The progressive town of Breckenridge, Colorado canceled the New Year’s Eve tradition of celebratory fireworks, claiming it sends “the right environmental message.”

Town spokeswoman Haley Littleton tells a local CBS affiliate the decision was earlier this year when they also canceled Independence Day fireworks “to ensure consistency and that we are sending the right environmental message.”

There is no scientific evidence whatsoever fireworks cause any serious ecological harm.

“The town of Breckenridge believes that there are better options moving forward to celebrate these holidays that have less of an environmental impact,” Littleton tells the Summit Daily newspaper.

Environmentalists have made banning fireworks a personal crusade, even if testifying at local meetings against harmless fireworks means driving for miles in electric cars powered by toxic heavy metals dug out of open pits by child labor.

In 2011 San Diego’s Independence Day fireworks were shut down by lawsuits from stopped by an environmentalist group.

“The lawsuit, filed in San Diego Superior Court, names the La Jolla [Community Fireworks Foundation], the nonprofit group Promote La Jolla and the city of San Diego, which environmentalists contend has failed to properly assess the ecological impacts of fireworks shows at La Jolla Cove and elsewhere,” The San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

“Concerns about fireworks fouling water have been simmering for years. They came to the forefront in December, when [attorney Will] Gonzalez’s legal challenges resulted in the cancellation of a New Year’s Eve pyrotechnic show in San Diego Bay.”

San Diego Bay is not only 12 square miles, but is part of the 64 million square mile Pacific Ocean, making it scientifically impossible for a fireworks show to harm the water.

Gonzalez is now an advocate for wind turbine corporations, which annually kill 39 million birds, including scores of critically endangered species.

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