The anti-gun Left is getting more and more extreme these days.

The Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra explains:

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) caused a firestorm on Friday when he suggested using nuclear weapons against American citizens who oppose his far-left gun control agenda, which includes forcing Americans to give up their semi-automatic weapons.

Swalwell made the comment in response to a May news article on his radical plan that was widely recirculated on Twitter on Friday in which he called for a $15 billion government program to confiscate millions of guns from Americans.


Swalwell responded to the tweet by writing: “And it would be a short war my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they’re legit. I’m sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities.”


Swalwell’s remark set off a firestorm online:


The California representative later admitted in a tweet to the NRA’s Dana Loesch that he hopes to confiscate all semi-automatic weapons in the United States:


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