New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo got an unexpectedly chilly reception at a legendary Midtown charity dinner last night, while President Trump’s outgoing U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, received universal acclaim from the room. (New York Post)
As de Blasio arrived on stage and headed toward his seat, Cuomo turned his head and jumped out of his seat. He then briskly walked away to greet other dignitaries nearby who were already seated — never making eye contact with de Blasio, who was shaking hands with former Mayor David Dinkins and other political allies.
Event organizers seated the governor and mayor near each other, only separating them at the dinner table with powerhouse real estate broker Mary Ann Tighe.
It took more than two hours before the governor and mayor had any interaction on stage. As the event ended, Cuomo tapped de Blasio — who was looking the other way — on his back, as if to say goodbye, while briskly heading off stage. Hizzoner nodded back.
Most other guests received huge cheers, including former Mayor Mike Bloomberg, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and outgoing United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, the keynote speaker at the event, which is meant to serve as a good-natured roast.