When Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin took office in January 2022, he received a gift in the mail containing two items. The first, a clock, counting down to the exact end date of his term. The second, a brief note from former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, composed of three simple words: Get to work.

Almost two years later, the midterm elections culminating on Nov. 7 of this year will determine the control of the state legislature, and in essence, an opportunity for voters to signal their support for Youngkin’s first two years in office. The stakes could not be higher; to secure a trifecta, Republicans need to maintain their slim control of the House of Delegates and acquire a pickup of two seats in the Senate (Republican lieutenant governor Winsome Sears would then be able to break any ties). Keep in mind this is in a state just a few years ago was described by political ‘experts’ as decidedly blue.

Even with only one Republican chamber, Youngkin’s track record is more than impressive. Within five months of taking office, he had negotiated a budget with major tax reductions for Virginia families and eliminated the state’s controversial grocery tax. He threw his support behind education, law enforcement, and behavioral health, and achieved historic investments in each.

His commitment to making Virginia safer, healthier and more financially secure did not seem to go unnoticed by average Americans. According to U-Haul data detailing the net gains of one-way U-Haul trucks arriving in states, Virginia rose 26 spots from 2021 to 2022, and is now ranked 5th in terms on one-way move-ins. Americans want to live in Glenn Youngkin’s Virginia.

Donors and industry groups appear to feel similarly. Just recently, Youngkin raised approximately $4 million in 48 hours from donors. CNBC meanwhile ranked Virginia as the second-best state to do business in 2023. The data points to a singular conclusion: commonsense, conservative policies work.

Youngkin’s time in office could be the roadmap, in both tone and policy, for similar bellwether states. He models the doctrine of the ‘big tent’—the more Americans you actually help, the more Americans will want to vote for you. The language of unity and positivity is tried and tested. It wins. Across the country, people are hungry for realistic, open-eyed leaders that are willing to center policies around what’s best for everyone. Leaders who can look Americans in the eye and tell them that they are better off for having shown up on election day.

In advance of the Virginia state primaries, Youngkin took the unique step of endorsing candidates in key races. All ten of the candidates he endorsed became the party’s official candidates, ensuring that Youngkin is currently running alongside the most capable and qualified slate of future leaders.

Youngkin is also taking the unconventional approach of encouraging voters to put a voting plan together that works for them, a stark rejection of party leaders that have discouraged flexible voting habits. His playbook is centered around the doctrine of outcomes and the philosophy of making sense. It’s about bringing Americans together. It’s about winning.

This spring, I started Changemakers PAC because Virginians want to support the Governor and candidates that share our values—and can win. This cycle, Changemakers endorsed 31 extraordinary candidates across the Commonwealth. Now Republican leaders across the country have a path to the same success Virginia has experienced under Governor Youngkin’s leadership. All we have to do is unite under a singular message: conservative, commonsense solutions are working—and win elections.

I believe the outcome of this year’s midterms cycle will let Republican leaders across the country know that they have a path to the same success Virginia has experienced under Governor Youngkin’s leadership. All we have to do is get to work.

Emily Lampkin on October 17, 2023

Daily Caller News Foundation

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