Despite a scandal and a stint in jail, Joe Morrissey won his primary in Virginia’s safely Democratic 16th Senate District – sending a clear signal to the party’s moderate wing.

Riding an anti-establishment wave, liberal primary voters sent a high-profile state Senator home in exchange for delegate Morrissey.

A disbarred defense attorney, Morrissey spent six months in jail after pleading guilty to having sex with his 17-year-old receptionist. Morrissey was 56 at the time. The two are now married. (Fox News)

Despite denying the wrongdoing, he pleaded guilty in 2015 to a misdemeanor, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and admitted that prosecutors had enough evidence for a conviction. [emphasis added]

The Democrat spent six months in jail for the crime but managed to continue serving in the state legislature during the sentence.

Republicans immediately jumped on Morrissey’s victory in the primary, tweeting a mock congratulatory note and adding “You’ll fit right in with [Virginia Lt. Gov.] Justin Fairfax,” referring to sexual misconduct allegations against Fairfax by two separate women.


But despite the past legal problems, voter strongly endorsed Morrissey’s platform that consists of a number of progressive measures, including higher minimum wage and marijuana decriminalization.

BONUS STORY: The Top 5 Democrat Sex Scandals >>

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