really worth getting out of bed in the morning for – I think we should be talking about where the country’s going to be in 10 years,” said Sasse. “I’ve been saying for a long time these parties need to reform and have a future-focused vision and we’re not there yet.”

“I probably think about it every morning when I wake up and I figure out, ‘Why am I flying away from Nebraska to go to D.C. this week, are we going to get real stuff done?,’” said Sasse “So I’m committed to the party of Lincoln and Reagan as long as there’s a chance to reform it.”

Sasse appeared on CNN Sunday after tweeting Saturday he was considering leaving the GOP.

“I switched my party from DemocrattRo no-party this week as I see that to be part of the solution. Have you considered following suit?,” a Twitter user tweeted to Sasse.

“yep — regularly consider it (except the “from Dem” part),” Sasse replied.

Sasse has been an outspoken critic of runaway spending, debt and government growth, as well as hostility to conservative intellectualism, under a Republican House, Senate and President.

Sasse is one of the most conservative senators in American history, with a 99% lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union, a near-perfect rating from Gun Owners of America and a 100% pro-life rating from the National Right to Life Committee.

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  1. As a Conservative, I’ve long been disgusted with the GOP’s RINO influenced stance on many issues. I also believe the greatest threat to our Republic has been the establishment of the Party System. Our Founders feared it would happen, and our history supports that fear.

  2. Reformation is impossible as both Dems & Republicans are only interested in power! Jesus is the only answer to this Nation’s problems. II Chronicles 7:14. we are leaving our descendants with a huge financial MESS! The Deep State is so deep that only truth will set us free. Sessions was a joke and Barr and Durham have yet to bring any real accountability. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Clinton, the “lovers” et al knew that they would never be brought to justice or be prosecuted. The only justice will be done in the hereafter and this judgment will be severe!

  3. He’s a jerk. If he abandons ship, he’s no better than those insane liberals. Enough said. Good riddance to another moron looking for publicity, as if he’s made the most important statement ever. Next please.

  4. He doesn’t know what he really is and will probably never figure it out. Cut him loose, revoke his Republican party membership, cut off his party funding and take appropriate legal action to recover any GOP funds still in his possession. Memo to Sasse: you can’t seem to figure our if you are fish or fowl. We don’t need indecisive jerks like you in the party. Get out now and don’t let the door hit you in the backside!

  5. What a jerk. He never mentions that Trump cannot get anything “conservative” done without having to deal with Nancy Pelosi and the big spending dumbocrats. Everything has to be negotiated with them, (like the money for small business), with out them inserting millions for the Kennedy Center, the Arts, Humanities, etc. If these morons can only get voted out in November, you will see Trump and Republicans will cut way back on spending in the future. Trump has tried to be fiscally responsible, but there is only so much he can do with Pelosi in charge and the news media constantly hounding him.

  6. For the most part the republican party has no backbone.Our President would do the right thing if they would stop giving the Democrats every thing they want
    To many rhinos in the Senate. From an 85 yearold that has never voted democrat.D

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