It must be nice to be Hunter Biden, claiming he was maltreated by the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees because he couldn’t dictate when, where, and how he would give testimony about the Biden Family Corruption.
Similarly, Democrats are never tethered to the truth either. So it’s no surprise that Democratic Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin and other Democrats took to the media microphones to offer their fraudulent spin after Hunter chose to ignore the congressional subpoena ordering him to appear for a deposition.
Apparently, like Hunter, Democrats believe that a subpoena is not an opportunity to testify. Mr. Raskin said that the committee chairmen had denied Mr. Biden an opportunity to testify.
Why, then, were a passel of Democrat and Republican Members of Congress congregating in a hearing room, at a specified time, on a specified date, waiting for Mr. Biden to appear at a deposition? It couldn’t possibly be because Hunter Biden was being given an opportunity to appear before the Members of Congress and give testimony, could it?
There is no absolute right for a witness to set the terms for a deposition before Congress or any other type of litigation. And, when congressional committees properly issue and serve a subpoena under legislative authority, the witness is required to appear.
Hunter wants a public committee hearing, so he says, though that’s unlikely to be true. But there is no right for a witness to command or direct that a congressional committee convene to allow the witness to sit for testimony. The witness does not run the committee, rather Members of Congress organize and preside over the committees.
Thus, Hunter Biden may claim that he is a victim, as he has claimed in defense of all of his misdeeds in life, but he is the one who chose to forego his required deposition. In fact, Mr. Biden was seen on Capitol Hill, just a three–minute walk or so from the hearing room where the aforementioned passel of congressmen awaited his entrance, giving an organized press conference.
And in that press conference, he urged the world to view him as a victim. Some victim. He made millions of dollars off of the family “product,” Joe Biden. No, this time Hunter needs to admit that he’s the one that should have shown up on the House side of the Capitol to answer questions, not on the Senate side to blame others for his lousy choices.
That leaves Congress with only one alternative: vote to hold Hunter Biden in contempt. But, some say, that will leave the prosecution of Hunter’s contempt case to the woeful Attorney General Merrick Garland, who just happens to work for Hunter’s Dad.
But Garland is in an ethical and moral box, and perhaps a legal box as well, because Garland has chosen to prosecute others like Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress. The only question is whether Garland has gone so far to the dark side that he will refuse to prosecute Hunter Biden.
After Congress holds Hunter in contempt we will see at last whether there is any justice left in America.
Rep. Andy Biggs on December 14, 2023