A college Republican group at the University of Washington was attacked on Tuesday night, most likely by a member of Antifa, who attempted to chain the members of the group inside the room they were meeting in. As The Daily Wire reported:

On Tuesday night, as the University of Washington College Republicans held their final meeting of the school year, a person who may have been a member of a local Antifa group attempted to chain the doors from the outside to lock the Republicans inside.

As My Northwest reported, Emerald City Antifa apparently discovered that the meeting would feature two guest speakers from a local YouTube channel, Operation Cold Front. Emerald City Antifa used their Facebook page to encourage members to disrupt the event.

UWCR member Zach Wildfang told The Jason Rantz Show, “I saw a guy in black approach the door but there had been no protest outside or anything so antifa wasn’t necessarily on my radar. He crouched down and immediately slapped his chain around the door.”

UWCR president Chevy Swanson added, “We heard the rattling from inside. We looked to see through the window and see that someone was messing with the door. And it’s very clearly a chain being attached. So personally I ran up to the door and opened it on him, the chain fell to the ground, and he ran off, which is good because I much prefer not to be chained in a room with 30 other people indefinitely.”

This kind of unhinged violence against conservatives by radical Left-wing groups like Antifa has become an epidemic. Why has no one put a stop to it?


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