CNN’s graphics team has created an “impeachment clock” to keep track of the number of Democrats who support getting rid of Trump.
Per BizPac Review:
The left-leaning network has an “impeachment clock” that has appeared behind anchors while they report. This “impeachment clock” counts the number of Democrats in support of ousting President Donald Trump.
The network has already received plenty of pushback for its “countdown clock.”
Jeez. CNN seems pretty excited for that “Impeachment countdown clock”
— Jon Nicosia (@NewsPolitics) September 24, 2019
I thought that was a count down of how many days CNN had left on air.
— ????????Payback is Coming (@CommieforniaMag) September 25, 2019
They should be very proud. The graphics are wonderful and you can distinctly see the number behind the anchor promoting this glorious event for the Democratic Party. Which we all know will crash and burn
— Grady Dixon (@DekonBluz56) September 25, 2019
@cnn with the impeachment clock countdown running! No there is no bias there. There is no inquiry, there was no vote in the floor! Democrats will rue the day on this. Congress is not above the law. Congress needs a tune up. This is why if he is impeached it’ll be all out war!
— Todd Alan Taco (@toddatobin_tx) September 25, 2019
Despite resisting calls from within the Democrat Party to begin an impeachment inquiry on Trump, Pelosi has now warmed up to the idea. She announced this week that the House would begin an impeachment inquiry on Trump based on a phone call where the president allegedly pressured Ukrainian officials to give him dirt on Joe Biden.
President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky have denied the accusations.