Fox News anchor Bret Baier suggested President Trump broke the law in real-time Friday when Trump tweeted attacks at ex-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch during her public testimony before the Intelligence Committee.

Baier joined other journalists, Democrats, and a few Republicans in suggesting the president’s tweets amount to witness tampering. (The Week)

Republicans’ first aim in Friday’s impeachment hearing was to avoid attacking Yovanovitch so she didn’t earn any more sympathy points from viewers. But Trump destroyed that strategy with one fell tweet, claiming “everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad,” naming her work in Somalia and then Ukraine as examples. House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) had Yovanovitch address the tweet, or “witness intimidation,” as he called it, and Yovanovitch agreed it was “very intimidating.”


In his live analysis for the Times, Schmidt concurred. “How are Trump’s tweets not witness tampering? She’s testifying. He’s attacking her. And now she has to respond to it,” he wrote. And, more surprisingly, Baier seemed to take Yovanovitch’s side as well.


A senior GOP source added to Baier’s speculation, telling Fox News correspondent Chad Pergram “we didn’t need that.” And Ken Starr, famously the author of the report that led to former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment, appeared on the network to condemn Trump for his “quite injurious” move, saying “sometimes, we have to control our instincts.”

Other Republicans and conservatives played off the accusation of witness tampering as laughable:

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  1. She was testifying and no way knew what he was tweeting until well after she was done testifying if what you want to call what she said was testifying. How is that witness tampering which is usually done before the person testifies and/or while testifying.

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