While it’s good to show your enthusiasm for conservative candidates, we should note there are far more effective ways leading up to Election Day to motivate undecideds and low-propensity voters.
According to the seminal Donald Green and Alan Gerber Get Out the Vote study, there is a hierarchy for voter contacts, in terms of effectiveness:
1.) Door-to-door (Gold Standard): This does not necessarily mean you have to go door-to-door. Topography and population density can make going door-to-door almost impossible in some places. However, a social event; e.g., a concert, can be held at a centralized location and volunteers can work the crowd.
2.) Phone Calls, which are far more effective when you have dedicated, trained volunteers as opposed to paid workers.
3.) Direct mail (personalized)
4.) Social Media (personalized)
5.) Email (personalized)
6.) Personalized messages tailored to targeted individuals based on the issues that are important to them. They are only possible if the campaign has a sufficient database.
7.) Personalized notes (preferably in cursive)
8.) Public events
9.) House parties/meet and greets, which can be far more effective if you turn them into a door-to-door experience.
10.) TV/radio, print advertisements are at the bottom (all the studies show they have the least efficacy)
Signs do not make the list. People who are undecided don’t even notice them.