One of President Donald Trump’s most powerful liberal opponents is reeling after the release of a report revealing rampant racism and homophobia throughout the organization.
“The National Health Law Program, or NHeLP, was founded in 1969 to advocate for health care rights of underserved people,” POLITICO reports. “It has grown more prominent in the Trump era, taking on causes like fighting Medicaid work requirements.
Liberal organizations like NHeLP are targeting Trump with accusations he is racist and homophobic, but too often they are ones spreading hate.
“…(S)ome of its employees have described an environment allowing mistreatment of minority and LGBTQ employees, including instances of bullying black women; employees telling ‘off-color jokes’ about women and Jewish people; and a ‘sense of not belonging among LGBTQ staff,’ according to a 2018 assessment on its workplace culture obtained by POLITICO.”
A 53-page report confirming the allegations was presented to NHeLP leaders in January 2018, but numerous current and former employees tell POLITICO little has been done to stop the culture of abuse.
“They say we hear you and we understand you but then don’t see results,” said one employee, who asked to remain unidentified.
The report mirrors findings of other investigations into liberal groups founded to accuse conservatives of racism.
One of the most prominent “anti-racist” liberal organizations is the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has made millions of dollars producing “reports” accusing mainstream conservative organizations of being “hate groups.”
But its founder, Morris Dees, was forced to resign this March after years of reports of racist and sexist abuse of employees.
“Dees was reportedly fired at a time when SPLC staff was complaining about alleged racism and sexism within the organization, which purportedly seeks to end hate and discrimination,” Daily Wire’s Ashe Schow reports. “As the Times reported, the leadership of SPLC is ‘predominantly white.'”
The SPLC’s statement firing its founder indicates a “climate” of racism and sexism within the organization.
“Today we announced a number of immediate, concrete next steps we’re taking, including bringing in an outside organization to conduct a comprehensive assessment of our internal climate and workplace practices, to ensure that our talented staff is working in the environment that they deserve — one in which all voices are heard and all staff members are respected,” said SPLC President Richard Cohen.
It’s not the first time the SPLC has been accused of the very racism it claims to fight.
PJ Media reports:
In February 1994, Dan Morse ran a series of articles in the Montgomery Advertiser exposing the SPLC’s leadership problems.
“Outside the Southern Poverty Law Center, a stunning civil rights memorial honors those who died to give blacks more opportunities. Inside, no blacks have held top management positions in the center’s 23-year history, and some former employees say blacks are treated like second-class citizens,” Morse wrote.
Morse contacted 13 black former SPLC staffers, and 12 said they either experienced or observed racial problems in the organization. Three recalled hearing racial slurs, three compared the SPLC to a plantation, and two said they had been treated better at predominantly white corporate law firms. Only three said the SPLC did not treat them worse than any other workplace.
According to internal memorandums, staffers accused Morris Dees of being a racist and making black employees feel “threatened.”
Only one African American was ever among the SPLC’s top five wage-earners and, before leaving, he was also one of merely two black staff attorneys in the legal advocacy organization’s history.