As a young girl, Whittney Williams lived in the United States illegally after her parents overstayed their visas.

Decades later, she’s running for Congress as a pro-Trump conservative in a Republican-leaning district taken over by a far-left Democrat last year.

The Daily Caller’s Jake Dima reports:

Williams – Director of Diversity for the 11th Congressional District Republican Committee – announced her aspirations to unseat Democratic Rep. Haley Stevens Monday. Stevens, who voted yes on a $15 federal minimum wage and co-sponsored a bill condemning president Trump’s “racist rhetoric,” may eventually have an unorthodox contender.

“I am running for Congress because I love our country, believe in the American Dream, and want to fight back against the radical left’s socialist agenda,” Williams said in a press release, “This country has given me everything, and I hope to have the opportunity to give back by defending the Constitution and our fundamental American values.”

Williams grew up in a poverty-ridden household in southern California born to Taiwanese parents who overstayed their visas. Her parents filled their fridge with 29 cent cheeseburgers from McDonald’s when times were tough — 39 cent cheeseburgers were a reward, she told the Daily Caller.

As a child, Williams saw firsthand how being an illegal immigrant had devastating impacts on herself and her family.

She learned English – starting by memorizing the Pledge of Allegiance.

“As a former illegal immigrant who lived in the shadows for 16 years, I know what that experience is like and wish it on no one. Congressional Democrats are lying to the American public – they would rather have open borders instead of actually solving the immigration crisis and supporting Dreamers like me.” Williams told the Caller, “They know the immigration crisis cannot be solved as long as they push their radical anti-American, anti-immigrant, and anti-Dreamer open border agenda. I support border security to put an end to this once and for all.” [emphasis added]

Williams’ opponent, Stevens, is a former Obama official. She prevailed last November in the Republican-leaning 11th District by seven points. Before that victory, the district had been represented by Republicans for 50 years.

(Video H/T Whittney Williams via YouTube)

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