This week, Vice President Kamala Harris continued her ‘Abortions Around America Tour’ and became the first vice president to visit an abortion facility. While the media tried to make us believe this visit was monumental history in the making, it was in reality a step backward for our country.
When Harris stood in the halls of the abortion facility, she betrayed women like me – who have experienced abortion coercion. She betrayed the millions of unborn children who have been killed in abortion facilities across the country. She betrayed the majority of Americans who want reasonable limits on abortion. The Biden-Harris campaign is so desperate they’ve resorted to scaring women and eradicating children as their top agenda to claw back votes.
As I watched the videos of Harris applauding the work of Planned Parenthood, I kept asking myself, what does this visit say to women? Harris would argue it empowers us.
But just look at Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the country. The truth is that 97% of the time, pregnant women who turn to them are sold abortions, rather than offered help to keep their child. Harris’ message wasn’t empowering or uplifting.
It’s also not what women want. A survey of women who had abortions showed that 43% of them said the abortion was “inconsistent with their values and preferences,” 24% said it was “unwanted or coerced.” and 60% said they would have preferred to keep their baby “if they had received more support from others or had more financial security.”
Rather than hearing women’s concerns and supporting them with real choices, however, Planned Parenthood takes advantage of their fears and isolation.
Harris ignored these facts when she stood in a Minnesota Planned Parenthood clinic and boasted about how she was there for those who were “silently suffering.” The irony was surely lost on her as she stood in a facility where many babies had suffered abortions. She also forgot women who are silent victims of abortion coercion.
Vice President Harris, the abortion industry and the corporate media will never speak to the women who experience abortion coercion because, in their view, we don’t exist. The protect-abortion-at-all-costs crowd has its marching orders, with women as collateral damage.
As if that weren’t enough, Planned Parenthood has had a “role in the harvest and sale of baby body parts from abortions.”
Preying on women’s tragedy and perhaps their hope that some good might come out of tragic circumstances, they tell women their baby’s body parts will be used to find cures for diseases like cancer, diabetes, even AIDS – which is false. In addition, they exploit young girls. Last month, the state of Missouri filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood, as Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America noted, after “the release of a video where a Planned Parenthood of the Great Plains employee offered to help a man transport a 13-year-old girl to a Kansas Planned Parenthood facility, saying ‘We never tell parents anything. She’s an adult in our clinics.’” Never mind that in Missouri, minors can’t get a full drivers’ license, or get a tattoo without a legal guardian’s consent.
Did Kamala Harris condemn these practices or even ask them about it? Nope.
Instead, Harris ignored these realities to curry political favor with the extreme wing of her party.
It wasn’t that long ago that we were all repeatedly told by Democrats that abortions were tragic, uncelebrated but necessary. Harris’ visit was a celebration and exploitation. My, how quickly things change.
Her visit made it clear that she does not truly care about the will of the majority of Americans who support commonsense protections for life and who support the life-saving work of pro-life organizations.
Women deserve better than this.
Emily Erin Davis on March 22, 2024