Guards responsible for Jeffrey Epstein’s physical safety at New York’s Metropolitan Correctional Center mistakenly let another notorious inmate go free.

Their oversight came only days before the alleged serial predator’s suicide.

Per the New York Daily News:

The call that serial bank robber Michael Matthews wasn’t expecting came on Aug. 7 as he sat in his cell at Metropolitan Correctional Center — the same facility where accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was awaiting trial on charges of sexually abusing teenage girls.

Come down to my office, the counselor told Matthews, his family said. Once there, the career crook – whose robbery rap sheet goes back a quarter of a century – was handed a single-fare MetroCard and paperwork for him to sign off on his release.

Matthews, 58, who had served about eight years of a nine-year sentence on multiple bank robbery charges, didn’t ask questions – and MCC jail staff didn’t realize they just made a big mistake.

The seasoned convict had been in arrested in January after failing to report to a Brooklyn halfway house in September 2018, where he was sent to finish out his sentence, Brooklyn Federal Court documents show. He was also hit with charges for allegedly committing three more bank robberies while on the lam, prosecutors said — meaning he should never have walked out of MCC a free man.

That blunder came mere days before Epstein committed suicide. Officials admitted he had been taken off of suicide watch by guards, despite evidence he previously attempted to take his life after being denied bail. (RELATED: Journo Finds Bombshell in Epstein’s Flight Logs)

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