WATCH: Rashida Tlaib wants to arrest White House Officials and detain them in Detroit.
— America Rising (@AmericaRising) October 4, 2019
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) made a stunning admission last week, namely that House Democrats are contemplating arresting members of the Trump administration who refuse to comply with their subpoenas. (Daily Wire)
“Let me tell you, this is pretty — and this is the last caucus conversation we had. Do you know this is really unprecedented? This is the worst time we’ve ever had a situation like this,” Tlaib said during a town hall meeting. “So they’re trying to figure out — no joke — they’re trying to figure out, ‘Well, is it the D.C. police that goes and gets them?’ No, no.”
“What are we hoping? I mean, I’m not in those kinds of conversations, but I’m asking, like, you know, what happens? And they’re like, ‘Well, Rashida, we’re trying to figure it out ourselves because this is uncharted territory,’” she continued. “No, I’m telling you that they’re trying to be like, ‘Well, where are we going to put them? Where are we going to hold them?’ No, I mean those are the kinds of things they’re trying to tread carefully.”
Accordingly, in an escalating effort to force White House officials to comply with congressional subpoenas, House Democrats have reportedly been reexamining holding those members of the administration in inherent contempt — a power that the legislature has not used since 1935.

Inherent contempt is the oldest enforcement technique Congress can use to enforce its subpoena power. Noncompliance results in fines or imprisonment.
Tlaib incorrectly suggested that the process could be enforced by the Washington, D.C. Police Department — the procedure actually only involves the chamber that is concerned. Following a contempt citation, the individual is arrested by the chamber’s sergeant-at-arms, and subsequently brought to the floor for punishment, which may include imprisonment.
These House Democraps should be arrested!
Sounds suspiciously as if Talieb & comany are trying to orchestrate a coup . This could backfire big time and Rashida might find herself in jail with her co-conspirators