After a career of putting numerous people of color in prison for trivial offenses, Kamala Harris is back – this time with a plan that many argue would punish children and teachers.

Per Fox News:

On Wednesday, Harris, D-Calif., introduced legislation that would incentivize school districts to extend school days as a way of accommodating parents’ work schedules.

The Family Friends Schools Act would offer five-year, $5 million grants for schools to “develop high-quality, culturally relevant, linguistically accessible, developmentally appropriate academic, athletic or enrichment opportunities for students.”


Appearing on “Fox and Friends: Weekend” with hosts Ed Henry, Pete Hegseth, and Jedidiah Bila, Campos-Duffy argues that Harris’ legislation has been “put together by someone who didn’t talk to parents.”

She said that what parents want is not to extend the workday or “institutionalize” their kids but “what they want is options on maybe how do we make the workday shorter or more flexible?”

The average school day in America is between six and seven hours, typically ending by 3:00 pm. While extended learning can raise standardized test scores and allows additional time to be spent on artistic and athletic pursuits, there are some notable drawbacks, including:

  • Increased frustration and fatigue among students and teachers
  • Younger children lack the stamina for longer school days
  • Students spending less time with their families and friends
  • Students sleeping less
  • Teachers working significantly longer

How long should the average school day be? Let us know what you think!

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