Chase Bank in Sidney, Ohio via Chris Flook WIkimedia Commons

Washington, D.C. — JPMorgan Chase is “refusing to comment” on allegations it canceled the credit cards held by former Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, the former Trump national security adviser, over concerns his use of its products caused “reputational risk” to the firm. 

“After careful consideration, we decided to close your credit cards on September 18, 2021, because continuing the relationship creates possible reputational risk to our company,” a letter allegedly sent from the bank to Flynn dated August 20 said. “You may receive additional account closing notifications if you have other accounts under a different name or address.”

An image of the letter was spread across U.S. social media after being posted by South Carolina Republican Party executive committee member Tracy Diaz, Mediaite reported Monday. The initial posting was taken down later, with Diaz saying there was a “miscommunication about wanting that information public,” the website reported.

Flynn posted a message of his own on Telegram reading “Chase Bank has gone full blow woke! [sic] They need to deal with their own reputation instead of persecuting my family and I” that “included a Justice Department website detailing a $920 million settlement JPMorgan agreed to pay over allegations of fraud” the website reported.

According to Mediaite, this is the second time in the current month the banking behemoth made headlines for allegedly closing accounts due to concerns doing business with the cardholder could be a reason for concern about “reputational risk.” Earlier in August Mediaite said, Whit Gibbs, the CEO of Compass Mining said the bank had inexplicably frozen accounts that belonged to his bitcoin mining company. “Shoutout to Chase for shutting down Compass Mining accounts for doing our part to replace the old guard with self-sovereign, future-focused supporters of hard money,” Gibbs wrote on Twitter.

The alleged move by the financial services powerhouse is one of a series of steps taken recently by corporate America that has some fearful the so-called woke culture will lead to a de-facto kind of segregation making it difficult to participate in economic activity. “Financial services companies can choose to do business with whomever they like,” said Phil Kerpen, president of the non-partisan group American Commitment, “but taking political sides crosses a line they are likely to regret as they risk alienating half of their potential customers.”

Polls taken since the November 2020 election show the nation continues to be divided nearly equally on a partisan basis while President Joe Biden’s approval numbers, which started up near 60 percent, have fallen in some polls below nearly 20 points over the roughly eight months since he took office. His management of the economy, this week’s Today/Suffolk University poll, has the approval of just 39 percent of those surveyed.

Peter Roff can be reached at RoffColumns AT Follow him on Twitter @PeterRoff.

Peter Roff is affiliated with several Washington, D.C. public policy organizations and is a former U.S. News and World Report contributing editor who appears regularly as a commentator on the One America News network. He can be reached by email at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @PeterRoff.


    1. Polls are subjective per those who do the polling and without knowing who, when and where they polled and what they specifically asked I would not believe any of them. And having done some polls myself I can tell you the results can be steered as well per the desire of the pollsters. So, not one is a reliable reference point that I have seen for years. Joe in a real poll of an even mix not steering has got to be in the toilet with his ratings. I would venture in the teens at best. And if the polls don’t state all those facts and provide the questions as well for viewing, don’t believe them and if you noticed this never happens. I saw one by MIT grads with all the pertinent facts clearly visible and before Trump’s win in 2016 they predicted it. The only one who did it right and not playing politics.

      1. You are so correct on plus. I completed all my class work for my PhD in Applied Statistics and Research Methods,l my area that I did alot of work on was anything involving measurements involving likert scales, and similar sacles and polling. Not only the sample used to get your numbers, as you suggested, but the order of questions, how the questions aare phrased, and a host of other issues can come into play. Yes polls are many times just a tool to mislead, to lie, to push an agenda.

      1. yes one ran for prez in 2020 – horribly bad campaign, but the mentally incapable insisted that joey be installed in the WH despite getting so few votes that folks had to vote for other folks to make it look “good” and that sucked to..

  1. Whoever has an account in this bank should immediately close it down. Watch them wiggle in their shit.

    1. So let’s start doing that. We need a CS number at Chase so we all do it at the same time. Let’s get together and contact Chase.

      1. I have an account, I will be cutting up and closing out and writing a letter with the
        reason in RED. These woke businesses can just go broke! Patronizing leftist ideals over a true American patriot that was been put through the ringer by a vindictive Marxist Kenyan!!

  2. If they had done this to say, Colin Powell, because he’s black, the Justice Department would have hit them like a ton of bricks.

    But Merrick Garland and Kristen Clarke won’t do anything.

    I give thanks every day that Mitch McConnell kept Garland off the SCOTUS.


  4. Every concerned conservative should contact Chase Customer Service and demand an explanation about this issue. That’s political discrimination and it’s flat wrong. I am reluctant to believe this is happening at Chase since I always thought they were a conservative institution. Shame on Chase if that’s true!!! Every proud conservative should close their accounts at Chase ASAP so we could put pressure on them!

  5. I don’t know why people are so afraid of not being able to participate in “economic activity”? We control the market. If these communists want to ban just one of us, every single American needs to do their part and make that company lose their participation in economic activity. Stop being a bunch a weak fools and act. Boycott them all.

    1. Chase is absolute garbage. Way back I had 2 cards with another company. They were acquired by Chase.
      High credit limits, never any problems.
      When OBUMMER was in office, for whatever reason they closed my account. NEVER DID, or WILL EVER DO BUSINESS WITH THEM AGAIN!
      Please close your accounts and credit cards now!

  6. This communist action will enrage every conservative in the nation. But I’m sure many aren’t able to easily close and open bank accounts. They might even be financially harmed by moving accounts. This bank policy might make the time, effort and inconvenience to customers worth while.

    In time, this bank and others like it will be excluded from a large marketplace. For example I had planned to visit with the bank’s financial advisor but now will seek another investment route. I’ve been a Fidelity customer for at least 40 years and for now, will limit my money to their group of index funds.

  7. I knew Jamie Dimon was a Democrat, but this move is really disappointing. I can’t say how sad it makes me feel to see our country deteriorate to this degree.

  8. The LEFT shuts down most all Conservatives. Whether it’s corporations or liberal colleges, the left shuts them up and ships them out!

  9. I have accounts with JPMorgan Chase two are checking and savings in addition they manage my personal trust account which I’m thinking of moving all of my accounts because of their actions against General Michael Flynn. Everyone who has not been living under a rock these past few years realizes he was set up and framed by the CIA, FBI, State Dept., and the Judicial branch.

    Robert Atkinson

  10. So bad on Chase! This makes Chase look like they are into politics! I don’t believe anyone really cares where General Flynn did his banking. I wonder if Chase does any banking with George Soros?

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