The Thomas More Law Center, a conservative public interest law firm, has uncovered an alleged Islamic propaganda campaign forced on teachers that leaves “Christianity disparaged and America bashed.”
WND further reports:
“We found that the teachers were subjected to two days of Islamic propaganda, where Islam was glorified, Christianity disparaged, and America bashed – all funded by … taxpayers,” said Richard Thompson, the chief counsel for the organization.
Thomas More became concerned about a mandatory, two-day, teacher-training seminar promoting Islam by a Muslim consultant hired for $5,000 by Michigan’s Novi Community Schools District.
The legal group filed Freedom of Information Act requests for documents about the indoctrination. It acquired confirmation that the district “presented no teacher-training seminars on Christianity, Judaism or any other religion.”
The “training” was conducted by Huda Essa, who calls herself an expert on “cultural competency.”
Essa’s audio presentation reportedly dismissed how a small percentage, but a large number, of radical Muslims pervert aspects of Islam to call for a caliphate and even wage terror.
She also claimed White Christian males are more dangerous than Islamic terrorists.
Essa’s message has also been presented to educators elsewhere in Michigan as well as Calfornia, Texas, Georgia, and Florida.