Photo edit of President Biden.
Photo edit of President Biden.
In a recent testimony recently released to Fox Digital, Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s former business associate, stated that Hunter Biden utilized the influence of his father, Joe Biden, to bolster his foreign business endeavors and provide “defensive leverage” to partners.
Main Findings
  • Usage of Joe Biden’s Influence: Archer confirmed that Hunter Biden used the influence of his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, as “defensive leverage” for his foreign business partners. Joe Biden was reportedly on speakerphone during meetings, serving as a part of the “brand” they sold.
  • Joe Biden’s Involvement: According to Archer, then-Vice President Joe Biden attended dinners with Hunter’s foreign business associates, contradicting previous statements made by the President denying any knowledge or involvement in his son’s business dealings.
  • Benefit for Burisma Holdings: Archer indicated that the Biden brand helped Burisma Holdings, a company on whose board he and Hunter served, continue its business and stay successful. He clarified that the company may have gone out of business without the brand attachment.
  • Hunter Biden as a Lobbyist: Archer referred to Hunter Biden as “a lobbyist and an expert” who carried “a very powerful name”. This reputation and influence were leveraged for Burisma’s benefit.
  • Joe Biden’s Ukraine Trip: Archer’s testimony connected Hunter Biden’s call to his father to Joe Biden’s trip to Ukraine, where he made statements related to fighting corruption and reforming the Office of the General Prosecutor.
  • Biden’s Coercion Allegations: Archer was questioned about an FBI form alleging that the Bidens “coerced” Burisma’s CEO to pay them millions in exchange for helping to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired. However, Archer was unaware of this alleged arrangement.
  • House Oversight Committee’s Investigation: Archer’s testimony is part of a longer investigation by the House Oversight Committee into the Biden family’s alleged foreign business schemes.
Devon Archer’s Testimony on Hunter Biden’s Business Practices
  • Archer claimed Hunter used his father, ex-Vice President Joe Biden’s reputation for advantageous foreign business projections.
  • Archer hinted that Hunter exploited his father’s name for enhanced venture value and strategic gains.
  • Archer also said that Hunter put his father on speakerphone during meetings with business partners at least 20 times.
Alleged Involvement of Joe Biden in Business Dealings
  • Archer said Joe Biden attended dinners with Hunter’s foreign associates, including a Burisma executive.
  • According to Archer, the ex-VP was a selling feature for Hunter’s brand.
  • The White House and President Biden persistently denied any knowledge or involvement in his son’s business.
The Burisma Connection
  • Archer, alongside Hunter Biden, served on Burisma’s board since 2014 and received a hefty salary.
  • He suggested Hunter used his father’s name to secure Burisma’s success.
  • He claimed Burisma’s survival depended on the Biden brand.
Joe Biden and the Ukrainian Prosecutor
  • Archer mentioned a board meeting in Dubai where Hunter was asked by Burisma executives to make a phone call to ‘D.C.’ to alleviate the pressure they were facing.
  • Archer clarified that the call was not specifically to “the big guy”, but rather a more general plea for assistance.
  • Archer testified that Joe Biden had, during his tenure as vice president, successfully influenced Ukraine to fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who at the time was investigating Burisma Holdings.

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