Former President Donald Trump swept all three Republican contests Saturday, defeating Nikki Haley in Michigan, Missouri and Idaho.
Trump won at the Michigan Republican convention Saturday, securing the vote in all 13 congressional districts, according to party data. The win puts Trump in the position to earn all 39 of the state’s 55 delegates available at the convention, though he is expected to claim the other 16 delegates as a result of winning 68% to 27% in the state primary, according to NBC News.
Trump also defeated Haley in both the Missouri and Idaho caucus Saturday, according to The Associated Press.
The contests are among the last of five before Super Tuesday, according to Politico. The District of Columbia Republican primary will conclude on Sunday evening, and North Dakota’s caucuses are scheduled for Monday.
Michigan’s Republican state party has been embroiled in a leadership dispute for months, which culminated in a judge confirming Republicans’ January decision to remove Kristina Karamo as Michigan GOP chairwoman. Karamo had attempted to retake control, refusing to step down and scheduling an alternate state convention in Detroit, according to CNN.
Former Michigan Rep. Pete Hoekstra is now the state’s chair and organized Saturday’s convention in Grand Rapids, according to ABC News.
Katelynn Richardson on March 2, 2024