President Joe Biden and his family walk to the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue on January 20, 2021. CBP Officers and Agents provide security in support of the 59th Presidential Inauguration in the greater Washington DC area. CBP photo by Jerry Glaser.

A federal judge set Hunter Biden’s sentencing date for the week after the 2024 election.

Hunter Biden will be sentenced for his three felony gun charges on November 13, according to a Friday order by U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika. A Delaware jury convicted Biden in June on three charges relating to his purchase of a revolver while addicted to drugs.

President Joe Biden said after the verdict that he would not pardon his son or commute his sentence. Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison.

During the trial, prosecutors called 10 witnesses, including Hunter Biden’s ex-wife Kathleen Buhle, his ex-girlfriend Zoe Kestan and the widow of his late brother Beau Biden, Hallie Biden.

Part of the evidence prosecutors used to demonstrate Hunter Biden’s addiction was obtained from his abandoned laptop. Special Counsel David Weiss called a challenge to the laptop’s authenticity brought by Hunter Biden’s attorneys “a conspiracy theory with no supporting evidence.”

In December, Hunter Biden was also indicted on tax charges. The trial for those charges will begin September 5 in California.

A plea deal that would have had Hunter Biden plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and enter a diversion agreement for a felony gun charge fell apart last July after Noreika questioned a portion of the agreement that offered him immunity for other crimes.

Featured Image Credit: U.S. Customs and Border Protection

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