Credit: X/@Don_Vito_08.
Credit: X/@Don_Vito_08.

President Joe Biden’s campaign is rolling out a new $30 million six-week ad buy in several swing states in a bid to capture crucial voting blocs ahead of November.

The ad campaign will air in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina, according to Politico, and aims to tout several Biden initiatives on “climate change” and abortion, as well as address concerns surrounding the president’s mental fitness. The ad campaign parallels a wider administration effort to gain support among African Americans and young people as the president continues to lag behind former President Donald Trump in the polls.

The ad campaign touts five Biden talking points, including the COVID-19 recovery, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, the bi-partisan infrastructure deal, fighting “climate change” and protecting abortion, according to Politico.

It’s the first ad buy of what is expected to be a billion-dollar campaign led by political consultant Patrick Bonsignore of Blue Sky Strategy, who also served as the director of Paid Media on the 2020 Biden campaign, according to his LinkedIn.

The ad does not mention the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe V. Wade, and instead centers the issue around Donald Trump supposedly taking away the “freedom of women to choose,” according to Politico.

The ad buy is aimed at minorities and young voters, and will be heavily placed within social media, but will also air on cable networks including ESPN, TNT, FX and Comedy Central, the Biden campaign told Politico.

Biden is struggling with the African American vote, a group that normally leans heavily Democrat. One poll from GenForward showed Biden garnering only 63% of the black vote, but in 2020’s presidential vote, he received 92% of the black vote.

Exit polls found that Biden led Trump by 65% to 32% last cycle among Hispanics, but the GenForward poll showed Biden only has a 6-point lead among Hispanics. Biden is also struggling among younger voters, with only 52% of voters between the ages of 18 and 34 saying they would vote for Biden compared to the 59% of voters ages 18 to 29 who voted for Biden during the 2020 presidential election.

The Biden campaign did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Brandon Poulter on March 9, 2024

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