By Lightburst - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Ben & Jerry’s

Ben & Jerry’s the socialist ice cream brand, claimed on Twitter that the Rittenhouse trial was “racist,” which resulted in much pushback from Twitter users, with podcaster and media critic Stephen Miller saying, “The whole narrative blew up in their faces so they’ve now created a fictional teenager and story to fit the old one.” 


  1. If the defendant was BLM and had done the same I know he would have received far better media treatment than Kyle. The media has lost its way and has dodged its Constitutional responsibilities. Facts first; wait for the process to be completed and report without bias. Good luck with that nowadays!!

  2. the reality, that everyone needs to deal with; is when you have liberal socialist Democrat goverments…and a bunch of losers, thugs and criminals decide to loot rob and burn business in their phony nonsense about “social Justice”..which to them means I get a free TV or some new tires for my car….the Police aren’t allowed to do anything………You tell me how many looters and rioters in Minneapolis or Chicago were charged with ANY CRIMES…….virtually NONE….so folks, the people in Kenosha decided if the police were going to permit lawlessness…..then they would have to protect their own business’ and lives……..I feel pretty confident that we’ll see more and more of this, as ANTIFA and BLM routinely announce , that if they don’t get what they want…free stuff……they’ll take it.If the Police are powerless to enforce the law, the Citizens will have to.

    1. For evil to flourish, Good men do nothing. For too long corruption has ruled without consequence. We must fight and take care of our G-D-given rights, our country, and institutions. MAGA–AGAIN , Make America G-D – like Again !!!

  3. Want to hang the person defending himself but let the rioters out of jail that destroyed property. Oh and weren’t there some killed and raped during the riots? Oh but don’t think any of the ones that did that were put on trail!

  4. This kid traveled (with his Mom,yikes) to another state with a rifle he was not supposed to have, to “mingle” in a mob of BLM protesters. What could go wrong? He is guilty of murder. Period. This was no “self-defense” case to begin with.

  5. The child was innocent 1000% If he didn’t shoot first he would have been dead. Kyle was running away from the thugs. They had guns and were chasing him. Any Media who try to twist the truth will be arrested (Media are on a ticking time bomb anyway) They are the true enemies of America

  6. This is the fault of the communist democrat pedophile cult party in these cities that applauded the burning and looting of the rioters and did nothing to stop their illegal actions. SHAME ON THEM! These actions of the rioters and looters had nothing to do with protesting!

  7. Anyone who watched the trial knows Kyle acted in self defense. The leftist prosecutor is a political hack . Kenosha will burn again. That’s been the plan all along.

    1. Pretty amazing, you can burn and loot and pull people out of cars.

      But if you create an uproar in a store about a mask, the police will come and haul you away.

      I don’t know if our country is beyond a point of no return?

  8. It is nothing more than a PC show trial. The prosecutor is trolling for votes in the next election. Bass, Antifa and Ben & Jerry are fools.

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