Following Speaker Pelosi’s appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” host Margaret Brennan interviewed Ohio Republican Jim Jordan. 

Jordan took issue with the House Speaker calling President Trump an “imposter” but didn’t let up after that. (BizPac Review)

“Four facts will never change,” Jordan pointed out. “That’s the funny thing about facts — they don’t change. The fact that we have the transcript and there was no linkage of any type of security assistance dollars for an investigation in the call. We have two guys on the call, [Ukraine] President Zelensky said no pressure, no linkage. The Ukrainians did not know that their aid was held at the time of the call. And most importantly they didn’t do anything, any specific action or investigation to get the aid released.”

“What do the Democrats tell us? … There was a quid pro quo,” Jordan added. “The scary thing is, the Democrats have been out to get this president.”

“I was struck by listening to Speaker Pelosi’s comments, her answer to your second question, she used the word ‘imposter’ talking about the president of the United States,” he continued. “Who 63 million people voted for, who won an Electoral College landslide. And yet these Democrats have been trying to get him from the start of this Congress, Congresswoman Tlaib said she wants to impeach him before any evidence.”

“Five members, think about this,” Jordan concluded, “five members of the Democrat[s], five Democrat members on the intelligence committee have voted to move forward with impeachment even before the whistleblower complaint was filed.”


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