Piers Morgan said Friday Democrats need to “wake up fast,” noting President Joe Biden’s declining poll numbers and the results of the Iowa caucuses.
Biden has a 40% approval rating according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls from Dec. 26 to Jan. 18. Morgan said Trump’s landslide victory in Monday’s Iowa caucuses should be a warning about Biden’s chances in November.
“Let’s be clear, I think Democrats are sleep-walking into a ludicrous situation. They all know, two-thirds of Democrats think he is too old, two-thirds of his own party, think he is too old to run again. He is insisting on doing it, obviously nobody wants to give up the most powerful office in the world, I get that, but Joe Biden to me is a dead man walking,” Morgan said on Fox News’ “The Five.”
“And if the Democrats do not wake up fast to the reality of their candidate, the incumbent, barely alive president, against a resurgent Donald Trump, who has just had the biggest win of the Iowa Caucus in Republican history – and who by the way, 2016 when he became president, didn’t even win in Iowa,” Morgan continued. “If that doesn’t ring massive alarm bells, then I don’t know what does.”
Trump received 51.01% of the vote, beating Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida by almost 30 points. Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley received 19.12% of the vote.
“Biden ran as the anti-Trump candidate. Well, he can’t do that again now, he has to run on his own record, and as Martha said, 33%, I don’t think any incumbent president in history has won with that approval rating at this stage. Will they get a new candidate in? Maybe it’s too late. They have done it twice before when they have had incumbent Democratic presidents since World War II, who have stepped aside. I think they should do that.”
President Harry S. Truman declined to run for re-election during the Korean War in 1952, while President Lyndon Baines Johnson announced he would not seek re-election in 1968 during the Vietnam War after nearly being upset in the New Hampshire primary.
“Otherwise, I got to say, I do not think I would be saying this a year ago, I really didn’t, I thought Trump was done, and then when you think 91 criminal charges, he has to be done, but it’s like King Kong on top of the buildings here,” Morgan said.
“I look at Trump, and I’ve known him a long time, my god that guy has got resilience and he has got a gate, a wind behind his gate, which says to me he thinks he’s going to win, and I think honestly, I suspect he will be here in November, and if Joe Biden is up against him, Trump wins,” Morgan added.
Harold Hutchison on January 19, 2024